Yfw you found out that randy quaid is an insane, broken man

>yfw you found out that randy quaid is an insane, broken man


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also, a trump supporter



he'll be fine

They never let him catch the midnight express

Ever since the abduction

That's some marlon brando tier method acting.

He knew Yelchin was a goner.


Goddamn, I really am a bad person for supporting Trump huh? I am not even being ironic this video really put it into perspective.

But fuck me I don't want to vote Hillary. Sigh... I feel really bad right now. For Randy and myself.

I loved him so much in Christmas Vacation.

>a dude looking like a crazy redneck is revealed to be a crazy redneck

At least he has an insane broken wife to keep him company.

> broken man

He is not broken.
He is merely awoken.

Why did the jews do this to him?

What are they gaining from this poor man's downfall?

redpill's a helluva drug

based Quaid

sorry, user, but sometimes you only get to pick the least worst option

>jump cuts
easiest way to tell it's staged

People who are mentally ill are usually attracted to authoritarian politicians. Especially those who suffer from paranoia. It seems paradoxical since it's the same people who fear a fascist takeover of the govt by the UN. But a strongman makes the nuts feel safe. Just look at Alex Jones and Sup Forums.

Of course you are not a bad person. There is nothing wrong with Trump. Notice how no one gives a real reason to not like Trump, they just say he is a ebil racist and call it a day. If you read on the stuff Trumps wants to do its hard to deny he is right, and I am not just talking about Wall memes. Plus he is the least likely to start any wars

Im convinced Alex Jones is just a character that dude plays to earn his living

What did Jerry Seinfeld do?

>Plus he is the least likely to start any wars
So you're not only dumb, but also delusional.

like how obama was going to shut down gitmo and end the war in iraq? Ds are warhawks too.

It's possible.
Jon Ronson visited the Bohemian Grove with Alex Jones. Ronson thought it was silly; Jones was shitting his pants.

Not him but Hillary destroyed Syria to serve Israel.

Comparing track records, Trump is Ghandi compared to her.

Yeah, just like Nigel Farage's Brexit promises he broke the day after.
>the wall was a prank, bro!

>destroyed Syria
They had it coming for a long time.

>Plus he is the least likely to start any wars
He literally said that he would bomb the shit out of ISIS.

Not saying that Shillary is any better, she wants boots on the ground in Syria.

is this mental breakdown kino`

Of the two options, hes still least likely. It might be a 99% chance, but compared to 100% with shillary saying 'least likely' is still valid.

Even then, we're already at war with ISIS, so he wouldn't be 'starting' anything.

liberal "compassion"

>tfw can't tell if he's joking or not
Pretty good actor.

He's great.

wtf I'm a #HillShill now

everyone else wants to start a war with russia. putin and trump said they want to work together

He's been insane for years. A couple years ago he made a porno with his equally insane wife if you're into really gross sex


I'm interested


reminder that hillary just had someone killed this week and the lapdog MSM has buried the story again
