/got/ general

tfw you will never drink wine and watch fanatics burn alive with your Queenfu edition

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Cersei in the South
Nights King in the North

Making Westeros Great Again!

anyone got a webm of the wildfire going off?

Stark Sigil in his eyes. Starks clean house using wildfire confirmed

Ramsay is still alive and will take the Iron Throne.

Screencap this.

CIAxSansa >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jonsa

This is indesputable.


>cucklet jumps out of window
who else thought Joffrey was objectively a better king than this little bitch?

How does he do it, Sup Forums?




>Jonautists think Rhaegar is Jon's father

What's his endgame?


The kid was making sure there would be no survivors. He led Lancel down the sept because he shouldn't leave the area of impact. The rest was obviously for effect (Lancel on the floor, almost stopping the fire).

Lancel couldn't stop it because as we know...

The fire rises.

Thats Arya

>Muh Dornish Master Plan
>Muh R+L=D
i-i-i-i-it'll be different in the books, you'll see....

so what's Cersei's endgame?
Do she plan on making an heir?


Why isn't there a Dany dying option?

>Character BURNS their allies, family and children
>insta muh great ruler


become dark archmaester

Sansa or Danny for jonb owl?

He's a Wizard in more than one sense of the word.

He was so close to the death that now nothing can stop him. Similar to Jon.

top qt

Retire to South America so he can escape punishment for his crimes

>"That WAS what 'empty' meant!"


even tho he's supposed to play her gay brother, you can see in eyes he wants to hit that

Only over my lifeless, nude and sexy dead body




Is this what "feel the Bern" means?

More curious as to why that guy has an army of kids instead of you know, royal soldiers or w/e.

How can people unironically want JonxSansa? I know they're not blood related but they grew up together. The very idea of it is disgusting.


yeah it won't be different in the books, The snakes who are currently on their way to KL will come back to kill Doran before leaving again.

Fuck Cersei.

>I looked for you on Youtube,” GRRM said to them.

>“We were not there,” Ser Preston answered.

>“Woe to the Hacks if we had been,” said Ser Benny.

>“When Season Six came, Ser DABID slew your Dornish Master Plan with a stronk snek, and I wondered where you were.”

>“Far away,” Ser Preston said, “or Quentyn would yet be alive, and our false showwriters would burn in seven hells.”

>“I came down on the Hugos to attack the Puppies,” GRRM told them, and the authors Gaiman and King sided with me, and all our feminist fans hollered and hooted. I was certain you would be among them.”

>“Our knees do not bend easily,” said Ser Marcus.

>“Lady Linda is fled to Westeros.org, with Elio and the wiki. I thought you might have left with her.”

>“Lady Linda is a good autist and true,” said Ser Benny.

>“But not of the Tinfoilguard,” Ser Preston pointed out. “The Tinfoilguard does not flee.”

>“Then or now,” said Ser Marcus. He donned his "Stannis is alive".

>“We swore a theory,” explained autistic Ser Preston.

>GRRM’s Salad Dressings moved up beside him, with a pizza in hand. They were 168 pages against three.

>“And now it releases,” said Ser Preston Jacobs, the Sweet of the Robin. He unsheathed 1000 Worlds and held it with both hands. The video series was longer than essays, alive with aspergers.

>“No,” GRRM said with hunger in his voice. “Now it ends.

>like a girl
>finally getting close to her
>sell her off to a psychopath to be married
>wonder why she doesnt return your affections

is CIA a supreme gentleman??


R + L = 3 Dragon Eggs (plus Jon)

Why else was she dying when she laid them?

He's the Palpatine to Cersei's Vader. He's the one in controle behind the scenes.

Doesn't Lyanna Mormont find it odd that Jon Snow is walking around with her house's ancestral blade?

who /bran/

if sansa betrays her brother I will be so ticked off

The High Sparrow must be the most misunderstood character in the entire series. If he's a fanatic for wanting the crown and faith to rule peacefully together, then what does that make Cersei who murdered hundreds of people in a bombing?

>R + L = 3 Dragon Eggs (plus Jon) + 1 female direwolf


Why is everyone on /r/gameofthrones such cringing, basic bitch losers?

>inb4 'going to reddit'

Bran a cute. A CUTE

varys employed an army of children because they are small and have an easier time being sneaky, stealing info. and spying in general.




>Ass Creed-tier



Don't cry Melly Smelly pls :(


Survival and curiosity. He wanted to study the most peculiar and strange bits of medicine and magic in the citadel and was expelled for it.

So, he went with the Brave Companions for protection. He seized the opportunity of befriending Jaime because he knew that a Lannister always pays his debts. Jaime put him in a position where he could practice his work without interference, creating his first successful Bloodless Man.

Now he's brought things even further and he is the sole member of the small council with no one to oppose him.

When Cersei cannot protect him any longer, he will abandon her for the greatest thing he can imagine - Traveling to the ruins of Oldtown, now controlled by Euron, and making himself archmaester. The greatest store of knowledge in the world and control over history and medicine would be his. He'll punish the maesters who once looked down on him.

Possibly the best arc of a minor character in the entire series.

he took his little birds back to meereen

He needed to set up the Boltons as traitors that harbor Sansa the Fugitive so that he could get a royal decree to go kill them. Otherwise, it would be suspicious for a Vale army to move through the Riverlands, the Frey would barricade the pathways.

Remember Season 5.

>no meera in top-tier

just kill yourself already

From this day until my final day.

He puts his ancestral blade inside her little sheath to make her shut up about it

Jaimes face is great
>I could just Kingslay both of them right now, who could stop me?

>hey guys I go to reddit
>I think everyone on reddit are cringing, basic bitch losers
>but please don't make a case of me going to reddit. it's perfectly acceptable
>It's just that I like being surrounded by cringing basic bitch losers

>be Cerseifag
>smirkfufags ignore you
>now everyone's a cerseifag
At last they truly see.

I don't care what she does, just as long as she doesn't "end up" with him and all the Tumblr fat spend the next 5 years swooning about it and planning Jonsa-themed weddings

Accurate, but put Sneks above Dany, and Yara with a ranking just for herself, the Lesbo Pirate-tier

>impress cersey with his death magic
>she lets him lick her butt

move Sansa to Dogshit-tier.

she was ok in season 4.

nosedive in bitchiness this season.

ALSO put Gilly in Ok-tier. she a qt.

Sansa is shit, Meera is top.


>tfw Gendry's probably still in King's Landing and now under Cersei's rule
>tfw he's either gonna starve or die when the fire rises in all of King's Landing

>Banishing a powerful red priestess cause she killed a little girl that would have died anyway (and created like 6 more extra months of fall in the process)

Why is Jon so dumb?

If Dany and Jon ally at all I will drop the series for good.

This brings up an excellent point.

Is it possible to have sex with a girl that has the same name as your mother?

I don't think I could do it.

Even if she was a 10.


>Shit Tier


Literally every other comment on /r/gameofthrones is "LE THATS WHY THEY CALL IT KINGS LANDING AMIRITE :D". Reddit is pure cancer

Id resurrect 10000 Mountains to lick Cerseis ass right after she takes a shit
If you know what i mean.

become so valuable to the monarch that she can't afford to be without him. he then leverages his indispensability to get unlimited funding and supplies for his unethical research. is almost certainly working on some necromantic science that will make him immortal but probably doesn't seriously expect to finish it and just considers it something to keep him busy when he retires to the Summer Islands with a fat sack of gold

I loved Smirkfu but Cersei is GOAT.

>we have officially seen Essos for the last time

How does this make you feel?

Which character do you think gives the best cuddles?

Lyanna Mormont

Only good thing about the last episode was the soundtrack tbqhwy.

If you care about her name if it's a 10/10 you have your priorities wrong m8.

>looking is the same as actively participating

You probably think white people with dreads is racist too, and that anyone who doesn't enjoy infantile shit like Steven Universe or MLP is automatically a "biggit"

It's plot important anyway. Melly has to meet up with Thoros, Arya and possibly Gendry. Remember she did tell Arya that they'd meet again.

>b-but Jon is Azor Ahai
>you said the sam,the thing about Stannis
>b-but it wasn't my fault, the voices in my head told me to do it
Melly fucking shits

>Now now, no need to leave the sept I'm sure Cersei will be here any minute...

We don't have to hate everything Tumblr loves user.
We can agree on this one point.

she's not sexy anymore now that she got btfo so hard


Jon would Dany to be honest. "muh rights" "muh titles" muh dragons" "muh righteousness"

Bitch is 100% crazy with no one like Jorah, Barristan or Tyrion to keep her madness at bay

If you were Jon, who would you marry?

For the best alliances I mean

dat husky voice when he said "im the three eyed raven now"


>not ranking best girl

Alright, so what's the deal here.

Do we really think the harshness of the winter will hinder Dany too much? Is there really a possibility that she will crash and burn? Is there a possibility that she will actually end up losing her dragons?

Why do I imagine that she'll sweep the entire place clean and end up campaigning against Jon, only to nearly end him before he finally spills the beans about the true enemy/his heritage is revealed and Dany takes pity on him to let him fight alongside her as she heads the charge against the white walkers?

Nobody fucking cares about reddit, stop talking about it you retarded redditor or go fuck off right back to your precious shithole.

Thank fucking christ.


>not liking based Granny Olenna Tyrell or Smelly Melly.

SHANSA. I'd love to cuddle with her.