"Barron does not have Autism"

"Barron does not have Autism"

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I've spent enough time on Sup Forums to recognize autism, and he is without a doubt an autismo.

Nope, is not his fault! When he was a child he often broken his head falling down form the high chair...

found the pedophile

He is on the fucking running-like-naruto level

Wondering if Barron is currently Sup Forumsrowsing and gets a kick out of other autismos talking aboot him

he's 10, all ten year olds are autistic

looking kinda fruity

>he's 10

He looks pretty tall for a 10 year old. Maybe it's from all the autism.

>dubs confirm it
for real though, all the tards in my school always looked like neanderthals.

Tall people have comfirmed autism.

I am 16, literally 2m and have autism.


>wearing all white
no sane kid would allow her mom to do that
he autism

Oh, hi Barron!

>lanklets btfo yet again

>her mom
>he autism

Did you just assume hir/zir gender?

No they aren't you sperglord. They're idiots not autistic

who is this?


Film name?

No idea, had this gif saved since 2009. Oldfag here.

she he faggot anyay.


I'm 82.

Pic or it did't happen

that's literally CP

if this was a little girl touching a grown mans dick you guys would lose your shit

It's all feminist's fault

nah that's different.

I mean you're right, it is a woman doing a sexual act with a child.

But it is a lot different, especially if the kid was like 14. Huge difference between a 14 year old boy banging his hot teacher, than a male teacher fucking a 14 year old girl. The minds develop differently, it affects them differently, etc.

1. He's not touching her vag.
2. It's from a british comedy I believe.


I feel bad for the kid. I reckon within atleast the next 10 years his dad will die, given his health and age. I honestly reckon it'll happen sooner, but I doubt he'll make it 10 years.

Meanwhile, Barrons entire experience with his father will have fucked him up for the rest of his. Especially if it turns out he's autistic.

It's not lost on me that eventually a rich autistic kids life would still be happier than mine, but his dad has gone ahead and made his life a whole lot more difficult.

No we wouldnt. You give us too much credit.

I doubt he does. It's more of lack of social skills because of his affluence and wealth.
If anything, he'll be like that kid who got off from a drunk driving crime because of his money.

legally there's no difference

>He's not touching her vag

there is no denying that this is of sexual nature. If some guy touched a random girls tit without her consenting, she could also file a rape lawsuit.

Also what does the film being from britain have to do with this.

Neanderthal were short.


>sauce NOWZ PEEZ

The movie is called "800 balas" and came out in 2002.

>what does the film being from britain have to do with this.

Brits love their CP?

Hardly, breasts aren't genitals.

No one gives a shit.

It's probably the same legally, but it's a totally different context.

For humans at the time. Not in comparison to Homo Sapiens of the same period though.

Reported for illegal content. This is CP

does this mean america will have its first autistic president in 20 years?

Autism is common for children who breastfed from fake tits. Google it. Kid probably has silicone in his brain

TheDonald is tall. Makes sense that B would be lanky.

I find it more interesting that TheDonald leans toward anti-vaxxers, knowing now that he's fathered a couple of broken children. Tiff doesn't look all that sturdy either.


>breasts aren't genitals

Tell that to the guy with a felony sexual assault conviction for touching a woman's breast.

I genuinely don't get why anybody gives a shit, to be perfectly honest with you.

I mean, let's be fair here, a good slice of the people on this very board are going to be autists. Plus we have the current leftist narrative of "Don't be ableist" and that itself makes it a non-issue or you're prejudiced.

Eh, I don't give a shit. Kid'll turn out smart, just sucking at social situations and let's be fair here - he's going to have some much money that it's really not going to matter.


Imagine this kind of talk about Obama's daughters..... oh Yea if your a dem, kids are off limits. Rep, kids fair game

This kid is truly a monster. It's not too late to abort this freak. He's making america puke with his retarded self.

Not quite your example, but definitely the opposite of the gif.

seriously who the fuck is this kid?

I dunno, they seem like the kind of people who'd get a wetnurse.

i want the clip when he humps the air

Poor kid.

What a fucked up situation to be born into. Viagra baby born to a 60 year old billionaire.

If he is autismo, he's probably better off.

"this is just a pizzeria"



A future President/ anti christ

Donald's kid.

Please Sup Forums help me understand one this.
Did Trump actually become President or is this all a big Meme gone wrong?
Like am I dreaming?

youre a fucking brainwashed cucklet

I'll never get tired of these delicious tears



Lord Emperor Trump will punish you with eternal virginity for your insolence.

>children are expected to suckle from a woman
>but if he touches a boob, it's over the line!

>Tiff doesn't look all that sturdy either.
because she was raised by her nutty liberal mom

Now where's the gif of a girl rubbing an adult male's penis?



>2 year olds
>10 year olds


14 year old girls are far hornier than even 14 year olds boys, they just arent encouraged to be.

Women are at the peak of their sexuality from 14-20, it's a meme that women are there most sexual when middle aged. They literally have downy babies at that point, it's just the last burst of energy before they become utterly worthless.

How old was Trump's trophy wife when he was born again? Over 35 and chances of autism increase exponentially with each passing year.

Sauce: I'm a med fag



"OP is not a faggot"

He's 10, get a life

it's a very subtle bait, literally centimeters in length

Man, how did Ivanka turn out so hot? Is that mostly work? Because the rest of his kids look like centerfolds straight outta WASP magazine.


is autism just code for retarded
hes a retarded rich kid
far from rare, look at his brothers

video removed from Youtube anyone got link?


ccccccheck it

Signs of autism alledged by the conspiracy theorists.

>wobbly walk
True, but so what, that's hardly enough evidence.
>Didn't sit still in his seat
He's fucking 10, what 10 year old sits still after waiting in a seat for 4 hours.
>No smile
See above, being at these rallies sitting or standing for hours has got to be a pain in the ass.
>Weird clap
Yeah, this was bizarre but hardly enough evidence
>Trump says he's good with computers
Nigga is you serious. Any old man thinks kids are amazing on computers just because they don't understand them at all. The young generation IS comparatively good with new technology.
>plays alone for hours
He's the son of a billionaire, all he's gonna meet at school is people that treat him like shit for who he is or people who befriend him for his family name. Both are disgustingly fake. This is why so many kids in billionaire families have few true friends.
>weird facial expressions during a photography session at a rally.
The flash photography and lighting was clearly hurting his eyes, he was blinking and contorting his face to that.
>Recoiled when he's dad touched him.
Most males from like 9 to mid teenaged years are very uncomfortable being touched, particularly by parents.
>Smart and tidy

There's literally nothing conclusive without assuming a shit ton of stuff. This is honestly based on less reputable ideas than fucking pizzagate.

... is that a serious question?
All people with autism are retarded(varying degrees), not everyone retarded is autistic.

Lots of people on the spectrum have above average IQs. To be considered intellectually disabled, the current term that replaced mental retardation, you have to have an IQ below 70.

Not everyone diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder is retarded, dumbass

>Now where's the gif of a girl rubbing an adult male's penis?
boy rubbing penis please

>The minds develop differently, it affects them differently, etc.

sounds like you don't have any real argument so you just spout out bullshit

Where can I find the removed youtube video'?


>that clapping

You can touch any part of body and make it sexual.

from yt:

0:35 when u are bored as fuck and bangin' your imaginary friend on the seat

You're either a hypocrite or too stupid to deny the sexual nature of that scene


Just show him a picture of sonic and if he starts being way too cool after that we will know.


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