My daughter look just like Sia, you can't see her

>My daughter look just like Sia, you can't see her

so much for that

Other urls found in this thread:

why are black babies always so ugly?

chance is an industry plant
every move is calculated to make him the nicest rapper on earth

because most blacks are ugly, and no anomalous woman could make up for chance's above average ugliness

That racist tone is annoying enough, and now you're going to shit on babies? Pathetic.

Ian Watkins would have loved shitting on babies...


>nothing i'm doing current would be possible without this girl right here

Why do people always say this bullshit? Ofcourse you would be able to do the things you're doing currently without her. What does this even mean?
It's almsot the same as those parents who gave birth to a vegetable, have to forcefeed that kid for 50 years untill it finally dies and then proclaim "Our lives would have been nothing without our baby!".

all babies are ugly

How can you have a tone in a written statement?

average chance fan everyone

normies eat it up

You know what I'm talking about, no need to nitpick. And I thoroughly disliked Colouring Book.

i have no clue what you are talking about

>t. someone whose parents didn't love them.


I can live with that quite frankly

he gets his drive from her i think

idk i dont have children

>black babies are so ugly they need severe makeup after they're born to look presentable

No, I don't.


>___< why u being so damn racist >___

Racism is a valid belief. I'd suggest reading some racial theory.

I'd suggest fucking off and going back to Sup Forums


>ignoring the truth
here read this

Did you even read what that theory is about...?

did you ?

Racism is objectively bad.

is that way so you can circlejerk with other racist white people as youtself.

Well if you think it validates racism as a valid belief, obviously you didn't.

Whenever I wonder if this site has gotten to me and made me a bad person a thread like this pops up and I realize I'm still relatively pure. Its pretty relieving desu.

Cute kid but coloring book may have been the worst album I was hyped about last year.

no clearly you didn't understand
watch this lecture

I'll watch that lecture if you read this book that actually explains why any racial explanations for differences between social groups are bullshit.

I'm inclined to believe the first guy is trolling but that's just because his beliefs are more dissimilar to mine but anyway
Why do you guys feel the need to convince people of your views on four channel of all places?

I just don't understand, everyone here's so stubborn and there's such a high chance of wasting your time on a troll plus it's just more rewarding to debate irl

read this instead
unlike your book it was written by a black person

why do we need to discuss things on a discussion board?????
debating IRL is worse. online you can link studies to support your arguments. and you don't have to deal with the other side taking it personal when they're wrong.

friendly reminder that you create and participate in your culture. I have no culture.

>debating IRL is worse. online you can link studies to support your arguments. and you don't have to deal with the other side taking it personal when they're wrong.
Not him but I agree with you but at the same time arguments online never go anywhere because 99% of the time the wrong side refuses to admit they're wrong so there's no conclusion.

That first line is retarded since this is a music board and you're getting into a racial debate. I suppose your second point is valid so I'll ammend my statement to debating with people you know and can communicate with irl. Mainly because of what

no that is true but its still more useful to this online than to somebody you know.
anyway neither of us are well-versed on the subject so it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.
its barely a racial debate