Mfw trump promised to drain the swamp but fills it with Soros Goldman Sachs elite

>mfw trump promised to drain the swamp but fills it with Soros Goldman Sachs elite

Secretary of Treasury: Steve Mnuchin
>elite billionaire
>Goldman Sachs banker
>executive of Soros owned SFM capital management
>worked directly in Soros Fund Management

>mfw centipedes realize they just elected a monarchy of elites
>mfw trump drowned the entire country in swamp

Other urls found in this thread:


obviously, he's a man made entirely of poop, a poopman

Nice thread shill

Let me shit it up even more for you


Nobody wanted him in because they believed yet another politician. Actually quite a few did I suppose, but that's the beauty of this election.

He's the mystery candidate, nobody knows what will happen. Most Americans are sick of the shit being shoveled onto us that they stopped caring all together.

Trump is simply as Moore pointed out, a big fuck you to the establishment. A double edged sword the people were willing to use to get a message across.

To this end the election already accomplished it's goal. We already got what we wanted from it, a nice kick in the SJW balls

I thought CTR stop getting paid to come here? Oh well

>$0.10 has been added to your account

You're whining about this with someone like Trump? Imagine the cabinet Hillary would be assembling right now if she won. Perspective, OP. Gain some.

6 hours????

It's amazing how nobody can criticise trump now Southoe being called a "paid shill" by some 18 year old ignoramus. Fucking kys.

>greentexting on reddi....

really corrected my record

lol trump voters are so stupid. this man has zero political experience. hes just hiring whoever is closest to him tricking him into hiring them for he job now.

you should try reading or gaining critical thinking skills sometime before your 16th birthday

Younger people would have been the ones to have vote for hillary for the most part. Blame your own generation for your bullshit

To be fair millennials are being educated and indoctrinated largely in part by ex-hippies.

They don't get this shit from just anywhere, they're being taught as we speak this shit in universities.

The same thing trains of thought that get them to vote for somebody like Hilary based solely on the fact that she would be the first woman president is the same thing being taught at gender studies courses and "diversity" classes.

This is a shitty shilling/troll thread and if you post below the line you need to kill yourself. If dubs you must stream.

>believing anything Trump says...



We will build a great swamp, a tremendous swamp, it will be the biggest swamp you have ever seen!

>Being so butthurt that you can't accept the results of an election weeks after the fact

Millenials are actually learning from a lot more sources than older generations were. They have access to a lot more information than anyone before them. And idk if you know this, but all of that bullshit about "cis-gender" and diversity that they spew online is a small percentage of them, which they also outgrow pretty early. It's just dominant online, because they actually make their opinions seen.

As much as you want to believe your generation is better than the newer ones, they know more than you do.

also.. where does the hand on barrons ass come from?

I accept the results just fine.

>Most Americans

20% of the population voted for him

>a big fuck you to the establishment
>proceeds to appoint strictly establishment cabinet ministers

Trump needs to pay of his debt somehow.
In England I think the expression is "Jobs for the boys"

that's his special handler

How much does your Führer pay you for these posts you rat?

Bullshit, he did the same thing that every politician does. He promised people things that they wanted and enough people believed him.


They have access to more information but that doesn't mean the information being peddled to them is accurate or completely free of impurities such as logical fallacies.

In fact that's the reason WHY they act like they do. They're told that everybody is equal and everybody is a winner so they get to adulthood and now they're faced with a problem; politics.

Not everyone is a winner. They can't accept that because they've been told their entire life that they can have it all. It is of course a minority that believes the extreme shit, but the tactics they use are used primarily to shame the masses into believing what they do.

>If you like Trump you're a racist because he doesn't like mexicans

That is something you would hear from the average Hilary supporter (more than half the US population). This is just one example of many. All Trump actually said on the matter is that he wanted to build a wall and enforce our border laws. This somehow translates to racism.

You're mistaken if you believe it's dominant online, I have the unfortunate lot where I need to go to Portland colleges of all places, and I can tell you without a doubt it's prevalent outside of the internet, in the main stream.

Our own media sources are complacently pushing the "Trump is racist" narrative, how can you still say it's only the minority?

he was only the mystery candidate if you had your head up your ass.

you only thought trump was anti "the system" if you have no idea how the system works. trump IS the system. the 1% inheritance billionaire owners are the ones fucking you. you couldnt even recognize that.

the system LOVES when you blame tumblr sjws and muslims for your problems. because thats not whos benefiting off your loss. the owners, investors, bankers are the ones making out when you lose. you voted for the quintessential banker.

again, you did not vote fuck you to the system that screwed you. you voted fuck you to the ghosts that you think screwed you. you used your vote as a hatred outlet because your feels were hurt.

Projections from the United States Elections Project show that there were 231,556,622 Americans eligible to vote, but 135,557,845 voted. That means that 41.5 percent didn't vote, while 58.5 percent did.

What if Donald has a gun next to his back all the time and he tried to warn us by saying the elections are rigged and this and he didn't really want to be a president but the electoral college forced him wouldnt that be a good movie?

Did you even read what I said? I said some people believed him. Those people will obviously never learn and they are on both sides, but they aren't the deciding factor in elections in my opinion. Reason being that gullible fucks exist and they will always vote for whoever promises them the most things that they want.

But there is more than one group of people who voted obviously. Using generalizations for half the country is a good basis for piss poor rational.

>The 1% are behind it all!
I'm pretty sure the system actually loves it when the only thing they need to do to get half the country's vote is call the opposing candidate racist.

Ironically you're the one with your head up your ass here. Almost every large media outlet on the face of the planet is pointing to Hilary Clinton telling us she is the best for the job and you want to call Trump the establishment?

The premise is that he cannot be bought, he doesn't need their money. He even comes out and tells us that he uses their same tactics. So in a sense you're right but at the same time he is more a defector of the establishment.

He is a rarity, a person from the establishment that has left. Who knows what for, and that is the mystery. A lot of his friends have stopped talking to him and have condemned him as well

autistic? or child genius sick of this bullshit dog and pony show? you be the judge Sup Forums...

in 20 years baron trump will be the savior of the freeworld.

> All Trump actually said on the matter is that he wanted to build a wall and enforce our border laws
He generalised mexican immigrants as rapists, if anyones spreading misinformation it's you. You can't just pick and choose what he said and didn't.

>generalizing all millenials
the best tactic of the right. paint your enemies as a single color then fight that color

no you old wrinkly fucktard, getting educated at college is not ex hippies teaching hippie things. almost everyone in college is a millenial. across all majors dumbass. engineers, finance, sciences, these are all millenials fucktard.

go to literally any university campus and find first hand experience in any classroom at all of hippie shit you uneducated fatass.

yeah find one college professor anywhere who told a student to vote for hillary cuz shes a woman. ill give you $10,000 right now if you can find any professor telling their class anywhere to vote for hillary bc shes a woman. i'll wait.

>swing voters aren't the deciding factors in elections
Yeah, sure mate.

I never implied that all of the people sick of the same shit were Trump supporters.

Most Americans are in fact sick of the same politicians. The only reason Trump didn't win in a landslide is because it's Trump. Bernie was another anti-establishment candidate that got fucked over by Hilary, clearly democrats are sick of the shit too.

Any Bernie supporters still here? Because who fucked them over I wonder?

like his brothers?

majority of Sup Forums didnt actually goto college. theyre mad they cant afford it so they call it "libtard school for gender studie lol xD" because they dont actually know what college is like.

these guys look like they fuck hookers on the reg. srsly wtf are those haircuts? thats the scumbag pyramid schemer scam artist haircut lol

Literally 10 seconds on google completely blows your argument out of the water.

Go on, tell me how the gender studies teachers will hold a completely unbiased perspective on the election.

>Cannot be bought
He's giving himself and every other big business a 20 percent tax cut. He can't be bought because he doesn't even have to be, he's helping them out for free.

He said specifically

"They're bringing over their drugs and rapists"

How is this not true? Explain to me that illegal immigrants don't rape in higher numbers and never bring drugs with them either. Is it racist to want to enforce border laws now?

I am genuinely curious about this, do you have a link to his proposed tax brackets?

Large corporations right now are being taxed somewhere in the realm of 50%, what do you think is a reasonable amount?

Yeah, I wonder who the person who gave speeches at Goldman Sachs would've appointed to head up the Treasury...

It's almost as if only a very small fraction of students at a university take gender studies classes

>portland community college

dude what? are you retarded? you googled a class taken at a community college and think this somehow means college is full of womens studies majors nationwide?

Serves him fucking right. hahaha HA!

Well at least get it right if you're going to quote it. I can't because I can't remember the percentage number trump threw out but once looked into turned out there was a high percentage of rape going on amongst illegal immigrants coming across the border. The rapes were being done by the coyotes and handlers on both sides of the border however. Don't generalize what he said to fit you're narrative. You sound as ignorant as main stream media.

>only the right uses this tactic

A smart man makes friends with his enemies and puts them close by where he can keep an eye on them.

This is textbook 48 laws of power shit. You smash guys with that much power and then shit all over them and they will exhaust every asset they have to get revenge.
If you beat them and them show them mercy and even give them relative positions of power many of them will bend the knee and work for you and then they're easier to keep tabs on.

This way he can do what he wants to do and appease them with compromises rather than have them all banding together gunning for him every second of his term.

quote me directly where i called anyone racist you retarded hick. no one brought up racism except YOU.

>muh mainstream media
there were 2 candidates. hillary or trump. most supported hillary. a few supported trump. if this is a "conspiracy of muh establishment" so is anything popular fucktard.

they told you she was better bc she was better. so anyone whos mean to your candidate and hurts your fee fees is a conspiracy of the establishment!

meanwhile trump sits in his golden palace laughing at the dumbfucks who think he would rid the establishment that made him rich.

>he cannot be bought

because he is the buyer fucktard. hillary is a puppet, trump is a puppetmaster.

the system is if you inherit a bunch of money, you get to do whatever the fuck you want. you get to buy politicians. trump is the inheritance brat buying politicians you neanderthal.

>he left the establishment

he never left the establishment. hes trying to take it over and give it more power. say goodbye to inheritance tax fucker. the inheritance brats will continue to buy govt power. say goodbye to regulations, anything to keep the establishment in check is gone. insurance companies want to bankrupt someone so they can get a life saving surgery? no problem, the owner gets filthy rich.

see you think "muh system" is lobbyists. lobbyists are a symptom of the problem. the problem is that if youre rich, no matter how you got the money, you have the power.

workers never get rich for doing productive work. inheritance brats and scam artists get rich. owners, investors, bankers make money by having money and hoard the wealth granting them the power to do anything.

trump and his plans are the epitome of that but you fell for the con.

it's a Republican tradition

As a voice for the rest of the world, everyone saw it coming from out of the US.
You just had to look at his personal life and listen to the stupid shit he claimed on a daily basis on twitter or in his rallies, only complete retards would actually believe a single word form this faggot.

America just proved to the rest of the world that you're a country of retards, if doesn't get more official than that.
Can't wait to see this asshole fuck your middle class even more and make an even bigger gap between rich and poor. You guys deserve it. All the retarded white trash who voted for him believing he would bring back jobs, you fuckin deserve him now. Enjoy

You mean the small minority who proceed to go into areas such as journalism and education?

Almost every large university has these courses. Where do you think these people are going to work? They're going to become teachers, hosts on television studios, and produce misleading statistics to present to your children. This is how they operate, how many people will it take until you start to think it becomes a problem?

Want some more sources? Have a whole fucking bunch

Here's a women studies major telling us that it can be applied in any field:

According to this national census there are a total of 644 programs in the united states alone

Tell me specifically, how many will it take before you start to get worried? I bet when your children are getting suspended for calling their friend gay? Because that is already happening.

You completely missed my point. You can't just say "he only said..." when he said a lot more than that. Now you're making an assumption that I even disagree with those things.

You misquoted anyway, good job.

have you ever been to college? no one takes fucking women's studies idiot, except for weird ass lesbians and that one nerd guy who thinks he's gonna get girls if he takes the course lol shutup you probably never even went to college youre just echoing what the internet tells you.

>womens studies leads to being suspended for calling someone gay
tinfoil hat everyone.

There is a world of difference between "we should enforce border laws" and " they're rapists and criminals, but some I suppose are good people."
But Trump supporters have never been too keen on nuance. They want flashy quotes they can print on a hat.
Took like 1 second to find.

But I dunno man, thats not the point.

"He generalised mexican immigrants as rapists"
Exact quote from you

"How is this not true? Explain to me that illegal immigrants don't rape in higher numbers and never bring drugs with them either. Is it racist to want to enforce border laws now?"

What was your point? From what I can tell your point was that he generalized "immigrants" as rapists, which they are.

You should probably specify which group, do you mean the Muslim ideologies currently responsible for record numbers of rapes in european countries? Or maybe you mean the illegal immigrants coming from the south that bring unheard of amounts of drugs into the country. Because I don't want that over here thank you very much.

I don't agree with everything Trump has said, but it's certainly better than the alternative where Hilary wanted to simply let them in

>thinking trump was gonna fulfill any of his campaign promises
>being this dumb
I bet you think he's gonna build a wall too

lol hes downgraded saying it'll be a fence now. next he's going to just scrap the whole project. trump supporters are seriously dumb believing the system is going to let this idiot just spend tax dollars on a wall project.

b-b-b-but he said mexico's paying for it. HAHAHAHAHA

>Hilary wanted to simply let them in
it's hopeless seeing as how you have drunk the /pol Kool-Aid.

so you think what, gender studies classes are just powerpoint slides of tumblr posts?

still have $10,000 for any empirical evidence of any professor at any american higher education facility telling students to vote for hilldawg bc she has a vagina.

a video, an interview, anything besides meaningless statistics youre trying to bend in your favor?

Lol what I greentexted was word for word because I C&P'd it, so it's not wrong. I didn't generalise anything and nothing I said was wrong.

Seeing how he literally said he'd let Pence and the other establishment republicans run both domestic and foreign policy while he spends his time sitting in his tower and Making America Great Again (aka tweeting), I think that kinda backfired.

it takes a special kind of mental illness to think trump gives a single shit about what the government actually does apart from the things which affect his own corporations.

He has clearly never been to college.

trumpets are breaking their backs with the gymnastics they use to relentlessly defend trump

How is it that you people can't see it right in front of your fucking faces? She said it herself. It's a direct quote from her

"If we claim we are for family, then we have to pull together and resolve the outstanding issues around our broken immigration system. The American people support comprehensive immigration reform not just because it’s the right thing to do—and it is—but because they know it strengthens families, strengthens our economy, and strengthens our country. … We can’t wait any longer for a path to full and equal citizenship. "

It's on her fucking website and you brush it off as right wing conspiracy.

When the current president of the united states on national television parrots that women do not make as much as men I start to get concerned that these gender studies courses are starting to have just a mild... SLIGHT effect on the population

He was applauded for this. He got a standing ovation for claiming that women don't get paid the same and it need to change. Somebody explain this to me

I want to be wrong, but you are not offering any logical or reasoned perspective as to why.

butthurt that people have other views than you. Same shit on both sides.

I don't mean any of that. you absolute fucking moron.

When you say someone ONLY said one thing, when he actually said a lot of other things too, then you're lying and spreading false information. Do you understand yet?

Well no it is the point, you brought it up.

According to this plan he's lowered taxes for everyone, where is the problem?

I never said he only said ______

You claimed he said something and I gave a quote as context. You generalized and I offered a specific. Is there anything specifically you disagree with?

Specifically which of his policies don't you like. What is a direct quote from him you disagree with?

yall got duped, and helped fuck this country up even worse than ever, so congrats on that.

Lol, the orange faggot in office doesn't even accept the results, and he won!

Kys retard

When akmed and his friends start fucking your GF tell me, will you watch or shoot up a school?

Damn that is an ugly flat

>I never said he only said ______
>"All Trump actually said on the matter is that he wanted to build a wall and enforce our border laws."
I wasn't commenting on any of his policies, I was calling you out on your bullshit lie. And it almosts seems as if you still haven't managed to understand that.

My bad

Which "bullshit lie" as you put it are you referring to? This is why I ask for specifics.

You can't seriously be this stupid can you? Read the green text you fucking idiot.

If you actually read and understood what I said you could gather that I was making a point about the mainstream idea that if you agree you're racist.

I didn't literally mean the only thing he said was _______

It was an example pointing to a specific instance where people will call you racist for supporting him because he wants to keep out illegal immigrants.

If you can't grasp something as simple as an example of something how am I supposed to know what you're even talking about?

To me this seems like common sense, but apparently I need to baby your arguments and assume you can't even grasp something as simple as an example of where it's prevalent.

Now that you know I didn't mean that the only thing he has ever said on it is that quote, maybe you can actually come up with something other than an ad hominem

how the fuck do you read that quote from Hillary's website and translate it to "Hillary wants to let in Mexican rapists and murderers as well as Muslim jihadists" ?
cognitive dissonance.

people are seriously retarded. its like my super environmentalist professor i had. if i mention anything having to do with corporations or business he just automatically twists it to "all corporations are evil and want to ruin the world!" even if it had nothing to do with that or was the exact opposite of that.

i was baffled how he gets through day to day life

Everything was written in plain english, it's not my fault you couldn't keep up. I never even commented on immigration or the media, so even trying to make a point like that based off my comment only shows you couldn't understand what I meant.

The issue isn't solely "Rapists and drugs"

Allowing a large amount of people with no income or life skills into our economy would be devastating. What do you think she means by immigration reform? If you read the rest of the website she mentioned giving amnesty to illegal immigrants. You're assuming the only thing I disagree with are the massive amounts of rapes that come with allowing large numbers of poor and uneducated people into your country when there are a multitude of issues with it.

And we can infer based on what has happened in other European countries (IE Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the UK etc.) that allowing unchecked immigrants often results in large influxes of crime and rape.

And I think you're the one who couldn't keep up, so it seems we've reached an impasse.

So since we both clearly don't agree on that and the heart of the issue seems from my perspective that you believe Hilary Clinton is best suited for the job let me ask you.

SPECIFICALLY what policies of hers do you agree with, and if you don't agree with any of hers, specifically which policies of Trumps don't you agree with?


>Durr hurr someone is making fun of my dear leader
>I better call them mad, that will show them

yes, let the butthurt flow throughout you


>Can't actually think of something
Look, either you have a reason or you don't.


I could give a fucking shit about politics, but why the actual fuck has Sup Forums been turned into /unironic trump worship/

if anyone is shilling, I think it's pretty clear who is.