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/got/ white wolf/Jonbro edition
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Lol OP, I was going to make the exact same thread. Good call.
King Jon of House Whitestark!
i wanted another cersei thread
north stuff is boring now
Hopefully we get banned soon so the redditors go back to their sub reddits.
Azor Jon
Well done, Cersei, well done.
>mfw no one saw these
I've been rewatching Hardhome since it has the same director as the last two eps. The jump in quality every time Sapochnik gets the wheel is clearly noticeable.
what crest will they have once Jon and Dany are married? a wolfheaded Dragon?
This man's honor is above reproach. How does it feel for him to be finally vindicated?
nor these
A friend of mine said I was a misogynist for saying only flaming homos and complete pussies are rooting for Dany/Snek/Martell alliance. How do I make myself feel safe again and remove this sort of negativity from my life? It was almost too much to bear and I've been crying all day.
I want Redditors to leave us alone.
United we Bran
>Lied to his King
>Lied to his wife
The honorable thing to have done would have been to hand over Baby Jon to let Robert smoosh him with his warhammer.
rape your friend
>Implying he won't reforge lightbringer from her chest
so did they bring their ships to Meereen just so they can sail them back to Westeros?
How does it feel being a dumb fucking retard that got hundreds upon thousands of people killed all because you had to open your big fat mouth and then later blow your last chance at salvaging the situation by not allying with that one-time correct cocksucker?
Ya. Blew. It.
Never stop, based Branbro.
Who do you think Euron kills next season?
I'd bet Theon, Missandei,and a dragon at the very least.
Is that faggot Benioff wearing lipstick? What the fuck?
How long until his cuts his cock off?
>rhaegar fucked up westeros for this
You can tell he's upset that his theories were proven wrong. He's in denial
Melisandre was pretty cute
He made a promise to his own blood you statist beta cuck.
Sure, nothing makes sense, but its totally epic
>tfw sir davos is killed by a white walker next season
>lancel gets stabbed
>can't crawl 5 m to extinguish the candle
>arya gets stabbed three times
>does sme assassin's creed shit
theon's character development isn't gonna be for a shocking death
Yara is a red herring and she will end up dying. She'll name Theon her heir in her dying breaths.
I think Dany's fleet met them in Dorne.
>Someone [GRRM] who's fundamentally anti-religious, anti-feudalistic wouldn't have his magnum opus be some pedalled story of religion, Azor Ahai and prophecy full of tropes and simply a chosen one defeating the Others and bringing harmonious balance; it's going to be so much more than that and even throw all that out the window when the Others and Children make their return and ultimately the epilogue for ASOIAF should break the Kingdoms and core of feudalism entirely, as it breaks the mould of genre fiction. The show has no indication of remaining faithful to the source material but continues to be absolute pandered bullshit catering to faggots.
Does this neckbeard speak the truth? Is GRRM anti-religion and anti-feudalistic?
well they wrote themselves into a corner when they said Arya looks like her. They had to get an uggo.
Is this a joke? Hes a flamer
being a child actor has nothing to do with him looking like a queerio
Post yfw Jaime Nissa Nissa's Cersei and his sword catches fire as he is reborn as Azor Ahai.
I miss him, lads.
Winged, firebreathing direwolf
A bit like Bittersteel's combination of the Targaryan and Bracken sigil
Reminder that Dany just accepted an offer of alliance with a bunch of psychopaths who murdered a 15 year girl who did nothing to them, and then murdered their uncle because he tried to stop them, and then murdered their cousins for pure kicks.
Oh and Tyrion is completely fine with it and not at all guilty about sending Myrcella to Dorne in the first place.
Just watched the episode, what where /got/'s reactions to Jon Targ?
And no searching the archive is fucking impossible you redditors burn through 100 threads in a day
Wow, shit taste Robert.
Id rather a walker get him than some bitch duel wielding whips or daggers or repurposed unsullied cocks or dragon dildos or whatever
well yeah
>be young and handsome
>be king
>be bachelor
>kill yourself
oh stupid little Tommen
what did he mean by this?
No really, what did he mean. Is it a play on "row row row your boat"? I don't get it, is Gendry returning?
Pretty sure lancel got stabbed in the spine
He had already proclaimed Robert King by then. That promise was high treason.
pure kino
Yes, but inside every cynic is a dumb mark waiting to come out.
Cersei'd just killed the next hottie he found.
Just realized, Sansa's changed her hair to resemble Cats, and Jon is wearing a coat modeled after Ned's.
Jonsa is confirmed you fucks
Everyone will unite against Cersei
Cersei will win
Cersei will single handedly defeat the white walkers.
Good point in that spoiler, user. Further solidifies how much they fucked up the Dorne plot in the show.
Arya had training you stupid idiotface.
>Is GRRM anti-religion
He's anti religious extremism and he's definitely against religion being a part of the state
>and anti-feudalistic?
Definitely. Feudalism fucks over the common man. GRRM's writing is meant to condemn the nobility and aristocracy, not praise them.
Not a surprise we all knew that.
I stan you
Yes, there's no such thing as Azor Ahai, no chosen one, it's all bullshit.
But in the show they are clearly going in the Prince that was promised route
>all the choices are related to him
>a dying woman who just gave birth and has been locked in a tower for months doesn't look her best
Fucking autists, I swear
tommon is a stupid fag
He lives in a hole in the ground
How did they manage to pick out the one baby with that retarded gormless look on his face? That casting is perfect.
>Ser Pounce will probably starve to death now that purest king is dead.
greywurm vs ser davos when?
that happened like months ago in the show's timeline. no one remembers that shit.
>You want to know the horrible truth? I can't even remember what she looked like. I only know she was the one thing I ever wanted
Probably for the best Bobby
Do they know about all that though?
I got a feeling she's going to stick around. More so than Dany.
Enjoying the government's rotten cock in your ass?
Fucking cuck.
where the fuck are my children?
Davos wins.
What's a dickless faggot going to do? Do I need to remind you that these retards got their asses kicked by the sons of the harpies or some shit like that?
giving birth doesn't make your eyebrows grow and your teeth part.
Everyone knows everything on this show.
Except the Citadel, the only group of people who SHOULD know everything. Oh and that one time Littlefinger forgot to google Ramsay before marrying off his only love interest to him
what did he mean by this?
George is an atheist who's written about the dangers of religion, especially fanaticism, in the past. And had false prophets and frauds using religion to manipulate people
George is a liberal so I guess he's against a feudal society, he's also anti war so hates the whole pointlessness of war
What fucked up thing could Cersei do in the final season that would inspire Jaime to kill her?
I would have thought it'd have something to do with Myrcella or Tommen when I first read it - but now that they're both dead what could Cersei do that would anger a man so much that he'd kill the one woman he's ever loved and has shared a bond with his entire life?
what will happen to Stannis in the books?
Get out Cersei
1st for Barbaro of House Snek
"Fuck Mereen, fuck the people"
I fucking lost my shit then! Preston you mad man
This is the episode that allowed me to finally just accept Game of Thrones as a "dumb fun" type show. I'm no longer gonna give a fuck when shit falls into Dany's lap. Doesn't matter that the Dothraki shouldn't be following her. Doesn't matter that Yara can't actually believe she could commit the Ironborn to a complete cultural shift with a handshake. Doesn't matter.
This used to be a show I could enjoy without switching off my brain, but it just isn't anymore. I've reached the acceptance stage. I'm just in it for the ride now.
Euron Crow’s Eye stood upon the deck of Silence, clad in a suit of black scale armor like nothing Aeron had ever seen before. Dark as smoke it was, but Euron wore it as easily as if it was the thinnest silk. The scales were edged in red gold, and gleamed and shimmered when they moved. Patterns could be seen within the metal, whorls and glyphs and arcane symbols folded into the steel.
Valyrian steel, the Damphair knew. His armor is Valyrian steel. In all the Seven Kingdoms, no man owned a suit of Valyrian steel. Such things had been known 400 years ago, in the days before the Doom, but even then, they would’ve cost a kingdom.
Euron did not lie. He has been to Valyria. No wonder he was mad.
Sapochnik is a fucking beast, all these scenes we're not used to seeing in GoT but work beautifully, pure kino.
hahaha I'm reading the wiki and this nigga turned down cersei for this?
Why did Arya stop him before he started eating? The joke isn't funny if he doesn't actually start eating. I mean, you go through all the work of cooking a few dudes, you want at least some of that meal to be eaten!
I prefer her at her current age