How do we deal with the game of reddit faggots ruining whats left of this board?
How do we deal with the game of reddit faggots ruining whats left of this board?
kill them
/tvg/ when?
i had like 70 threads last night i just want GOT fags to leave already
Good luck with that. Janni will delete any threads opposed to GoT. Especially this thread.
I don't get it, why don't they just post in the "official threads" instead of making their own?
You're already using filters like a sane human being, so don't forget to take your meds and just wait a few days.
also, sage for meta thread
Leave Sup Forums if you can't deal with the GoT posting.
We run this place now. Chinese moot and the jannies are with us.
>Board is about television and film
>Most popular show on TV
>Bitch about people talking about said show on a board dedicated to discussion of television and film.
You autists crack me up.
Because theyre literal retards.
TWD is just as popular and more people watch it you don't see those faggots shitting up the pace after an episode
GoT isn't the most popular show on TV.
>waah waah why is no one replying in the thread I made about some shitty movie, show or uninteresting subject!
This /prayercircle/ is pathetic, kys.
That's not it at all. It's snowflake-ism. They can't just post their shitty repeated disposable opinions in somebody else's thread. They have to make their own thread so they can feel important.
>wasn't here for Lost
>wasn't here for breaking bad
>wasn't here for Star Wars TFA
It's almost like you're a complete newfag or something
How is it that /who/ can stay exactly within their general, despite being just as autistic a fandom, yet GoT fans feel the need to make a thread for every question, every character, every scene, every rumour?
If you don't see this as an issue then I'm guessing you're either a part of this problem or not a regular Sup Forums poster. I mean seriously is that your best defense for being a game of thrones spammer? Bella Thorne threads invoke conversation too don't they princess, shall we start up some? Think before you post lest you embarrass yourself even more.
Maybe he was, and complained back then as well.
LOST didn't kick and scream for a general thread
Breaker Bad didn't kick and scream for a general thread
SW7 didn't kick and scream for a general thread
I mean were you even fucking here for the first two or did you just see other people parroting the same garbage excuse?
The official generals are to be banned in the off-season, so prepare for even more spam.
This. I'm guessing it's something they do on Reddit as well, since most of them come from there.
Because they want Sup Forums to be their chatroom
Takes one to know one ;)
Muh sikrit speshul snowflakk club!
OPs post has to do with the sheer number of GoT threads ATM.
>tfw no qt INFP shitposting feminist girlfriend
make another thread
Do you think Sup Forums is a secret club and thats why you came here?
>gets mad about threads
>doesn't realize he's the Reddit fag
Do you really think threads like this and pic related are being created by people who genuinely want to discuss the show? Or do you think these type of threads are being created by shitposters who enjoy fanning the flames of hate, and piling onto the problem for shits and giggles?
This type of posts always scream "hi everyone im a newfag!"
fuck off with your desu weeb shit
Forgot pic
See >How is it that /who/ can stay exactly within their general, despite being just as autistic a fandom, yet GoT fans feel the need to make a thread for every question, every character, every scene, every rumour?
Hmm, that thread does seem oddly direct.
most of them yes they seem very serious
How do you filter threads?
I reported the thread starter. If you don't want to talk about tv get the fuck off of Sup Forums
>what's left of this board
You mean nothing?
>mfw this is the very last time I come on Sup Forums, I will lurk on /k/ and /o/ and /diy/ from now on.
This board is dead. Cancer killed it. You should leave it too if you care about your sanity.
Normally I'd say they're cross-posting redditors who use Sup Forums as their toilet. They can't get away with shitposting and edgelordism on reddit because they're namefag karma-farmers.
However, it's just as likely they're contrarian Sup Forums shitposters because they know it rustles jimmies. The tail wagging the dog.
Go to the movies/tv shows subreddit of your choosing and discuss at length the redeeming qualities of your favourite media
i think advertisement has the biggest part in this.
your'e right of course. I'm just saying EVERY GoT thread (both positive and negative) outside the general is cancerous. To me its ALL shitposting.
>MOM they won't stop posting it!!
It's either this or the endless capeshit threads. At least game of thrones is some what good.
It's like Sup Forums would discuss naruto and one piece all day long.
spam bane threads to bump all the gotshit to page 11
Haha what a funny joke! that'll show those HBO haters for sure! 2 shekels for you!
How do you feel about cunnyfags?
Allow us to have our general threads back during the offseason, then ban anyone who posts GoT related threads outside of it. Then we both win.
Kek. One day threads with actual discussion of films will get more than 10 posts.
When did Jesse kill that dog?
How bout go back to plebbit?
Fuck off, retard.
Does it really need to be advertised? And why advertise here when people that frequent Sup Forums are probably most likely to stream or torrent the show anyway?
>endless capeshit threads
If there's anything that rustles my jimmies it's this. Most times those threads don't even have easily identifiable, filterable terms in them.
Fuck off, pedo.
Go back to redit or whatever forum you crawled out of. Sup Forums isn't your chatroom
>I am old and have wasted a lot of my years on the site Sup Forums, upvote me :)
>Does it really need to be advertised? And why advertise here when people that frequent Sup Forums are probably most likely to stream or torrent the show anyway?
Ask Hiro the japanese businessman.
Could you let him answer?
best post I've read on here in a long time
>I can't post my bane memes and pure kino movie reviews it stop!