"user, will you eat my pussy?, pleeeease"

>"user, will you eat my pussy?, pleeeease"

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no, that's gross and for cucks.

This desu

I literally just watched this movie the other day. What the fuck user, are you me?

Where is this from, again? I forgor :(

its part of the population mind controll user Get with the agenda !



Why is she so fuckin ugly>

t. degenerates

from dusk til dawn

Sorry, I can't tell you. Don't want you to fall victim to that mind control like me.

From Dusk Till Dawn

Packing my bags right now.

no u

Thanks guys! :)


is that meant to look like Tom Cruise?


>tfw Ive masturbated to this succubus after every movie I see her in

Depends on how hairy it is.

Juliette Lewis was so cute in that movie.


I have a small penis I have to eat pussy


I'd rather suck those tits

Only if you haven't shaved for a month

Is this show any good? I liked the original movie.

no, ur ugly

I like sucking on that clit and fingering till they cum

Even The Other Sister?

yes please im so horny please let me lick your pusy lips

What about the pits?

Oh man, I thought this was from Strange Days

i would but i dont know how

I was an extra in the first season. Episode 4, I believe. It's at the beginning. Im a "Church Goer". Got paid 64 bucks for it.

I watched the first season out of curiosity, mostly because I was associated with it, and I felt obligated and interested in watching it. It was mediocre.

Juliette is my guilty pleasure.

did you see any pusy lips on set?

i would buy my tongue in those pits and not come out till supper

I fucking wish. I saw Robert Rodriguez though. He had a hat on. :)

that's an okay story i suppose

>you will never love and care for a retarded Juliette Lewis
>she will never be scared of you at first, but learn to be more comfortable around you
>she will never see your penis and be frighted by it, but know that it "makes her feel tingly" looking at it
>you will never break her hymen while taking her virginity
>you will never have the unbreakable bond of love that only can come from a pure retard qt gf

why even live

Thanks. I made it myself.

Protip: retarded women are massive sluts who fuck anyone and anything.

Sure. Let me get the frying pan.


based rocco