ITT: We work at the World Trade Center

ITT: We work at the World Trade Center

Date: September 11, 2001 8:49 a.m. (North Tower, 3 minutes after being struck by the plane)


>Searching for user
Anon! Where are you?!

Help, i can't find my fucking cocaine

these beams aren't melting much.

Should have said that the plane hits when someone gets trips.

fucking elevator, hurry up

Wow, what a beautiful morning! I hope I don't get killed horribly today by my own government's false flag terrorism.

Wow those destruction guys did a great job setting up the explosives. Wonder what its for

oh cool, fireworks!

>late to work
>spills coffee on my suit
>locked my keys in my car
>think to myself, the Jews did this
>think to myself, this day cannot possibly get any worse

oh fuck, find the stairs, fuck the women and children!!

You motherfuckers fucked up a good opportunity to get someone prominent to question the official 9/11 story and expose the conspiracy. Why didn't you morons use Trump to investigate 9/11, since he was considered an outsider of the political mob? But, no, you had to be stupid and fuck that up. Now he's controlled, he will be a puppet for them now. Can't you tell?

I ain't even mad. You'll learn the hard way now.

An attack? But this is America. Everbody is scared of us. Why they do this? Please help us, anyone?

I can barely see... 4 4 6 21 23


There's two of us in this office, we're not ready to die, but it's getting bad.

Down the stairs we go. Double quick time.


I feel the building I'm standing inside is falling and now crashing 88 stories to the ground, but everything will be alright because my white privilege will save me.


Fuck this shit... FREE RAPE TIME! Kimberly, where are you?


I could actually imagine there must have been at least one office nutjob that murdered someone knowing they were all going to die anyway, but revenge- revenge is a dish best served, hours before the thermite charges detonate.

Dumbasses there were only 2 towers

Fuck, fuck, fuck, why won't this shredder go faster? I have to destroy the documents from my ponzie scheme and insider trading and when thats done I still have to destroy my hard drive and the server backups.

I know jet fuel won't melt the steel beams so the building wont collapse, but I won't be able to get back in here to do it later and there's gonna be a full investigation of everyone's shit afterwards. I'm gonna end up in fuckin prison when they go through all my stuff if I can't destroy it all now.


(Sitting on the toilet)
>oh god i knew i shouldnt have gone to taco bell last night