Why was this show so popular among young women?

Why was this show so popular among young women?

stronk womyn escaping the clutches of the evil patriarchy


>le stronk womyn blacked cuck REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

that's the only response you're going to get

That's all the show is desu.

Because they think it's about female power I guess.

Sup Forums isn't that different in that regard.

Is there anything Marvel can't do?

That is all that load of shit was though.

Make something decent without making dumb decisions like quips and filler

Retards think anything with a female protagonist is feminist propaganda

Because it triggered insecure young """"""""""men""""""""

They should have more female characters in their movies and officially partner with BLACKED, think of all the $$$ they'll make.

>What is Daredevil
>What is Winter Soldier
>What is Incredible Hulk

Not a quip in sight and universally acknowledged as the best.

Was it better than Jackie Brown?

>full of filler
>plenty of quips
incredible hulk was good but they went in the opposite direction with the following movies

The show was literally about a woman trying to escape the clutches of a white man with the help of her black boyfriend.

Louis Cuck King right?

Because David Tennant made her a sex slave

This blacked meme needs to die, senpai. I got all excited looking at tumblrinas pages about this show. It was only David Tennant, not one sex gif except in white cucks' porn blogs

Being a black robot would be tolerable, falling from that height of expectations made it worse.

toby honest, everytime they try to milk a good movie they fuck up the sequel.
>Thor was succesful so they fuck up Thor 2 by adding more Loki and quips.
>Iron Man is succesful so instead of improving we will fuck up the sequels.
>The Winter Soldier was succesful because SHIELD and other heroes were here, not because of a good storyline, so let's put more heroes in Cap 3 plus Whedon quips!1!!!!
Don't expect GOTG 2 to be better than the first one.

Because David Tennant and secret rape fantasies.

Empowered woman getting BLACKED in Jew York.