ITT: Shit movies you love

ITT: Shit movies you love.

Any movie where the test audiences rightfully call foul on a shitty character surviving is A-OK in my book.




>Shit movie
>got me into vore
Come on it's solid

>hot british chick sacrifices herself FOR NO FUCKING REASON at the end of the movie

>fucking LL COOL J survives just so he can make another unfunny joke

So fucking mad. Ruined the movie. 5/10.

>dumb bitch who ruined everything and got everyone killed gets what's coming to her
>cool badass chef who didn't ask for this survives
>being mad about any of this
Sup Forumscuck please

Is that in regards to Deep Blue Sea? What do you mean?


>cool badass chef
>LL Cool J

Pick one. He was literally the worst character in the entire movie.

I pick cool badass chef with reference to LL Cool J

>not appreciating the subversion of the black guys dying in horror movies

Especially how L. Jackson's character dies earlier in the film, the audience expects LL to die too because that always happens.

Deep Blue Sea is underrated desu. It's a horror movie that also manages to have humor and it goes against expectations of the audience.

>Worst character
>Saffron Burrows' character started the whole mess

Agreed. Deep Blue Sea is one of my favorites, far from shit.


>Is that in regards to Deep Blue Sea? What do you mean?

Test audiences didn't like that the scientist chick who was responsible for the entire mess survived in the original ending so it was changed so that she got eaten and Jane and Cool J survived.

>>not appreciating the subversion of the black guys dying in horror movies

I never got this, the whole meme is supposed to be "black guy dies first!" but that almost never happens, and is predominately caucasian characters, black characters actually have a better track record of surviving almost to the credits in horror movies.

I just don't get it. He had one funny line about omelettes. He just was not funny.

The CGI in this movie is so bad too. I remember the DVD extras where Harlin said "you won't be able to tell the difference" - except when the characters magically become PS2-era models.

>Deep Blue Sea
Definitely one of mine.

It was pretty good for its time. You have to remember that this came out in 1999, just like Phantom Menace. Also Deep Blue Sea did use practical sharks as well.

the practical sharks looked great. I wish they would have used them exclusively.

Also I guess sharks in this movie know how to operate ovens because that's how one of them tries to kill LL Cool J, the tricky devil.

sharks > raptors

>Also I guess sharks in this movie know how to operate ovens

werent they supposed to be smart as fuck or something

pretty funny though

On How did this get made, they said the reason why the science lady dies at the end is because test audiences believed everything was ultimately her fault and she deserved to die. LL Cool J was died in the original cut.

Kino as fuck
Too bad they killed off dinklage so early

No nudity, but for some reason I watched tgis scene over and over..


I really non-ironically love this film and have seen it more times than I care to admit.

my gf bought some random box of like 40 movies and this was in there

i hated every second

writing: A+
acting: F------------
overall: not shit

>my hat is like a shark's fin
what did he mean by this?