Jew Thread

Jew Thread.

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jews are based go back to Sup Forums op

Their all douchebags

welp thats fuckin gross


eww gross

Actually its worse

They're doing the circumcision with their teeth


Holy shit I just looked this up. Jews WTF

Read wikipedia

>Jews are based
>a dude sucking off a toddler



Let trump and clinton fuck underage girls on his private island look it up




Whats the name of this kike fetish?



Fucking lost

How is this not cp? Naked teens are banned and fucking grandpa's blowing babies is fine? Dafuq

Jeezus - who thought that one up?



Because they have goverment funded programs to protect their traditional rituals like the jdl


>Jew Thread.

Not all porn is made by jews that be illogical to say. But the porn INDUSTRY is run by them.

Jews make porn? That's good not bad, faggot

Not to be outdone women of the christian faith perform a ritual called "Unvirgining" where they "stuff live whole babies into their vaginas legs first"

I can media too

>But the porn INDUSTRY is run by them.

Then prove it. I want stats.


This a a jew thread not jew vs (insert group of people here) go make a christian thread and put that in here. This thread is kosher and your post is not kosher boobi

jidf pls

Just look up who owns major porn production companies in LA its gonna be last name with a silver, stein, gold, diamond, burg, sum jew-ish sounding name. Get it a Jew-ish sounding name lol



Jewish bikers aka kikers

Rapper Ron braunstein aka necro exploiting his uncles drug addiction for his music video. This picture is from the i need drugs msic video

80's Leia hands down. You know she had a rocking bush. They are all amazing, but shaved pussy is boring af.

Watch Jewish rapper necros music video called Human Traffiking! Its so artistic

Or his music video for sexorcist were he pays models to blow his small dick


He has detected forskins. Mozel Tov!



Goebels never said that.

jews & arabs are cockasian. This behavior is standard among them.

No there isnt. Thats a picture of a water birth. Nice try Mordecai.

No. It really isn't. Kill yourself nigger

Sooooooo, I never paid for porn, soooooo I'm doing God's work, right???


there is literally nothing wrong with being jewish

This is a very Saturnian tradition. Saturn (aka Chronos aka satan) was the Greek God of limitation and stagnation. Saturn according to myth, ate his newborn sons alive so that he could retain his power and not be succeeded.

Jews worship saturn. The star of david has nothing to do with david, it's the rune for Saturn. The black box of Saturn is part of their worship. The Jews are the great retarders and roadblocks to human advancement.

This 'sucking baby dicks' tradition is basically the vampiristic theft of the baby's lifeforce. Those rabbis are literally stealing the birthright life force out of the little Jewlet by sucking his dick and drinking the blood of the circumcision wound.
>t; Jews are so royally fucked you wouldn't believe

Ok Mohammed

Is this supposed to make me hate Jews? Makes them seem based as fuck.
The sasha grey thing was desperately grasping at straws too.


There was recently a neonatal herpes outbreak as a result of this wasn't there?

>The sasha grey thing was desperately grasping at straws too.
Who DOESN"T know shes a fucking kike babylon whore? Come on man, you're not the only one who didn't know are you?

I can honestly say I don't even like Jews. Every jew I've met is a fucking piece of shit and I don't care for them and their shitty religion in the slightest. Circumcision is a fucking retarded procedure.
Well rather than showing evidence the image just said 'possible jew'. Seemed stupid.

Here's some awesome jew bush.

>Who DOESN'T know she's a fucking joke Babylon whore?
Clearly the guy who made the infographic.


They're not blowing infants. They're sucking blood away from a wound.
Fucking disgusting either way, but really simple to just look this shit up.
I hate most people, especially religious people, but google shit

Why did you change 'kike' to 'joke'?

Oh that's okay then. Just like doctors suck the blood from operation wounds. All I had to do was google it and it's okay, no problem. It's normal now.
(you fucking jew)

she looks jewish

Sorry, shitposting from my phone and it autocorrected

Are you fucking illiterate or just plain retarded? He didn't say the fact that they were sucking the blood out makes it okay, he said it's fucking disgusting either way. He was just correcting the shit OP.
I mean I hate them too, but if you're but make up lies then you're no better than a kike.
Now fuck off and be a bigger somewhere else.

>He was just correcting the shit OP.
When someone strawmans on over to an inconsequential "fact correction", he's arguing for the Jews. Who cares WHY the baby's bloody dick is in a grown man's mouth. No one really GAF WHY that's happening............

Not really inconsequential. If you're going to try and show how disgusting Jews are, but you make shit up as you go along all credibility to your argument is lost.

>cut off part of infants dick
>suck on wounded dick

That's more than a little weird any way you look at it.

Very inconsequential you bloody baby dick sucking faggot. At least OP had 'credibility to lose', you filthy infant-raping Schmuly

>talks about strawmanning arguments
>completely spergs out and resorts to ad hominem because he's wrong
You're just as bad as the Jews

Woyld stick fingers inside the one in the middle.

Why are all of your images so small op did you save some shekels on a shitty hard drive?

>thinks putting an injured bleeding baby's dick into his mouth is okay because he googled a reason
lol idiot kike fuck off no one is going to start liking your baby dick biting rituals no matter how hard you argue for it.

When did I imply it was okay you fucking downy?

When you decided to unsolictedly argue a case on behalf of pedo-vampire jewry by telling OP he's all wrong because he didn't make an inconsequential distinction regarding the reason why a Jew man has an infants bloody wiener in his mouth. That's when.


Jews are very proud of a historical battle of Masada. Jews antagonized and revolted against the strongest military in the world and then thought they could run away, hide and wait it out atop of a mountain plateau.

They were wrong. Stupid even.

The Romans surrounded the Jewish fort and efficiently built the standard seige weapons and breached the wall of the jewish fort and discovered (allegedly) that the jews had all killed themselves.

They rebel and when punishment comes, they dont negotiate, they dont apologize, they do not try to save the children, the leaders do not make gallant speeches at their execution - instead they go religious psychosis and commit an act of cowardice by suiciding.

Wrong. Stupid. Cowardly. Psychotic.

That modern Jews see something heroic in this shows that something is sickly wrong with their religion.

(Islam is any better, but thats a diff thread).

Wow. I love jews now!

>(Islam is any better, but thats a diff thread).
meant to say
"(Islam isnt any better, but thats a diff thread)."

>trusting everything you see on the internet


>jewish sounding name equals jew
>being this retarded

That's good news. We should all love Jews now. What do you say?

>jewish sounding name

"Schmoke some of dis marrivaughnna:
I had it hidden in th' handle of th' Torah!"

The penis sucking orthodox Jews are very few in numbers. Its just a few extremists that does that. Morons

I don't know much about Jews.
But I know to not stand too close to the ones
that are really into it and wear the weird hats, hair and clothes. They smell bad and are very arrogant.


thank you for reminding poltards not to believe everything they see on the internet.
