Eternal /got/ general

/got/ is still alive and so are they edition

Other urls found in this thread:

azor hotpie

lyanna mormont is killed by euron in episode 3 of season 7

This is why /got/ gets banned in the off season.

I don't think it'll take Dany much effort to take King's Landing. All she has to do is show up with her fleet, say "I'm not Cersei", and everyone will immediately turn to her because literally nobody likes her except for Gregorstein and Qyburn.

What will happen after Dany becomes Queen of Westeros? Is she going to battle Jon, marry him and fight with him against the Others, or will Jon just become warden of the north to avoid a battle and secure th south's support against the others?

What did the Mountain do to the nunny?

We're here in other thread, keep this one bumped and we can migrate here after the other one hits bump limit

Jon will team up with the white walkers to defeat Dany.

He's fucking a whore onscreen in one of the scenes in the early seasons.

The fuck is this? Is this a penis, a scar and weird belly button, some wird body modification that millenials like so much?

Well memed

A penis, this is Bailey Jay, a tranny pornstar. You would probably be called a newfag for now knowing her here.

>season 7
>episode 3

checked and confirmed

lol sorry for almost getting you and all of your men killed :^)


Piss off Sansa.

Literally done nothing of worth for 6 fucking seasons. So much screen time wasted.

Poor Mace, he quite literally did nothing wrong.

It's okay sis. I should have listened to your non-advice.

Lyanna died because she lost the will to live

>tfw Slaver's/Dragon's Bay is now controlled by the Red Temple and policed by sellswords

thank you mhysa

The show is going to end with this man sitting on the iron throne. Screenshot this.

-t. slept with GRRM

She'd better make it up to Jon with more than just words

I would marry Lady Olenna in a heartbeat

post good music from got soundtrack
doesn't have to be from season 6


Did you see all the sand around the tower?

>-t. slept with GRRM
Sibel Kekili the funny hoare is that you?

Stay true, Branbro.

Dany A Best

>stern yet forgiving
>naive yet curious



>forgives salsa for obliterating his army
>exiles the person who ressurected you for burning some diseased girl that some pedo likes

Anyone else /azorjon/ after this season? Kit's acting has been great this whole season and Jon's destiny as AA is slowly unraveling.

Enough to make some sweet pottery.

Could he have saved smirkfu?

1st for the only Sexy Strong Woman


What were they thinking when they cast this guy as Ned?

>Lyanna died giving birth to a Targaryen
>Joanna died giving birth to Tyrion


>AAND WHO ARE YOU starts playing

So, is he going to bring down the wall or what? Benjenhands said he couldn't pass the wall, but if Bran's mark negates the magic, wouldn't he be able to get through?

How long before she bends the hip to King Baelish?

any aussies help me with my shitty optus net? moved house last week, have been sitting in an empty house trying to get net to work. All they keep telling me day after day is to turn off the modem and turn it back on again.
This is killing me, literally organised to have net done before we moved. We did so. It's still fucked.. FUCK.
I'm going to book something so an optus employee comes around just so I can drown him after breaking his legs.

More like two lies and a truth, stupid bitch

i'm literally just watching the show in hopes that theon, jorah, the hound, jaime and davos get happy endings, and that Bran is actually important to the story in some way



I can never fucking tell what Littelfinger and Sansa's expressions are trying to convey

he said "NAUTIUNZ" the best

Nuke these shitty generals mods. Full of retarded waifu fags and redditors. The show isn't airing anymore.

that would be better than obvious jon/danny vs others route


Jon Dany Tyrion riding into the sunset with dragon ponies

based Maisie thread

thank you OP

Nah, he'll be too busy trying to fuck Daenerys and her invasion fleet on the other side of the world.

>not posting the flying one

"I never really was on your side"

/day saved

If anyone thinks Sansa will actually get with CIA, you haven't been paying attention.

Her complaints to Jon were that he didn't ask for her advice or insights, he admitted he was wrong and was willing to listen to her.

Littlefinger doesn't ever ask sansa jackshit, has Donthos take her without having told her shit, uses her to deliver poison without telling her shit, arranges a marriage for her without telling her and she had to directly ask him and figure out herself why they were at Moat Cailin, has a fantasy of ruling the kingdoms with Sansa at his side without asking her if she even wants to be with him much less rule the Seven Kingdoms being his trophy wife. If she has problems with Jon, she has WAY bigger problems with Littlefinger.

they knew that naueet ens

>no targ white hair
>white wolf


Dailey reminder

>arya literally killed 3 freys
you fucking retard can't you count?

He raped her. He murdered her. He killed her children.

because they actually do look alike faget

lol sorry for charging like an absolute retard and getting 80% of my army killed :^)

>Implying she didn't get Littlefingered on those long carriage rides they took together

I love the irony of Baelish sitting in the room during all this when he's the one who got Ned killed
Cat killed
Robb killed

fuck it, everyone killed

the fuck does little finger want the throne for??

Why do they have the same boots?

There is no proof that Jon is Lyanna's son.

would fugg desu familia


It's all so predictable, everything is simplified into oblivion.

Dany will go to Westeros and ally up with Mama Tyrell and Sneks to form a feminist army and quickly take down the Lannisters, Jaime kills Cersei (her mad rule and him objecting to it will be a plot next season). Meanwhile the WW break through and Jon + Sansa + Arya + Bran fight them. They get BTFO and have to move south and meet up with Dany + Tyrion and together they beat the WW in a massively ebin CGI battle where Dumb&Dumber try to beat LOTR. After they win Dany and Jon marry and decide they will rule as equals, Sansa gets the north, Arya and Bran dies.

What characters are left? Jaime will take the black after killing Cersei, Sam might die fighting the WW and Brienne probably likewise, defending Sansha. CIA and Theon are the only ones I don't know what will happen to.

He'll be the one to convince Dany to ally with Jon to fight the Night King.

only walder sr was on her list you dense piece of shit

Can anyone explain me how the fuck the snakes still ruling Dorne without any problem after what clearly is a "coup d'état" from these greedy bitches? I'm sure their claim on the throne is almost nonexistent right? Ellaria is a bastard, she never was even married to Oberon Martell and her daughter are bastards as well. And nobody give a fuck about it? Are the dornish retarded?

She's not gonna fuck him

It looks like an "oh shit he's pissed and already planning something isn't he?"

Keep in mind he wants to be King of the seven Kingdoms, can't be king if Jon is King in the North

Their heads don't look properly connected to their necks. Like a doll.

>take care of little sister while being chased around for your entire life as a teenager
>forced to live as a beggar while you remember perfectly the glory of your house
>eventually see an opportunity to marry sister to a foreign horselord and be able to restore the family's name
>sister actually turns out to not even be unhappy but she becomes a huge bitch
>literally zero respect despite all you've done for her
>all the pressure for honoring your family and reconquering their kingdoms makes you rather irascible
>tricked by a bear jew into offending the horselord and die in a terribly painful way
>become a footnote in history books as a selfish asshole with no redeeming qualities

Good goy

will alt shift x finally get red pilled after this episode

normos need to know.


There are another two seasons, fambly

>she can't just add people to her list

I've lost mine long ago, why am I not dead yet?


Wouldn't Danny want to kill Jamie for backstabbing her father?

Cersei is so fucking sexy now

because they were both potato

Don't forget that the dragon has 3 heads. Some Targ needs to take over the Lannisters.

How long until the Winged Wolf flies?


He wants to reach the highest possible position cause he started at the bottom and higher dudes like Brandon got the things he wanted


He tried to listen her, she just didn't tell him about littlefinger's army

why is some autist trying to force this

If Jon Snow has any brains at all he'll wait for 4 years and marry her.

About a year or so, I imagine.

>*Le epic invasive tries-too-hard anachronistic piano music intensifies*