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Taking names and paying debts edition

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Was getting caught part of her plan?

Didn't notice this the first time. That's pretty cool

Are there even other bros with the chemistry these two had in the show?


pls theories with me Sup Forums

The /Highgarden/ remembers


Archmaester Marwyn was mentioned and Sam will meet him next season.

Cast him, /got/

>a motherless bastard born in the SOUTH
What did he MEAN by this

Sansa/LF alliance against Jon is book canon.

Jons going to become KITN without Sansa's help in the books (which makes more sense because he wouldnt be an usurper since sansa wouldnt be there and he doesnt know Brans still alive) and since Sansa doesnt like Jon in the books she'll team up with littlefinger to overthrow him.

This plot will end with the death of both Sansa and Littlefinger after Bran exposes the fact that they're both traitors.

Screenshot this comment.

Sophie is beauty.

Azor Apie

>having chemistry

It's like you're expecting good writing


forgot image

>still no Preston video
How mad is he about Jon

Fucking showpleb thinks that he discovered something epic. Look at him and laugh.



>the north will rally around Ned and Cat's trueborn daughter he said
>I've declared for House stark he said
>you're the future of House Stark he said


He underestimated Ramsay, and underestimated literally every single Northern Lord.

Even fucking Royce got up and called Jon King in the North.

Jaime, you can see in the look in his face this episode. He saw Cersei as the Mad King. He isn't happy, and will probably take her down when she gets too crazy.

Everyone knows that Jon was born in Dorne. It's just a question of who his father and mother are.


>that scene with Jaime and Walder Frey
>the music is playing louder than their dialogue

What was up with that?

Are there still humans alive beyond the wall, except Bran and Meera?

RIP in peace

Jamie and Bronn

I just wanna snuggle and cuddle him forever.

After all the years the Others have had to plan their attack on humans, they better have some weapons to fucking annihilate dragons reliably.
Because I'm gonna be upset if the dragons just dracaries them all to shit.

you sure that's intentional

bro r+l=j has been a thing for like 20 years now fuck off

He's eternally BTFO by GRRM himself. You'll always be able to taste the defeat in his voice.

Whatever happened to that dope collar

His fucking button pushing game is top notch. Sansa should realize that he's probably THE pro at oral in Westeros

I thought Wylla was meant to be from the Vale

you mean N+L



Why is nobody talking about Oldtown?

Those fuckers hate dragons and seemingly know how to kill them.

Wylla is a wet nurse from House Dayne.

Yeah. It looks EXACTLY like the Stark symbol, you can even see the eye and mouth

>Killing your own House edition

No surprise that Stannisfags are now jumping on the Cersei train.

>I'm going to be annoyed if Danaerys instantly and effortlessly overcomes all the obstacles in her path while "epic" music plays

what fucking show have you been watching m8

Yes, he was broken after his dinner with GRRM

>he discovered the secret to a good pie is the gravy and died before the world could experience it

Too cruel

>Dany Threatens to kill a innocents to take out just a few bad apples

OMG she's so evil guys. she has to be the villain.

Sauron's theory etc...

we can't let her win.

>Cersei kill innocents to kill a couple bad people

OMG She's the best. The lannisters pay their debts, i would drag my dick through a mile of broken glass just to hear her fart in the prive
you guys are just as hypocritical as tumblr


>"There really WAS no 'breastplate stretcher'!"

You just KNOW

Tyrion and Bronn

It's been years since it's been this fun to be a Lannisterfag.

HE IS A BASTARD THOUGH. These Jonautists needs to get their shit together, I don't care if his dad had a pedigree, he's still a fucking bastard. Rhaegar had a wife.

No, and Bran and Meera will cross the Wall next season.

A webm of this scene would be perfect for an IASIP edit.

Have his give the full line then drop a "Jon Snow: King in the North" on a black background like Always Sunny does it.

Fuck that. I hopped onboard with CIA

someone post the wojak flag meme with stannis

>Archmaester Marwyn was mentioned

Was he? Serious question.
Not native english speaker and I heard about the Archmaester but not Marwyn.

Since the Starks had exactly -50 to do with the wildfire plot, I doubt this was intentional.


Sam meets Marwyn the Mage and studies relentlessly offscreen

The Hound, Beric, Thoros, Brienne, Melisandre, and Arya end up in the same location at the same time. Shenanigans ensue

The Vale knights are stranded by the snow, so they join Jon

The big battle next season is naval, Dany vs Euron in/near Oldtown

Viserion is grounded by a ballista then surrounded and killed in the streets

Euron boards Yara's ship and kills her, Theon witnesses but escapes

Dany's fleet is crushed and in disarray, she escapes on Drogon while her army retreats

Oldtown is pretty much a ruin, but Euron thinks he's made a work of art and stays there. Sam escapes, but he has the knowledge he came for

Dany begins to doubt herself and sulks around for a while

Qyburn hears what happened and leaves Cersei, he arrives in Oldtown and Euron lets him be archmaester. Qyburn torments the maesters who had him expelled

Riots in King's Landing intensify, Cersei orders her soldiers to kill all of the rebels

Jaime blows up the Red Keep and Cersei with wildfire, King's Landing is abandoned

Jaime puts Edmure back on the seat of Riverrun and rides for Casterly Rock, proclaiming himself King in the Rock

Jon begins his war against the white walkers, Dany has joined him and things don't go very well. Rhaegal is killed

Sam reunites with Jon and gives him important information. Either a method of forging Valyrian steel, another sort of weapon, or evidence of a historical treaty between the Others and Men that was buried by the maesters. The white walkers are either killed or make peace. Jon is revered as a demigod

Jaime becomes a competent battle commander and defeats Euron. Maybe Theon is the one to kill Euron. Theon rules the Iron Islands

Jaime marries Brienne

Gendry rules the Stormlands

The remaining starks are reunited

Giants aren't extinct, they help rebuild

The crown is no more, the 7 kingdoms are independent

Cersei still has tons of caches of Wildfire so you can expect there's probably going to be some massive cityfighting where a group of Dothraki/Unsullied are burnt alive.

Probably what will happen is Jaime will leave Cersei and take the Lannister soldiers with him and let Cersei and the City Defenders get BTFO by the Targ Army. That or Cersei lures the Danny fleet/Tyrell fleet into some bay and ends up getting practically ruined by Euron's fleet and one dragon dies. But the former is probably way easier to write.

>wed, bed, behead

>Vale Lords proclaiming Jon King
What did they mean by this?

What's so good about Daenerys?

Season is over. TWOW announcement when?

tfw Cersey is literally the least bad character left. I hope she wins. She is so hot. I want to kiss her and stick my peepee in her mouth

pls not Dany. She looked like a 10 year old talking to daario. And then the guy offers to be a cuck and let her fuck rich dudes lmao

but the scene with cersey talking about fucking was so cringe and predictable. I knew they couldn't resist having her use fuck as a verb as if girls can fuck things.

How will LF kill Robin?

the sheer POTTERY between their two characters. Meant to be TBQH

My favorite actor and my favorite actress in the show. Pottery.

Why would they put a Stark sigil there? Nigga you delusional.

>tfw we never got a Cersei /ss/ incest scene

Jon on his first time was able to satisfy a wildling ho.

That dragonwolf dick is GOOD

Jon was born during the war... Since ned was in the south for all the war along, everybody knows he is born in the south. The question is from whom. And the answer is ashara dayne B)

Do you think they held each other tightly on his final night of shooting? Do you think Isaac took his boipussy slow and lovingly? Do you think they cried in each others arms?

Without Robin LF has no power dumb dumb

>this entire post

Wed Salsa
Bed the goblin, but make her wear the Waif's face
Kill the cripple

I just don't want any more dracaries man.
The Others are supposed to be smart goddamn.

Targaryens practiced polygamy.

I'm betting that Arya will tag team the mountain with the hound, right now.

More like how Robin will kill LF

Just "archmaester", not specifically Marwyn, but I can't see it being any other archmaester.

His name might change and he won't be as powerful or important, but it will still make for an intriguing character. The Oldtown mysteries were awesome in the books.

behead all

stark fucking shits

Wed Bran, bed Arya, behead Sansa

He sold it for cuddles[

Bronn and Bronn

I dont know but I hope it makes its triumphant return next season. Most fucking based piece of Stark apparel of all time

>Rhaegar had a wife.

There's precedent for Targs having multiple wives.

But even if Jon is legitimate I don't know how he could prove that because he'd already have a hell of a time just proving that Rhaegar is his dad.

>Evil blonde woman used underhanded tricks to seize power and defeat a kind old man who just wanted justice for the poor

What did D&D mean by this?

>Cersei will never be your intensely protective pyschotic incestuous mother


Wed Arya
Bed Sansa
Behead GOD

>Kelly C kills the Others with her dragons, gets a free army of wights
You heard it here first.


Should've just kept that face on tbqhwy

I do think the major battle next season will be a huge naval battle that involves dragons and wildfire.

I hope Team Cersei/Euron actually end up winning it, it would make for an interesting development.

Bed Arya
Behead Bran
Wed Salsa

Bed bran, then wed bran and bed him again

just kill them all fucking stark traitorous shits

Is Varys a better teleporter than CIA?

Underrated post

but he has a surplus of free cuddles

>3 dragons
>8000 Unsullied
>100,000 Dothraki
>20,000 Dorne
>80,000 Reach

So how does anyone stop Dany?

Cersei is easily becoming my favorite character in the show