it doesn't get any better.
thanks for sharing that.
decaprio is a manchild that doesnt deserve your laughs or respect
are you implying that laughing at manchildren should be discouraged
because i take exception to that
gordon cant make scramby eggs for shit
That's how you do them, man. Low and slow with butter and a bit of cream/cremefraiche
based leo
Pure Lolikino
>dat creepy rabbit
>dat lack of dental hygiene on girl
>dem skeleton animals
I have to rewatch this
>21 posts
>no one posts THAT webm
>said the white rabbit
someone post THE .webm please
thats fucking gross
this isn't actually good, is it?
He fires them the fuck up and then periodically removes the pan from the stove to keep the temperature correct
wrong one idiot
>bongs will defend this
>butter with eggs
Fucking americans, that's why you get so many heartattacks
I know it's bait but I am still triggered
I dont get it
I like how both Dormer and D'Arcy fall into the category of being weird-looking but attractive at the same time.
It's just a really retarded play, that makes no sense and fails.
Gordon is Scottish though
did he have a stroke? his lip is all weird, watch his speech as well.
I remeber this. Probably the dumbest play ever called.
>people find this attractive
The effect is already pretty unsettling but it would look better if the camera movements weren't affected too. Unless this is just a memey thing a fan did or something. I've never seen the movie.
go womyn!
Man he looks like CIA in this
Not for the faint-hearted
I almost puked
The homosexuals on /fit/ would not approve
Holee Jesus...What the fuck is that?!
I'd absolutely eat that
I know they were trying to make the girl look simple but working as a cashier you literally have to do this multiple times a day
awkward silences become routine
>scrambled eggs
>not whisking them with a dash of milk before putting them into the pan to cook
Ramsay a shit
I like how her face is just a bit asymmetrical
who is she eye-fucking here?
Why cut off someone's pecker when they're already nailed to a post?
i dont get it
maximum empowerment
cuz its hot af
Leo didn't get it either until he was raped by a bear.
Is this any good?
yeah i get he won his only oscar right then, i just dont get the exchange of words
it might be worth the watch for paul dano, Harvey Keitel and Michael Caine in the same movie but i felt like it was boring at times. it was decent
The lady's engraving the oscar or something. Leo asks her if they always do this, and then he jokes about how he wouldn't know because he's never had one.
At least you can talk
what the fuck is this retarded shit
never post it again
Even the way he adds ingredients and stirs pisses me off.
>dicaprio is a manchild
t. a guy seriously working a shit minimum wage job who is fat, maybe a virgin, and possibly still living in his parents' basement
it's better with the music
It's so cute!
jesus christ leo calm yourself
thought it was Tatyana Samoylova at first
i had the stupid idea that Björk debuted on dancer in the dark, won best actress at cannes, and retired immediately