Geez user, you talk about pain and stress? Us woman give birth to children! You do not even know what pain does mean...

>Geez user, you talk about pain and stress? Us woman give birth to children! You do not even know what pain does mean. Get with it and grow up!!!

What's your response Sup Forums



>when you demand recognition for something 52% of the population can do, and mostly does.

you're three holes and a face. if one of them gives me an heir, that doesn't mean you're worth a damn thing.

I'd pullout a razor blade and challenge them to a pain contest.

Bitches don't know about testicular torsion.

Tits or GTFO

oh yeah? How many did u birth? Cuz i already worked multiple jobs and already had to face rejections.

By giving birth it shows you are able to find a mate, try the pain of being an overweight NEET forever alone virgin.

>...and have not done yourself

>Bitch, if you don't shut your mouth and get into that kitchen you will learn what pain is!

>best answers so far

This. And I've had it. With bad results. Also women don't know what it feels like to lose one of your nuts.

>no one forced you to have a fucking child you stupid bitch

how many kids have you had

shut your fucking mouth

>By giving birth it shows you are able to find a mate
>implying you need to have a soulmate to give birth to an aborted piece of shit whom becomes the embodiment of the father; an obese piece of human-trash that does nothing all days

You might wanna reconsider

>a hole gives you a heir
You don't know much biology, do you?

>taking anything on Sup Forums literally
Where all you fuckers come from?


I was in a bad mood but this thread cheered me up.
People trying to out pathetic on another.

>Geez user, you talk about orgasms and pleasure? Us men enjoy the best of sex! You do not even know what pleasure means. Get with it and grow up!!!

I suffer for horton/clusterheadach. Even labored women have said its worse than giving a birth

Fucking this

Making babies is your only use. Shitty companions, physically weak, lack logic or reason. Whiny, bitchy, you have one job. Don't bitch about the ONE thing that makes you useful.

Ovarian torsion.

>Listening to you open your mouth and speak is more painful than anything I've ever heard of.

>thats not as painful as being forced to pay you to raise my children to be as worthless as you are

Giving birth is pretty painful and women do have a higher pain tolerance in general but kidney stones are still worse.



Everyone feels pain, and I'll have sympathy for you when you birth a child. But please, for the moment, all I need is a little human contact and empathy.


I've been hit by a hit and run driver, limped five miles with a broken leg and four cracked ribs through a snowstorm to get to the nearest hospital, went right back to work two days later so I'd be able to pay off my hospital bills, and didn't take the painkillers they prescribed to me because they affected my ability to do my job right. But oh, I'm so sorry for you having to lay there in a bed doped up on a cocktail of carefully measured painkillers to do a thing half of all adult humans throughout time have done.

A kick in the nuts (in pain units) equals to giving birth to 160 children at once
>gg woman, you played yourself

natural birth is also a thing

That idiots do.

I have had kidney stones multiple times. Fuck off, you're uneducated about the scale of pain. Most women have pain reducing drugs shortly after contractions begin, I have to wait hours before the stone is confirmed unless I want to humiliate myself by making a fucking scene going into the ER.

>implying natural birth is painless

shit happens, don't always make to a hospital ya dink. or some hippie raw vegan organic granola woman isn't into meds to alter the supreme goddess passage of fertility.

im pretty sure my response is that passing a kidney stone is worse and the source is women who have experienced both, and men have a higher chance of getting them, did i win? oh whats that she still wont fuck me? uhhh well women have life harder than men i guess, yeah totally, now suck that dick.

>implying that my post implied what you are implying

Aka idiots. You've had nine fucking months to prepare for this day and you can't get to the hospital? We're you dropped on your head or something? As for the granola goddess shit, honestly if someone thinks like this they deserve all the pain they get.

Ask her if she has had children.

>implying implications from vlad the implier in his his grand court of implicatory findings during the season of implicatorix, god of implications.

Call me when you pass a kidney stone.

That's the opposite of what he was implying.

said it before i could.


*pump myself with heroin then look over to her vagina*
"bitty bumpa do?"

Fuck off, having chronic kidney stone is what hurts.

my response is the same as always



It's your choice. Kidney stones and test. torsion isn't.
Also think of the pain of the fathers when they need to pay the alimony, because women just want to fuck up men.

wow you must have infinite experience on incubating a human in your body huh, because that shit is a fine tuned machine that runs on your say so?

shit happens, early birth or and sporadic complications.

or even demographic of the mother, accessibility to a hospital, etc.

to each their own, choosing a natural birth or just rejecting the epidural (which can cause palatalization or death, and effect the baby as well) is a personal choice.

you don't understand women at all bro

they have to concentrate on forming each cell for the first 18 months of their pregnancy

after that they then have to subliminally teach the baby how to receive nutrition from the umbrelacal chord

this is not easy as you might think because they have to whisper it to the child with their uterus

this is why women have uvulas.

next time don't be such an uncaring lug and take time to appreciate the miracle that is the female body.

impressive trolling good sir