What's a healthy and effective way to relieve frustration, irritation, anger, and stress?

What's a healthy and effective way to relieve frustration, irritation, anger, and stress?

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Masturbate and have an orgasm.


If you have a few $ to spare, go to your local Goodwill, buy a shitton of cheap glass stuff, take to a secluded area, go ham with a baseball bat. Feels good, man.

Boxing, or failing that a punchbag. Awesome stress relief beating the shit out of something or someone legally.

until a fragment of glass hits you. been there and done that, unlucky as fuck i was. Though replace with charity goods with an abandoned houses windows

a failed suicide. the exhilaration of surviving after trying to die feels real good.

Both retarded

Good one


>If you have a few $ to spare, go to your local Goodwill, buy a shitton of cheap glass stuff, take to a secluded area, go ham with a baseball bat. Feels good, man.
Good one. But replace glass with something else.



Seriously? Exercise.


>Boxing, or failing that a punchbag. Awesome stress relief beating the shit out of something or someone legally.

this is what I do OP. works great.

Small things really help a lot

Try smiling more

Try talking to someone you care about and when you're done talking tell them you love them

Avoid things that make you angry, if possible

Try to get outside more and just appreciate nature. Go watch a sunset or take a walk around your neighborhood.

If you you can't help but to get angry, the only thing I've found that works is counting slowly to 100. You have to force your mind to stop thinking about it.

Good luck


Smoking very good dank kushy weed

Yoga and Breathing techniques

Start here:

One day you might get here:

That bellows breath from ^^^ can wake me up for work or put me to sleep fast.....Everybody is working their asses off and no one is conscience to their own breath and the trippy ass powerful tool it can be


Its still no meme
How long do you want to try this?

This. Or any martial art, physical activity, or some kind of workout that you can be highly active

wtf is up with that shit? some dickhead trying to turn it into a memay

Get rich and live far far away


I've found some ways to help relieve stress.

Smoking dope is a no go for me, used to do all the time and in the end it doesn't change much and it aint healthy.

Sport helps. Working out, or travelling sports (rollerblading, skateboarding, etc...) are fun and exhausting, which can help blow some steam off.

Beating shits up helps too. Taking a walk to someplace you enjoy works fine too.

Also friends help a lot. My personal fav is still rollerblading, as long as you don't crash into stuff it's fun as hell and works fine.

Shitting and reading.

Working in my gfs car
Learning a good recipe for dinner

Any good recipes to share?