Why do people pretend that there's no middle ground between mass appeal and brutally dark?

Why do people pretend that there's no middle ground between mass appeal and brutally dark?
Pic related proves you can have mature writing and characters while appealing to all ages

>Shouting at amorphless people

Reminder this was the best relationship in the show.

>mfw your dream capeshit is an adaptation of that ww2 justice league against nazi timetravel story arc
>tfw no god tier John Stewart Green lantern but we will eat years of fucking black cyborg
>we're getting fucking dr strange and female thor but Martian manhunter will never be adapted
>fuck WW, Hawkgirl is better

No one cares about DC you cuck.

Literally best kids show, me and my dad use to watch all the time.

I sorta wish this was the crew they should go with for in JL movie.

fuck off back to Sup Forums, manbaby

I quite liked the WW Batman relationship but they never really did anything with it other than have Batman say he wants to be alone.

>tfw no god tier John Stewart Green lantern but we will eat years of fucking black cyborg

This pisses me off enough to not even want to make fun of DC, I just want them to get their act together already.

Yeah their flirting and moments were cute but Batman is a rich boy with problems.

Savage Time would be a far better plot for WW's movie.

>John Stewart Green lantern
I'm not even memeing here when I say Idris Elba would be a perfect cast.

And he gets his wish, except for almost brain fucked "Talia".

>brutally dark
brah, c'mon on

but hey, it's a superman that actually wants to kill a guy

and it's a superman that punches a guys through buildings without a care, with damage limited by the constraints on the creators

there's no 'mature' writing either, or rather, you can also see where the creators were limited in the stories they wanted to tell

gods and monsters actually much more consistent with ideas and themes than those old cartoons were, because the creators got to tell the story they wanted to tell

I don't remember it being very dark. Batman TAS was darker then that.

Reading comprehension fail...

>paul dini will never work on the DC cinimatic universe

>Why do people pretend that there's no middle ground between mass appeal and brutally dark?

Absolutely not.

He's saying Bruce Timmverse IS THAT FUCKING MIDDLE GROUND you fucking window licker.