Love Cersi

>Love Cersi
>Favorite character in the show
>Lastest episode showcases how based she is
>Hottest female in the show, would fuck her daily if I was Jamie
>Hope she comes out on top at the end
>Sisters still think I'm sexist cause I hate that smug cunt Dany and the Dorne bitches

Been a Cerseibro since season 3. Glad there are more of us

I want her to peg me desu

>tfw she will never lift her bad ass new dress up and dominate you with her thick milf ass and perfect feet

I want her to suffocate me with her thighs mayn

But with her new outfit on

I want nothing more than for her to tease an orgasm out of me using her feet.
If D&D have her killed I'll drop the show.

Wonder how she's going to handle Dany when she comes knocking. Would be amazing to see the mountain take out at least one dragon

I hope her hair is long again next season.

Can't get behind the short hair.

So what's the next step in her masterplan?

It's all about dat mouth tho. She's got some good dick sucking lips.

Burning this city.

To fuck everything in sight with her foot long cock.

>tfw no Cersi sister

She's the reason I'm into incest porn

Even in death, tywin is is still the best.

Does anyone have the gif of her getting fucked from behind?

Crashing this trial with no survivors

Keep looking for that one but can't find it

Blaze it

Cersei is the best character in the series by far.

Dany is Queen Mary of the Sues. I actually hope Dany fucking dies in the last episode, and that Cersei is the one to do it.

Let Jon be the last heir.

Final episode is an hour long hardcore sex scene between Jon and Cercei, future king is conceived

>books: supposed to be the most beautiful woman in the 7 kingdoms, only Margaery close
>show: looks like a literal man, and an ugly one.

Besides her being hot, what is there to like about Cersei?

Why don't you go jerk off to your Dragon whore queen faggot?

So it's basically confirmed that jaime and cersei are targaryens right?


Dothraki scum confirmed.



I've been on Team Cers ever since her stuff during the Blackwater. I'm just hoping they don't turn her into the new over the top big bad now that Ram is dog food and Euron is barely a character in the show.


I guess I'll never know if the High Sparrow was a true believer or full of shit. Either way, he realized how much he fucked up just before getting nuked.

Is the Mountain raping the septa?