Any good free video editing softwares out there?

Any good free video editing softwares out there?
So far I've just been using Windows movie maker, which is ok and all, but I'd like something better.
I only really need it to make memes and shit, but it would be nice to have a greenscreen function.

Other urls found in this thread: Free Video editor

have you finished your homework yet?

I'd just rather not spend 500 dollars on something if theirs a better alternative elsewhere.

>You are a pirate
>You should be doing homework kid
>You might also need this

go do your homework first.

Actually, I'm asking because I don't want to pirate anything.
"lol underage xd"
I just like the "to be continued" meme, had a good idea for it, and realized I couldn't do something like that with movie maker.
"lol xd underage b&"


>Dont want to pirate
>Asks Sup Forums

It either buy or pirate in Sup Forums Free Video editor

> Free Video editor
>google Free anything
>don't expect to get 5 billion virus pages and one legit one.
Looks like you're the underaged one here, since only a kid could be that naive.

>Dont know how to distinguish virus
>calls underage
>asks help on Sup Forums

Dude you are just roasting yourself

OpenShot is ok for simple stuff, it even has keyframe animation support.

you do realize nothing is "free" right?
all the "free" shit on the Internet has virus/malware or some kind of backdoor/rat. Enjoy being somebody's botnet or worse losing your money/identity.

This thread is basicly two samefags biting each other's dicks

let me get my tinfoil hat

Also Checkem

use blender its free and has a lot of features, not the friendliest editting software to learn though..

What is VirtualDub?
Also/or, Avidemux.

Why exactly not the friendliest? The instructions are bad?
Is handling the features hard?
Are features hidden?
It can mean a lot of things user

Blender can be used for 5 million things so it's a bit hard to learn for beginners

Ohhh, does it help if I have experience with couple of other editing softwares or am I blind in the dark just like the next guy

just my personal experience, it's not as polished as a program like premiere pro. Features are hard to find, effects are obnoxious to make because you have to do almost everything manually, the preview playback screen is choppy shitty and makes it frustrating to work with I could go on and on

Use a diffrent programm, not blender. Blender is a 3D modelling programm with alot diffrent features

it also had a video editting sequence

>it's a bitch to work with
It's free
>it's not as polished as premiere pro
That shit costs 20$ user

You'll hardly ever get a decent video editor wjthout paying triple digits (which is why there's a lot of kickstarter projects revolving around solely getting enpugh money to get a video editor software)
The fact there are free video editing softwares is remarkable

Although I agree with other user, if you want a decenr free software, pirate it
>you best option


I think it still has one


Now it makes sense