Is this guy really swedish?

Is this guy really swedish?

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by looking at him you can see that he has the Swede personality so I guess yeah

What kind of nose structure is that?

I've got lighter skin than him therefore Im sweden

Probably adopted or mixed. He doesn't even look like a Gypsy.

Anyone can be Swedish

pure breed swede

his mother is Pakistani

Sweden just got khan'd

According to our politicians there is no such thing as ethnic swede, so basically anyone can become a swede if they just take a train tour around stockholm.

Well technically thats correct, he's half nordic than?

He is true nordic, anyone can be nordic. Just live here!

Is the refugees and immigrants really a big problem or amerilards are just exaggerating it?

How do Swedes react when they are faced with the fact that thousands of years of ancestry are thrown away to the garbage just like that? That you are a Swede just because you have a permit to stay in the country? When your immigrants contribute with nothing to your culture and identity, just degrading it?

There is no problem, it's all fake news. We're doing great and becoming a super power, the immigrants will become the future swedes!

Are you a racist?
Who cares about what happened thousands of years ago lol, we need to think about today and tomorrow. People need help and we are here, we can help people and they will form the future to a better nation.


they're right

if i had children in sweden you wouldn't be able to tell the difference

So you prefer helping outsiders, even if it means subjecting your people to cultures that have no place in your country, to blatant abuses and opinions that should not exist in this century such as Sharia and over all, concentrating poor people into urban zones that lead to decay of urban life and isolationism in rural parts?

Yeah and not only that, we have been with sami people, norwegins, finns,danes and balts. Sweden has always been a mix of different prople, so there is no ethnic swedes, just a blend of everything. Plus people who come here want to live and make the future better for everyone!
The people who come here are not evil nor bad, they're just like you and me, people who want to live and make it. They have been pushed around too long and feel restless and the people here don't understand they need help and love not hate and prisons.

who cares, hes qt

>He belives they will bring sharia
Listen boi, syrians aren't like that and they're whiter than you'll ever be. If it were from other arab countries then it would have been a problem

Pic related: True aryan syrian

i don't know him, but if he was born in sweden, lives in sweden, speaks swedish language, cultivates swedish culture and considers himself a swede, then he is indeed a swede

What about their countries? Why bring all these people in your country instead of helping them in their own places? Where they identify with their culture, where they can make their own kin's future better? You do realize that immigrants are selfish people, right? The ones that do not go back threw away their identity and homeland for economic reasons, what makes you think that they want to improve their home country? Look at all the new ghettos in Paris, London, Amsterdam, Malmo, Stockholm. Those are the immigrants, those are the people that don't want to go back and it's not our fault that they can't integrate.

Look at 3rd gen Turkish immigrants that are embracing Islam more than their ancestors, even though they should be full *Germans* by now.

So how do I get in Sweden and get that welfare check?
Can I become a refugee based on me being oppresed homo in Motherland or are there other options?

There are barely any actual Syrian refugees in Europe.

Yeah pakis and indian immigrants are shit but like I said. syrians aren't like that

rade ciob de oala sparta lol tigane

The people who come here are just looking after to make a better future for themselves and their surrounding. Why do you think sweden is flourishing in economy? It's thanks to the immigrants who come here and work hard to contribute and make the future better. You're too blind to see the benefits of it. About how the immigrants in other nations and their ghettos is bad. Because that is the governments problem for not handling it properly. A ghetto is more or less a zoo with humans who suffer and of course it's gonna breed hate and anger and benefit no one.
You guys have it too with romani people.

>If it were from other arab countries
Why do pakis who infect MY country think the same then?

>Pushed around

When they come together, they tend to make their own social enclaves in order to have their own *Somalia* but with better economic conditions. The hate and prisons are their own doing. The fact that they eventually start dealing drugs and other illegal shit is not our problem, it means that our economic system cannot integrate so many people, therefore they have no jobs and resort to such activities, just like England in the early 1900's. It's not our fault , they risk it and then we get the blame for their actions, saying that if we were better and more tolerant, they would've succeeded. Let them succeed in their own countries. Look at Japan, they don't take this kind of shit. Their government said that Japan must be firstly the best country for the Japanese, then for other people.

Pakis who go to london are worse than the pakis who live here. We're sending the scum to london so only beautiful pathans are here


MUSLIMS ARE LIKE THAT. Muslims who came here before Pakistan turned turned into proto-isis weren't like that but they change because they hate us.

Fuck off, Mitică. If you're smart enough, you'd realize that they're just like gyppos. They just care about themselves. At least most Romanians come back to Romania after working in Spain/Italy/UK.

Never said I was white, Im brown but lighter since I dont go out much

You better get to them before they get chopped up for being a slut then

Yes, to claim social security after a tiring summer of picking strawberries

>Muslims are like that
I suggest its time to remove that tin foil

>Get to them before they get chopped off
This isn't londonistan

Yeah because when pakis came here they did honor killings to fit in with the locals RIGHT?

>It's thanks to the immigrants who come here and work hard to contribute and make the future better
You actually fucking believe this you stupid shit?
If we look at immigration 1970-90. That was a more successful story.

And then we look at the MENA peoples contribution. Absolute fucking garbage people. More than 60% are just cashing in on benefits.
Thats what they heard about Sweden, and thats why they came here. And some of them have been here receiving free shit for over 15 fucking years.

But the system has never been questioned due to retards like you.

You honestly think you can take a fucking monkey from the desert, give him to choice either work or not work, IT DOESNT MATTER YOU GET FREE MONEY FOREVER.
Socialism is a the fucking death of humanity


Stupied nigel, my english teacher is christian and my a guy in my computer science class is an atheist. You brits really are dumb as a brick

They have the world figured out. DNA doesn't matter, culture does. Romanian racists are stuck in the past.


They're working hard, you're just angry for no reason. If it was true what you said, we would have been long gone before today. However it's false and only something that fuels alt-right clowns and neo-nazis who do nothing but scream they will "save" the nation but never contribute anything to the society.

He looks like an insufferable asshole.

Post a picture of a Swede who doesn't.

He is a cultural swede


He is genetically more Swedish than almost all Finland-Swedes.

I feel most people have a really exaggerated view of how people act here
"Baneek rabbak" (i'll fuck your god) is an edgy insult some arabs use, and it may get some religious people angry, but it doesn't get you beheaded :/

>Record your beheading
It doesn't work like that nigel, sure I'll get hate and people will call me crazy but at worst some guys would beat me.

The key to finding out if someone is Swedish is to just listen to them. Anyone can be white and successful but only people who grew up here can speak perfect Swedish.

I'd fuck his bum.


ala tu esti

>people are racist against new swedes
Grow up kids

Who wouldn't


You fucking cuck, im not denying 40% or whatever it, is actually working. But in your leftist brainwashed mind this looks like a success to you. Honestly go look up employment among MENA-immigrants. YOU DONT SEE IT AS A FUCKING PROBLEM THAT THE MAJORITY OF THEM ARE FUCKIBN LEECHES?!

Nice fucking sustainable politics you naive fucking leftist trash

Reported for racial intolerance and bigotry