Get called a contrarian for not liking GoT

>get called a contrarian for not liking GoT
>sit down and watch the very first episode earnestly
>get bored within 5 minutes, absolutely dire pacing with zero visual metaphors to warrant it
>keep going and watch the entire thing
>maybe it gets better, maybe I'm missing something
>watch second episode, only make it 10 minutes before I'm alt-tabbed to other shit
>think maybe it gets better way later
>start watching the latest episode
>5 minutes in I realize it's the same contrived, pseudo-epic atmosphere and one-dimensional characters

I fucking hate each and every one of you. What the fuck is wrong with you people? This show is absolute trash and you only watch it because it gives you ammo to socialize with.

Fuck /GoT/, in 5 years no one will talk about it because it's a moronic, cliffhanger-abusing shitshow.

you don't like thing

everyone who enjoys got is a fucking moron /thread

Here your attentchums my patrician friend ;)

>d-do I fit in now guys?

people aren't calling you a contrarian because of your opinion, they're calling you a contrarian because you feel the need to draw mass attention to your opinion with stupid posts or threads such as this one
just stop that and you'll be fine

>bored within 5 minutes
you have ADHD, child. deal with it

Except if he wanted to fit in, he'd actually like the stupid fucking show

that's not the point, the point is decent threads (funny shitposting included) getting pushed out of the catalog

>why does the second cousin of the bastard son of the Snow house not want to ally with the great-grandson of the Stark empire in order to claim the dragons and invade the North?

absolute cancer


I don't see that point in the OP tho, he is just complaining about how can people like the show, not about all the threads being made

>the need to draw mass attention to your opinion

I'm posting on an Anonymous image-board.

Jesus Christ, I am continually amazed at the stupidity of you GoT dickheads.

This. Howling autists who feel the need to let the world know how special they are for not liking a thing are more insufferable than people who like something.

The fact that you're on an anonymous board doesn't m3an you're not seeking attention for your opinions. If people didn't seek attention and reinforcement for their own opinions, these conversstion boards wouldn't exist.


>Howling autists who feel the need to let the world know how special
>>implying posting on a fucking ANONYMOUS imageboard is about narcissism

you guys win, I'll just accept that 1/2 of the threads on here with be your asinine GoT ramblings and stay in my comfy threads with discussion of media with actual insights about the human condition

>stay in my comfy threads with discussion of media with actual insights about the human condition

We don't have those here.

>>Howling autists who feel the need to let the world know how special
>>>implying posting on a fucking ANONYMOUS imageboard is about narcissism

It doesn't matter if we know your face or your name. You're still getting attention and it still makes you feel/validate something. Frankly most of us probably doesn't even care who you are just the same as most people doesn't care about other people seeking validation with attention. They're still gonna do it.

>>get bored within 5 minutes
I'm asking honestly, are you over 18? Because if you are, it's pretty sad.


>has no friends
>don't watch got
>le reddit maybe will be friend with me
>fuck I'm gonna watch got so I can talk with people and make some friends
>you didn't like it and people make fun of you cuz you are on s1 for fuck sake
>fuck it I'm going to Sup Forums to tell them theyre retards with no friends

Oh yeah, FUCK OFF

>>get bored within 5 minutes, absolutely dire pacing with zero visual metaphors to warrant it
OMG 5 minutes in and zero visual metaphors!!

>second episode, only make it 10 minutes before I'm alt-tabbed to other shit
>latest episode, 5 minutes

replace 'GoT' with somthing you like, but keep the rest of the argument the same, this may help you realise why you sound like a such a fucking retartd

i bet everyone hated you at school, and not for the reasons you think

For the record, when I scream about well-liked thing being shit, its not because i want attention. Thats a childish idea for those who cant up with a real explanation for anything.

Its because i want better shit to be made. People dont have to stop liking thng, but at realize its not very good objectively and demand more.

Unlike the happiness vacuum that is Sup Forums, any critical attitude or not unconditionally loving everything is seen very negatively. You're almost not allowed to criticize anything without being labeled sad or "just enjoy it lol"

The idea criticism and improvement eludes most people. Thats where the anger from people who dont like something is aimed..

everyones ragging on, not beacuse you dont like GoT, anti-GoT comments and threads are made and respected quite often.

its you mate,
its that you would "interestedly"watch a total of 20 minutes of a six season show, and then have audacity to make a thread like youve got some insight, let alone attempt ridicule those who enjoy it

kys XD

The only people that like GoT are pleb faggots who never read the books, which are massively overrated. The show is literally a poor copy of a mediocre space opera in a fantasy setting.

I read the books and I like the show.

i don't really like the show. i loved s1 and s2, s3 was ok but after that i dropped it. but you won't believe how much pussy i get by just pretending to know a lot about this show. all i do is just read some threads in here, regurgitate it to a couple of female friends and instant pussy. so far i've nailed 3 just because they think i'm so smart for getting got lol


you're not a contrarian you're just a retard

first season is where got was relatively good

Nobody cares. Go watch a silent movie or whatever you cinema nerds are into.

>that's not the point, the point is decent threads (funny shitposting included) getting pushed out of the catalog
So your solution is to...make another thread about GoT. Excellent. Now that you've voiced your opinion I guess everyone will just stop watching and talking about it.

If your attention span maxes out at 10 minutes, the show isn't the problem.

He made one thread. You know what comes across as attention seeking? Making 20 million fucking threads about Game of Thrones. I'm glad this thread exists, because you autists can't contain your fucking memes to one or two threads.

All Fantasy is terrible.

>Watch 2 episodes then skip to the 60th and wonder why you don't like it
I'm not going to defend DnD's periods of shittiness but that's just asinine.

Force yourself to watch the first six episodes in a row and you'll be hooked.

Look man, I don't like GoT. I watched 3 episodes because my normie brother forced to watch it with me.
But there is one thing you have to keep in mind. You, and me as well, did not have an objective view of the show. You did not watch it while neutral. You already wanted to dislike it.
The outcome was decided already, you may think you were being fair and giving a chance, but your true intentions were showing. The way you were bored so fast was body language.
Yes, this also means the other way around happened for other people. The biased opinion on how popular and good it is made them enjoy the show more.
So don't use "earnestly" anymore.