They just have killed 90% of characters in Kings Landing...

They just have killed 90% of characters in Kings Landing. We had been watching these characters for 5 seasons and they all are wasted now. Margery, Loras, Kivan, Mace, High Sparrow, Lancele, Tommen, Pycell. Their actions, plotting and schemes went nothere. How does it feel, Sup Forums?

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(farts)>Kings Landing plot, dubs confirm

Feels like GoT for once.



But it was really shocking, weren't you SHOCKED? This made for some epic live reactions on youtube I'm sure!

Yup double dubs confirm that *fart* is all Kings Landing plot deserves

Feels like D&D killing two birds with one stone. On one hand pandering to the audience("GoT is great becuase characters can die at any time! It's also great because it's a show about female empowerment revenge!") and with the other reducing the number of characters they have to write and tie up loose ends for in the last seasons.


(farts) the dubs



Since season 3 they have been killing characters for the sake of the shock.
Why did we watch them since season 2 if their plot went literally nowhere

"for nothing"
Its a television show.

Cersei should die by (farts)


(farts) best thing from season 6, dubs confirm

As someone who dropped out last season, popping in to Sup Forums now and then to read the ridiculous plot twists out of the context of the narrative stream of the show is hilarious.

The only character of any worth was Margaery, the rest were basically props.

the last episode is so fucking retarded.

This, really.

(farts) is the new bane

Lancel was based before religion
Homoknight was pretty cool too.
It's a damn shame.

Good episode though. Probably the best piece of televion ever made in the history of the television.

>back to back double dub posts
>one confirms the other
I'll call it in.


Dubs confirm

It's not any less hilarious in context. This show is truly living up to Ian McShane's opinion of it.

This, she was so hot in the show, in real life she's a british mess but on the show she was smoking

They mostly would be killed by the invastion in Ep1 or 2 next season anyway..... no biggie.



Yes, The (farts) rises

>went nothere.

I wonder about people like this? People say the same of some Sopranos plots like the interior decorator. Not comparing the two but "went nowhere" is such a dumb thing to say. Their plots ended here. Not terribly revelatory but it made sense. Where were their plots supposed to go oh wise OP?

Best thing that has happened to this show in a long time. They cut all the useless fat from it in two episodes. Suddenly worth watching next season.

that shitty piano music made me vomit. but then came the generic violins. So pleb, so mediocre!

Main cast needed a salary increase. Gotta trim that fat.

The direction in this episode may have been the best the series has seen. It elevated the mediocre writing to telekino.

to be fair its likely what is going to happen in the books too. also the Pycelle death was straight out of the books, only qyburn replaced Varys


As an avid anime watcher this is worse than Tomino's kill em all phase.

Fucking bullshit.


> Probably the best piece of televion ever made in the history of the television.

>probably the best piece of televion ever made in the history of the television.

Yeah ozymendias is realy hard to spell I don't fault u kind user

>Breaking Bad

dude, theyre both equally silly

>Their actions, plotting and schemes went nothere.

That's ultimately the problem with GoT/ASoIaF. In the end, you can always rest assured that most characters will die meaningless deaths with their plans unfinished. Which is realistic, I suppose, but sometimes realism is more of an enemy than a friend to fiction.

I've seen people unironically calling it the best episode ever aired in the history of television shows. I wish I were joking.


It was beautiful.
And the music, that piano song. That whas audiovisuel porn.
Maybe the series starts to become A Song of Ice and fire.

And gasses.
*farts internally*

Worst case of deus ex machine I've seen in a long time. Fuck this shit.

Honestly, it feels like real life. Death is the ultimate way of tying up a loose-end. Everyone makes plans, and death interrupts that. Some might find it irksome, and it is, because you'll always wonder "what if" for all those plot lines that get hastily cut short, but that's part of what I enjoy about Game of Throne... everyone has these grand schemes, and that doesn't guarantee them the payoff they're expecting.


Except for Dany.

Not to mention it was the culmination of a plotpoint. Basically everyone in King's Landing had been trying to marginalize Cersei, and she finally got her revenge, it's a perfectly fine resolution to the conflict.

Dany has had things abruptly happen that ruined her plans, or at least caused her to change them.

STAAAAHP! I'm dying here!
>Fart jokes always save the day.

>Their actions, plotting and schemes went nowhere.
That's what happens 99% of the time in the real world though.


Exactly the feeling I got. It was very very blatant.

Remember the flashforward of the throne room she had at in S2? How it was broken and full of snow?

She will win the throne, and have nobody to rule except a dead and destroyed city. All her life will have built up to, is nothing.

Yes I agree. On the one hand I do understand why people think it seems cheap but on the other hand you're right, you have to sort of invest in characters who will die.

Like Margery for instance gave Olena the rose just last episode but all for nothing. Her scheming came to no fruition.

Also it was Kevan, but yeah

Feels good man.

She'll do it herself as well. Dragons will go crazy and burn the fucker down, probably setting off wildfire under the city

>Dany has had things abruptly happen that ruined her plans
Which then turn out to be surprisingly helpful and just have her end up with a fuckhuge army

>get kidnapped by dothraki
>get their army

I was under the impression her scheme was basically to play nice with the High Sparrow to get Loras off the hook after fucking Cersei over at the trial.

how would dany create a dynasty without being able to have children? who would be next in the line of succession?

She's not unable to have them, she just promised she wouldn't. But she hasn't met her nephew yet, so she doesn't even know she wants Jon's babies. But she totally wants them.

Her scheming got her killed by Cersei. My view is not look at things in a vacuum; Margaery feigned loyalty to Cersei's enemies and played a major role in convincing Tommen to de-facto sentence his mother to death. She allied herself against Cersei and ultimately lost. It's like saying Robb's plotline just got cutoff at the Red Wedding; both instances are the result of the character decisions and interactions with other characters.


which story felt unfinished to you? 'Kivan', Mace, Pycelle and Lancel were just hanging around with no real purpose. High Sparrow has reached his goal, that being controlling the Crown. Tommen's purpose was being a shitty, weak king, something he did splendidly. Loras literally had NO PURPOSE besides forcing Margeary to pretend to be saint infront of HS. And Margeary's purpose was to ignite jealousy and hatred in Cersei and to become Queen, both of which she did.

The only person of that lot that had anything else to do was HS, which would be taking more direct control of the Kingdom, maybe even getting rid of monarchy altogether, but his plans have abruptly ended, just the same like Robb's plans to become King iin the North or Stannis' plans to sit on Iron Throne.

Glad we got that settled.

feels like a preamble to the night kings army taking away all dreams. lrn2 foreshadowing.

Cersei is the Michael corleone of GoT

why cersei's new theme so good tho

>High Sparrow has reached his goal, that being controlling the Crown
wasn't his goal to wipe out sin?

Goat death imo

Rest in Pieces sweet King

jesus that's sad

>interior decorator

He killed like 16 Czechoslovakians

Can u make that loop a little tighter as soon as he goes offscreen it should start again

But it feels like the shift came midseason, since Marge was still plotting things
Maybe the actors started asking for too much money

relieved. king landing faggot ass intrigue was the worst part of the show. now finally more screen time for dany to fuck things up and jon to get backstabbed yet again

>people still think the kings landing plot wasnt just for cirsei's development

good, time to get rid of all the worthless side charaters and focus on king Jon and white walkers

I quit the show a while ago

what happened in Kings landing and why is my waifu Margery ded?

Cersei blew up the sept because her son outlawed trial by combat. Margaery died in the explosion. Tommen subsequently offed himself.

Ser C nuked nearly all of the Kings' Landing characters with wildfire

deux ex machina aka lazy writing

GRRM should be embarrassed

A bunch of religious zealots gained more power than the crown and arrested Cersei, Margaery and Loras, they shamed Cersei by having her walk through King's Landing nude, and as a result, during the trial of Loras, she had the secret cache of wildfire the Mad King had stashed underneath the city explode and destroy the Great Sept.

I dropped the show in season 3, is Margaery dead?

It was aaaalll a dream.

I don't get this at all. Tommen just saw the sept get fucking nuked. Not only was it the bedrock of his newly kindled faith and the cornerstone of his legitimacy, but also contained his wife. All that shit was wiped out in an instant by his own mother. Not to mention he probably feels some twang of responsibility by outlawing trial by combat and forcing her to do it.

>Her scheming came to no fruition.
lol her plan was to have her brother mutilated?
bitch was clueless


>Which is realistic
Till you face Arya The Immortal and Jon The Untouchable and realism completely disappears

Yup. They've already shown multiple times that they can't/won't keep up with the number of characters that the book does, even characters with dialogue and sometimes whole POV chapters (Ser Arys Oakheart). Many subplots removed in favor of [farts] and sneks. Asha/Yara didn't have the sway that she does on TV, though it's possible she might show up in Essos in Winds of Winter. Sand sneks were loyal in the books, not psycho cunts who undo all of Lord Martell's plans (which are nonexistent on TV).

The plot has barely moved for 3 seasons. I mean think about it; what is the main plot of GoT? Is it the icefaggots? Is it dany getting the iron throne?
I'm pretty sure that those are meant to be the main plot points and are eventually supposed to converge. Instead there's all this drama in kings landing that eventually leads nowhere. Or the stupid Bolton side story about retaking the north.

I guess I'm trying to say that I'm glad the finale finally fucking moved the main plots along for the first time in many seasons

They've only got 13 episodes left so anyone who isn't directly involved in the end game has to go.

>How it was broken and full of snow?

Not snow. Ashes.

>implying Stannis is dead

He'll be back.