Post your age, job title, and hourly pay

Post your age, job title, and hourly pay

I'll start

>Chef at KFC


In what, Nepalese rupees?

20, Liquor store cashier, $10 USD An hour

>Amazon associate
>12 /hr

Can't find a job

>Sup Forums janitor
>Do if for free

>27500SEK, or about 3000$/month I guess

>network tech

>Portfolio Analytics at Fisher Financial
>75k (thats salary for all you hourly poorfags)

>22 one week from tomorrow
>graduating from school with associates in radiography in 15 days
>job lined up, Radiological Technologist, $29.80 an hour start

>I survived ww1 and 2
>I'm retired

>Sweeping under the desks
>What's an hourly pay


I think the 2 in front of the 8 was meant to be a $.

20 Australia
Children's entertainment centre (bumper cars and shit)

$25.30 p/hr

>17 (about to be 18)
>Masonry Laborer

Yea really. Fucking manager probably doesnt make more than $15/hr

38 grow marijuana clear about $80k a year.

Steel coating tech. (Painter)

>McD Worker
>6 USD /hour

Hyperbaric Welder

>$38.50 an hour

Data entry
44k year

call the cops lmao


How can they pay u below the min wage? U have tocmake atleast what $8 hr now

34 - 50 an hour depending

its a minimum in my country.. (not US)

>No Job, "disabled" veteran.

>corp strategy in publishing vertical
>~135k/yr + random benefits.

Interesting work and intellectually satisfying but demanding VPs and travel sometimes

java programmer
82k salary + benefits


Anyone know any better job to get than to deal with retards?

kill yourself welfare queen there are real disabled vets that need that money.

>don't work, parents take care of me


Are you alright user? You sound triggered.

>~36k euro a year

savings will get me throgh 5+ years ,fuck this planet.

Fuck vets
The fags chose to be cannon fodder. My tax dollars shouldn't go to niggers dumb enough to lost a finger or whatever.

Im 28. Rewinder operator. $23.10/hr USD

Restaurant hand
$15/hr +tips
Age: 18

>Night auditor
>13 usd

Best buy supervisor
18 an hour :(
Or about 46k or 50k after bonuses and OT

We don't get a choice. I don't want to pay for anyone's fucking government handouts, especially not this faggot vet pretending to be disabled

Also tips can run from $200-$500 a night

>works 60 hours weeks.
nice life salary cuck

Pro Smash Bros Melee player
Around 78 grand a year

"Chef"? at KFC? lol no.

I think what you meant was "food service worker".

10 hour

chef at wendy's

I don't if he is pretending or not.
Fuck all vets, work for money or die.

Field Sales Agent at a TV company
100 € per sell Made 2400 € after tax last month

haha yeah get rid of the whole military see how long we have a country. grow up kid.

19 ,2847 Usmc, about 5 dollars an hour

Best Buy Sales shit

Nuclear maintenance worker

Goid one OP, good one indeed.

deduct the nigger tax and you get a poor ass swede

software dev

>Software engineer
>55k salary, full benefits, work 6 hrs a day

>software engineer (.NET)

fuck off niggervet.
learn not to get shot or get a real job.
How about you educate yourself, dirty kike.

Sup Forumsros

dairy farmer
US$13/h up to 37 hours. anything above is $US25/h. currently at about $45K this year including novembers paycheck

>Video Editor


Maintenance Mechanic at Welch's

sell chicken
152k / yr

Nice reading disability. Vets who get disability over some bullshit like PTSD are the scum of this earth. There's no reason they shouldn't work a shit job like the everyone else.

Grow up kid I am not a vet and I am sure I pay more tax than you

>Senior Developer (C#, PHP, ASP.NET, Occasionally Python if I can sneak it in) at a school photography company
>$50k (usd) salary

you're a code monkey making money like that.

>Criminal Defense Attorney
>$125,000 annually. Expense account, full benefits, company car

21, accounting intern, 21.63 per hour.

kys honestly.

Sign on as apprentice electrician after 4 years get journeymanship minimum pay of 35 an hour average of 45 per hour as journeyman.

lol what

>Syrian Refugee
>$21k/year govt. aid

>Small business excavation company owner
>400k this year
>After expenses and all about 70k this year.

u forgot one,more like
Sup Forumsros

>navy seal @ USN
>paided in kills and MREs

Honestly depends on what you're willing to do and what bridges you've burned, if you don't mind moving long distances and couch surfing look for a place with more work places with factories, workshops, hangers for airplane maintenance, etc. if you have relatives go to school and mooch off them for a while they'll understand you're bettering yourself.

good for you man


>more than 12 an hour


Goddamn I want to get into law so bad!! It's really the only thing I'm good at...

trying to find a job

>Grad student at Yale / TA every other semester.
>I don't really have an hourly wage. But my stipend is about $32,000 a year.

After 4 years and finishing the journeyman program you gain journeymanship. It basically states your experienced and allows you to work prevailing wage gov bided jobs. Basically you make bank at that point

Great pay but honestly sounds like either shit work or you just "took over the family business"

> 21
> Handyman assistant/painter.
> $10/$12/$15 depending on the job.

Kid, I make $223,00 scaming kids like you out of money.
Talk to me when you move out of your mom's basket.

only been in excavation for a year and a half but its not big stuff... mostly dig with a 305.5 doing small sewer systems for apartment complexes and such. Got about 200k in loans 1 full time worker that stays with me and a full time dump truck driver for my tandem. Both making 15/hr.


so yeah it's quite literally "Shit work".

Thank you for your service

>Work in a machine shop

Nice, starting a small business, especially in this economy, sounds like hell I hope you make it through though.

You and me both Sup Forumsrotha.

Program Manager for a uni
~82,000 and benefits

>Self Employed
>$1,800/mo; will be 3,600/mo next year