Why do euros pronounce the word "saw" as "saur"
I used to kind of notice it in movies that starred British people but it's so prominent in shows like Doctor Who and GoT that it now bothers me to no end
Why do euros pronounce the word "saw" as "saur"
I used to kind of notice it in movies that starred British people but it's so prominent in shows like Doctor Who and GoT that it now bothers me to no end
That's too cringy.
Since Dany is a ruler that only showfag retards like and never has anything go wrong for her despite the fact she's a self-righteous psychopath then yeah this is a pretty accurate comparison.
Does this mean bill is viserys?
Because that's how it's pronounced, mate.
Why do Americans pronounce the word "saw" as "tsa"
Different accent
Trump would be Joffrey then
Bill is Khal Drogo
>Mother of LGBT
How do americans pronounce it
>mother of LGBT
Bitch didn't like us until 2013
Hillary Stormborn Clinton, 1st of her name, the Unliked, the Silver Hag, Mother of Special Interests, & Maker of Chains
joffrey was based though
Yea, he made the right decisions but everyone hated him. Bernie would be like Tommen
Go die in Wildfire
because you wanted to post that image and don't care about a real answer
Who's Monica?
hello red͏dit
More like
Hillary Wall St.born, of house Goldman, 1st of her name, Untrustworthy, the Silver Quack, Mother of Lies, Breaker of Classified Emails
Being basically Robert without friends, charisma, or common sense and much more violence is not what I'd call sane.
I'd say that Bernie isn't in the show because he's a good guy. The closest approaching is Dany.
>I'd say that Bernie isn't in the show because he's a good guy. The closest approaching is Dany.
is this clever satire that's going over my head or are you just a faggot?
Holy fuck that's some cringey shit
>Mother of LGBT
I see you can't handle dissenting opinions
It's pretty pointless to compare real people to fictional character except for memes anyway.
Trump is literally Jon Snow. A bastard, technically unfit to rule, but the only one who cares enough about the Wall and the coming storm to protect his people.
He'll Make Westeros Great Again.
You couldn't pay me enough to vote for the neo-con Hillary. She is literally George W. Bush 2.0
On a related note, I've only just noticed recently that Americans pronounce "exit" like "egg-zit" and it really fucking bothers me.
>not an evil destructive queen
In reality clinton a self centered rude bitch
I don't think the guy is going to improve any of the divisive cultural problems but at least he's got charisma.
this. incompetent and power hungey
I'm pretty sure clinton is the Antichrist
>mother of LGBT
>has literally said she didnt support gay marriage in the past.
>Only supported it when it mattered for votes
>mother of LGBT
She opposed gay marriage until like a couple years ago
>mother of LBGT
>opposed the LBGT movement until she decided to run for election
Tommen was a good guy but he was weak and pathetic
>choice between Trump and Hilary for the next president
Decisions decisions...
Stop posting bullshit propaganda Shillary.
Wait, what the fuck are homofags even deprived of that they would need a politician for?
You even got to desecrate marriage, something that doesn't even make sense for gays because you can't reproduce and 90% of you won't even get married.
Any words that end in an "oh" or "ah" sound are usually followed by an "r" in English, Australian, and New Zealand accents. It's pretty subtle in English Accents, but really obvious in Australian. When an Australian says "no" it sounds like he's saying "nar"
Is Trump even a real person anymore?
He is more of a meme than a man.
they forgot
"Burner of Crosses"
me on the left
Not all American dialects. I hear "eck-sit" more.
>Mother of LGBT
>Supported DOMA.
If anyone is Hillary its her. She destroyed the High Sanders even.
>mother of LGBT
Did people forget how she was against gay marriage in the 90s
No way that's an actual tweet
The appeal of her to Hillbots just flabbergasts me. I don't understand how anyone can like her. I know it's been popular to be cynical about politicians since Watergate, but Clinton is the biggest fucking slimy neoliberal quasi-nobility sociopath in D.C. I have no idea how anyone that can claim to support "social justice" can be enthusiastic about her.
kek I never realize until now that's how I've been pronouncing "Exit". Egg zits
aha ha ha
Fuck it, I'd vote for him just for that.
she's a woman and she's opposing trump. that's it.
Yes, because the liberal media has brainwashed people into thinking Hilary is a good choice in spite of all the evidence that she is not.
Forgot the pic
Sage and hide. Fuck off back to Sup Forums.
Trump is Littlefinger. Used the chaosh as a laddah
But he sold out to Crooked Hillary???
Geez the cringe. The autism.
That's fucking sad.
I'd rather have Trump than Hillary. Bernie's gone bros.
You eitheir have a race mongering corrupt government under Trump
Hillary SJW shills for corporations for years to come