What are the quintessential king of the hill episodes?

what are the quintessential king of the hill episodes?

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The one where they stop selling Alamo beer in the USA and Peggy gets a job at Alamo

>yall with the cult?

that episode where hank accidentally starts using crack as bait for fish

I've heard the last 7 seasons are total ass is this true? what is the best season

megalowmart blowing the fuck up

thats completely wrong

Buckley's Angel

and the one when the ex-Cowboys players moves into the neighborhood

there isn't a bad episode of KotH though

Bobby Goes Nuts and A Firefighting We Will Go.

Funniest episode by far

Bickey bye bee
Bickey bye bo
Bee bye bickey bye
Bickey bye boo

the creators were not involved in the last 7

That doesn't mean they were shit.


Nine Pretty Darn Angry Men

I fucking love "everyone recalls it differently" episodes

A Fire Fighting We Will Go is the single greatest KOTH episode of all time.

And keep it down, guys, will you? I am trying to get through an article on vintage Camaros, and I've been on the same dang page for twenty minutes.

Dang 'ol pretty pretty pizza

That early episode where everybody goes camping together
The episode where the pet raccoon gives Dale rabies
the two murder mystery episodes where Hank smokes dank kush for the first time

Wings of the Dope

>bill getting his high school football record rekt
>hanks lawn getting rekt by ants
>louannes trailer getting rekt
>dale getting rekt and cucked
>ladybird rekting the black repair man
>hank using crack as bait
>boonhauer getting rekt by ex
>cottons zipperhead flashback

The first time I heard this I thought it was the most annoying thing ever. Now it kills me every damn time.

Yes. X-Files had 2 great Rashomon episodes.

They're all great, although I'm glad the series ended when it did because they started to run out of ideas by the end.

If I had to pick a GOAT episode, it would be A Beer Can Named Desire.

>dale getting rekt and cucked
He really did deserve better, but he got there in the end I suppose.



This is the correct answer.

I really liked Shins of the father and the episode where Bobby joins the cadet.

I wish hank was my father and cotton my grandpa.

But I am a city boy, sadly.

KotH made living in Texas look comfy when in reality it's a shithole that is either in a drought or flooding and is overrun by Mexicans.

the season 1 episode where Hank, Peggy and Bobby all get addicted to cigarettes is a classic


*lowers window slightly*

>I just did

>We're an organization that promotes peace and understan-
>Yeah this is it.

>Nine pretty darn angry men

>Bobby sees Luanne naked
>Joseph wants a peek
>They see Connie by accident

The last 10 seconds of this episode




Little Horrors of Shop
A Firefighting We Will Go

Just watched that yesterday, good shit.

Also, the episode where Bobby grows roses. >Hank's Wabi Sabi comment at the end
Max comfy

B-A-bay, B-E-bee, B-I-bicky-bi, B-O bo, bicky-bi bo, B-U bu!





Shit forgot to add this. This is easily the best episode.


>it's a little shit being overly-obnoxious and their parents don't do shit episode

How about the weird anomaly episode with the tone that feels totally different from the rest of the series?



halloween episode is pretty good

The one with the hallelujah house.
The one when bill acts like lenore.
Anyone where Cotton makes an appearance.

>Peggy murders an innocent deranged guy, gets away with it, and never brings it up ever again
Is Peggy a literal sociopath?

>that is either in a drought or flooding and is overrun by Mexicans.

That is all of America though.

Glad I'm not the only one who thought that episode was off.

I always liked khan episodes. It's nice to see someone experiencing character growth. Also I can relate to being a social misfit that hates people but is neurotic and shallow enough to not find happiness by himself.

Anyways the best episode is buckley's funeral with the buddhist parable.

Wasn't he trying to rape Luanne?

It was a Halloween episode tho

When Hank works at the hippe co-op

Dang it Bobby

The one where everyone thinks Hank's dog is racist.

Dear Buckley's Angel,
Please find me a woman. Any woman.


>this thread finally makes me realize I need to watch all of KotH.
>Get excited to see the firefighting episode anons are talking about.
>Netflix doesn't have it anymore.

Seemed more like he wanted to kidnap her and lock her in a basement for eternity, still doesn't justify murdering the guy. That would only be acceptable in a world where there's female Ghostbusters.

When he realized he was all fucked up and still got killed anyway. Shit was dark as fuck considering the rest of the series.

>Hank's dog
Have you actually seen the show user?

Streaming has nothing good. Get the mail service or just pirate.

episode name/number?

Pigmalion. 135.

Peggy's a foot fetish model

>hanks lawn getting rekt by ants

Looks like those fire ants of yours played you like a damn fiddle!

So are you Chinese or Japanese?


Hank gets accused of renting porno.

>Look at me, Boomhauer. I'm fat and I'm old, and every day I'm just gonna wake up fatter and older. And somehow I manage to drag this fat old bald bastard into the alley everyday. I'm out there, digging holes, falling into them, climbing out, trying again. And tomorrow, I'm gonna hang outside a ladies prison. And the first thing those lady cons are gonna see after twenty years, is me. Will I get one? Experience says no.

>Let the record show that Mr. Hank Hill really knows his pornography

You forgot the heat. It breaks over 100 every day in the summer and that Gulf Coast humidity makes it feel like a jungle.

fuck you user

thank you, your honor

I think the best episode to rival the volunteer firefighter episode is the pimp episode.

The episodes where they went to Japan and where Hank's coworker shot herself in a garbage can felt off too.

Thanks, lad

>where Hank's coworker shot herself in a garbage can
That's an absolute classic

>hank using crack as bait

This and also the time he hires a drug addict at Strickland Propane and then can't fire him because of the weasel bureaucrat.

Watch out bobby it's one of those chinese fightin dogs.

woo loo loo

First season was pure comedy gold

The one where they try to get the Nam vets to join the VFW and everyone gets PTSD flashbacks


this. The other seasons were great too, and I think it avoided any kind of huge drop in quality as it went on, but the first season has this almost surreal vibe that really adds to the charm.

The one where Bobby gets involved in Wicca/magic and Hank thinks he's a poker player and calls him Tex

>Dinner's ready! Where's grandpa?

Bill starts working out and gets gains with bros.
that's my purse
Bill finds out he was in a secret government experiment.
Pimp Hank.
That episode where hanks truck is dying aka Flowers of to time.
Smoking Hank.
Hello I am Mr.big

I love how Dale's wife is cheating in the first episode.

>David Cross as guest voice



the trucking episode where Hank and bobby try to deliver furniture to his mom in arizona before christmas and Dale, Bill, and boomhauer stow away in the cargo

so good

The episode where Peggy kidnaps a mexican girl

>hank tells her she's a dumbass for falling for it
>still keeps going to the guy
>FINDS OUT its fetishism
>still keeps going


The one where Bobby gets jealous that Hank finds Peggy sexually attractive but not him. So he spends the episode trying to seduce him.
My favorite line from the show is:
>Why does Dad want to see Mom Naked but not me?