Critic's are fair and balanced, they totally aren't paid shills

Critic's are fair and balanced, they totally aren't paid shills.

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Better movies tend to make more money. Who knew?

dumb animeposter


Sorry that the shit movies you morons love are both despised by the critics and make no money.

Better movies tend to make more money. Who knew?

>even the critics failed to understand how awful warcraft would do in the US

capeshit is not one of the better movies

Argumentum ad populum. Silly animeposter.

I have to laugh every time I see somebody criticizing a great movie made for us normal people who actually leave our house to interact with other normal people. Fuck these autist cunts in their fedora-wearing asses. It's like some unwritten rule in their pathetic notebook that they have to be miserable at everything, that the world is "shit" and everything they hear or see is "shit" and the agenda of everyone is "shit".

We get it. We watched that South Park episode, too. You have Asperger's Syndrome. Now drink some whisky, lighten the fuck up and seek help for it. You're not the only one in that boat, bucko.

WE rule this board, now. WE decide who's cool and who's not. You rock spiders clinging to the Sup Forums of the past? The ones that yearn for Bela Tarr marathons while you lick Dorito crumbs off of your fingers and weep for "being born in the wrong generation"? You're archaic. You're ancient fucking history. You've been left behind.

Come out of your basement, you cave-dwellers. Come and celebrate the new millennium by watching some "capeshit" with the rest of us. It's the present year and we have cake. Even though it's a lie.

>something gets a low score on RT
>people don't see it
>something gets a high score on RT
>people see it

It's shitty that RT has become the standard, but this is clearly the explanation. I can't talk to anyone I know about movies without them bringing up the RT score.


It's a huge problem because the critics pretty much all have the same perspective at this point and mostly want childish, infantile, Disney trash.

This is just further proof that the masses are sheeple

>something gets a low score on RT
>people don't see it
Yeah, it's not like BvS had an strong opening.

or Disney just pays them because they have a monopoly at this point

thanks, Clinton

People are going to see something with Batman in it no matter what. BvS is an outlier here.

the Marvel shit is literally children's movies

All my friends are normies .
My gf and her friends are even more normies.
They all hated it. Specially the ending.
So go fuck yourself, dcuck, your movie suck, go cry in a corner some more

>reddit filename

Yeah, yeah, i love this, i know.
I just, mmm, find it kind of strange, maybe you are being...voluble? I mean, months ago you told me that people doesn't give a shit about critics, that "they are going to see it anyway", that even with all the negative criticism the people, that now you unironically refer as sheeple, are going to see your "capekino".
But now you are telling me the opposite, that they are dumb, that they are being controlled. Suddenly Rotten Tomatoes has relevance here.
I don't know, i just find it strange.

Alice is a Disney movie though.

>full frontal Samantha bee

Are the Tim Burton Alice movies actually good?

They are NOT my friends

gimme the source on this image OP

Snyder showing them how to run things.

Not everyone is a basement dweller. With that I agree, and there are a lot of bitter people on this board that can't come to terms with this.

On the other hand, bad taste is never an excuse.
Only good capeshit this year was BvS.
And no, not a comicbook nor vidyafag. I simply like good movies.