What is happening to my dick?! It has slowly got worse over the last few months...

What is happening to my dick?! It has slowly got worse over the last few months, but it started maybe a couple of years back...

It can't be any sort of STD as I am a virgin.

Stop taking such hot showers.

try foreskin, protecting dicks since 175.000 B.C.

Deffo looks like an STD.

Yeah man, that's an std.

stop being a fag

There's this thing called a doctor. Go see one. Maybe it's pearly penile papules (no joke) but I don't know. See a doctor.

it's gonna molt

Did you masturbate into your mommy's panties, OP? If so I've got some bad news for you.

Post more pix, not only of the tip. Otherwise, you'll only get the 'std!' post cause people can't tell since the pic shows too little info. Also, does ot look better when erected? Maybe u might wanna post pic of that too so we can see difference.

That looks like pearly penile papules.
Might be AIDS, though.

mmm i think it could be some sort of cancer, you don't have red or white coloured skin for telling it is a std, go to the doctor asap user

Looks like AIDS. I would not want to catch that shit again!

I feel sorry for you op. Not because of your dick, but because you're asking here for advice... Go the doctor, dude. Damn...

its HPV


I got the same shit on my dick, if you put applecider vinegar on it they will turn white and go away, ( use a cotton rag or something similar ) It hurts like hell tho, and takes about 1 week to heal up, and it will look like normal again.

dikk cancer bro , or dikk aids

looks like skin tags. Do you wear tight underwear OP? Or go commando and wear tight jeans?

Is it yeast, since you use applecider vinegar?

Cotton Eye Joe

Its a type of eczema called dyshidrotic eczema. Ive got it on my hands. Those are like little water blisters right? Super itchy and they pop and spread, then scab over.

Ask your doctor for a cream called betaderm, its a betamethasone solution that works quite well. At least on my skin it does.

Hope this helps user. Im sorry you gotta deal with this too :(

this is a rare skin cancer on the dick. go to doctor
u need a skin transplantation very quick, in worst case u lose the top part of your dick.....

yeast? no its a liquid form? what?

I mean, the stuff on his dick. Is it yeast? I know applecider vinegar is used to heal/remove yeast from dicks.


not itchy at all, no sensation of them at all. the only way i know it's there is from seeing it.
