Was this the quintessential moment of LOST?
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The one where you found out they were dead the entire time and flashed a huge middle finger to everyone who watched the show.
The one where retards didn't understand the Purgatory stuff in season 6
Wow, you really didn't get the show, even after all these years
when Jack traveled back in time to when Locke was still crippled and taped a pipe bomb to his wheelchair in order to kill Gus
When ned stark died
I've never had the desire to re-watch this...
pls explain the ending
I never watched the show past this moment. Should I give it another shot? From what I've gathered it's terrible.
This is when the show officially became stupid.
>john locke screaming "don't tell me what I can't do!"
>camera shows he's in a wheelchair
>next shot is of him moving his feet
>he stands up in the middle of the plane crash with that look of complete bliss
I was on his side the entire show after that. Guy had the worst luck ever, then has a literal fucking miracle happen to him.
The high point of the entire show was early in season one, Locke's episode. The magic and mystery of the reveal that the island has cured him and he can walk again, and him watching the wheelchair burn at night. That was peak Lost, everything from there was trying to recapture that moment but only ended up compounding mystery upon mystery until it was meaningless. Oh well.
Most emotional overall moment: "not Penny's boat"
The discovery of the hatch easily
That was the mystery box that hooked the world in the mid 2000's when everything else on TV was stupid reality shows or "War on Terror" news
The quintessential moments were Charlie's death and Desmond calling Penny
I like desmond, but the whole penny deal seemed forced as fuck to me. Also, the two actors had like next to zero chemistry on screen.
When Ben's coolness effect wore off and he became less cool.
Lost was good for 3-4 seasons ? Maybe 5? I forget.
I really enjoyed the part when the countdown turned into evil looking hieroglyphics
Everything that happened on the Island actually happened; it all happened during the surviving casts' lifetimes; it was real.
The "afterlife" of Lost was the Season-6 flash-forward "alternate present" where they never crashed at all.
lets call it one and a half
That one part where they had to go back to the island
Correct. I can't believe people still don't get this.
>We have to go back!
>The Constant
Two best parts
>being this retarded
This for early Lost. OP for the second half.
You are right That Locke's episode is the best lost moment
It turned to shit about when they started fucking around with "alternate timelines" and similar nonsense.
I don't know why people complain about season 6 when it gave us this
Wtf was the wheel? Was the island a wind up time travel toy? Wtf did everyone die? THIS SHOW WAS SO TRASH
>Sayid becoming evil
Literally why I wanted answers not more useless plot
>not getting something therefore it is trash
but why would they all be together if they never crashed?
God that was such a great intro after waiting the whole summer.
>i didn't watch past season 2
scared the fuck out of me desu
truly a great character, still saddens me that he got so fucked
when life gives you questions, scrambled eggs
OP's post was the toppest top point of the show, The Constant was the height of emotional impact of the show
>mysterious four toed statue
Hype as fuck
>being wrong
did we ever find out what he durn to em
I was too late
Did we forget about the light turning on in the hatch
>We will never have LOST livethread stickys that go over 10000 replies of pure memes again
I remember every detail about where I was when this came on, one of the most memorable tv events for me
Jack playing football
>muh box
>muh "it was a metaphor"
Seriously, couldn't they have devoted fifteen seconds to a legitimate explanation of how Locke's dad got to the island?
Intro to best character Desmond was best scene of show
That scene where jack tells the story about the girl who he fucked up in surgery and then saved was great
You have 10000 got threads a day instead.
Such a shame what this place has become, comfy Lost replaced by superheroes and Tumblr soap opera dragons
he was such a cuck
>i am literally the only one who understands whats going on
>better never explain jack so he gets confused and keeps fucking shit up
Polar bear in the first episode for me. That shit got me so hyped and had my head swimming with theories. It was such a simple image but so effective. And then it turned out to be a shitty CGI smoke monster.
Fuck yes, I loved that moment.
>I didn't watch the show and think the polar bears were smoke monsters
>And then it turned out to be a shitty CGI smoke monster.
there were real polar bears brought there for experiments by DHARMA
very funny how no one can keep the story straight
>And then it turned out to be a shitty CGI smoke monster
Remember when Jin beat his wife for having a garden because he was mad she cheated on him?
>It's an user didn't watch the show but fell for the later seasons sucked meme episode
The ending to Titanic is exactly the same as the ending to LOST
I didn't mean the polar bear was the smoke monster you jerks. I watched the whole show. It was like 10 years ago. Gimme a break.
It's OK we all make mistakes
Has anyone rewatched this after a long break and is it a fun re-watch?
Reminder that Kate was hottest girl but second worst character after Claire
It wasn't a mistake. Sup Forums is just filled with obtuse mongoloids.
It's a good time but since you already know the plot its pretty obvious they didn't really plan it out past the end of the season. During the writers strike it really tanks for a while
>ywn spend an eternity in purgatory with Claire
Why live
Was she actually Australian or was she faking that horrible voice?
I'm going to give it a go
I thought she was British irl?
The whole show was about how their lives were intertwined. They were connected, in more ways than ome
Was charlie just the biggest cuck on the planet or what?
You wouldn't be a cuck for Claire nigga?
"We're going to need to take the boy"
>Rewatching first episode
>Michaels first appearance 2 minutes in is him running around in the background screaming WALT HAS ANYONE SEEN MY BOY
I stopped watching at season 5 in like 2011 because S6 wasn't on hulu. Is the whole thing worth rewatching? I loved it but I was like 15.
me and this user are rewatching now. Hop in faggot, we're bringing back Lost stickies
>Light in hatch
>Not inputting the numbers in time
>Not pennys boat
>I love you penny
she was a nice piece o' ass especially with that accent
I plan to capture as many reaction images as possible
Couldn't agree more. I never finished lost. It wasn't long after this episode that I dropped it.
check'd and kek'd
LOST posting will save this board once again
I mainly just think of it for the >reddit meme now
It was scary the first time it happened.
Maybe if you're autistic.
The pilot was Matt from Heroes
I was 12 years old but fuck you.
Someone should stream LOST.
>Kate stealing that guys shoes
what a gypsy
There were no alternate timelines user, how do you still not get this?
I'm all for it, don't know how tho. It would be a good thread on Sup Forums for the first time in forever
Trips, very nice