eternal no waifu edition
eternal no waifu edition
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Listen To BATS
Heyo dudes
hi bud, nice kanye + kkb
But I have a waifu OP.
You never liked school (maybe as a kid but that's it).
Happy man.
Hey mate.
yume bitsu
jon hassell
>jon hassell
I listened to Vernal Equinox before, pretty good stuff my dude.
Hello guys
She's Beautiful - OK
kyary on top 10, cool
BPM15Q - BPM15Q all songs
KOTO - Platonic Planet
The The - Soul Mining
Reposting because of no recs in the last thread.
Ayyy I remember you. Cool to see Sounds Like Braille and Sonora Pine still on there.
Mob - I Believe In You
Boredoms - Super Roots 7
>Black Flag
Boredoms - Soul Discharge
Boredoms - Pop Tatari
Rodan - Rusty
June Of 44 discography
Shipping News discography
>Ichiko Aoba - 0%
Fuck yeah. Check out Hako Yamasaki - Tobimasu. I uploaded it a while ago, check the archive.
Check out Phallus Dei and Tanz Der Lemminge by Amon Duul II.
Boredoms - Super Roots 7
dalek - Untitled
>Structures From Silence
Nice. I don't have anything for it, unfortunately.
Igor Wakhevitch - Docteur Fast
Igor Wakhevitch - Let's Start
Mob - I Believe In You
Same to you about Loveless.
wheat's this site called again
I can't find it
no the other fancy one
the one a Sup Forums fellow remade after it went away
Is it the other one posted by OP?
neverendingchartrendering dot org
im only here to give recs
bent knee - shiny eyed babies
sweet trip - v d c
the rest of the Sup Forumscore chart
primus - frizzle fry
old skool ambient eh?
eliane radigue - jetsun mila
maybe try reccing to others if you want them
hi drop
have you heard the basic channel EPs they're so much better in their original edits
also reign in blood is the best
>eliane radigue - jetsun mila
Old skool ambient is the best ambient, thanks for the rec, looks interesting.
read the OP you illterate fuck
read the OP
where's Loveless?
Rundo Carpe Diem
Rundo Find Play-Doh
Rundo Like Play-Doh Color
Rundo Eat Play-Doh
Rundo No Feel Good
Rundo Sorry....
Rundo Throw Up
No, Rundo, No!
i have half a mind to take a baseball bat to all these got-damned minuets
h'underneat the influence
good heavens...
this bad motherfucker right here laid siege to Tyre back in '79
so by that time id settled the last of my debts in Ft. Lauderdale. by that time id had enough of the sunshine state. i was leaving.
gentle deviations on a theme
im pretty sure i saw this on tv the other day
this man HATES pop music!
is oftentimes found undulating violently upon the carpeted floor
i should have known better than to trust that tan tin can chinaman
working on your book i see
is it titled
"doodie squirt"
but what if you ARE rundo??
Damn, you're deep.
hwy the fuck am i so retarded? in the immortal words of Neil Young, why do i keep fuCKin' UuuuUuuuUuup?
but that's not the point
point is
what are some good 2k17 albums? everything i've heard so far that's relevant to MY interests has been good but i just wan listen
have you listened to that one album with the trapezoid on it and the spider inside the trapezoid?
i cant remember the title but it was ok
the magnetic feelds are releasing a new album in a week too but it doesnt sound great
I'm just giving you a reply because that block of text on the side of your chart is kek
Does anyone have a chart with music recommendations similar to Childish Gambino, Chance the Rapper, and J Cole?
Lol, I like this guy.
I appreciate the abstract ambient, tape music, musique concrete recs I have been getting recently, but can I please get some Eurodance or Eurobeat recs? Or really anything else that has that carefree upbeat catchy style regardless of genre?
Do get help for whatever legit shit you have you have up with you. Though there are even normal people who make the dumbest mistake that they rethink on days later, if not months/years later.
>what are some good 2k17 albums?
I personally have enjoyed RAMZi's Phobiza 'Noite' Vol. 2 quite a bit, and I like it even though I don't really listen to house music all that much anymore.
>t. pleb who can't into triple timed dance
>Shosty's String Quartets
Awesome stuff.
I would suggest checking out Schoenberg's String Quartets, in the order they were made/released.
Keiji Haino & Sitar Tah - Animamima
Actress - RIP
Oh jeez a chart like is gonna get a lot of shit here. Just remember to enjoy whatever it is you genuinely do. But at the same time trying to have one record per artist is helpful since a larger variety of artists gives others a better indication of your taste.
Robert Wyatt - Rock Bottom
Uochi Toki - Cuore amore errore disintegrazione
Clutch - Blast Tyrant
I would suggest listening to some Neutral Milk Hotel, Kanye West, Animal Collective, King Crimson, Radiohead, and My Bloody Valentine
where is rich gang tha tour pt 1?
still need to listen to rodeo
also fuck chance
>rich gang tha tour pt 1
>relevant in 2017
"B-but you're a white male!"-core.