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What would Ramsey think of Ja/ck/?

I need some 'go 'za porn lads

50 minutes in a friday packed night and the chef gives Ramsey this look, what to do?

It just needs a little sriracha.

call Jack

id eat that desu
although it looks like its 90% sauce

you are blind and probably fat

post some good kitchen nightmares episodes


Could some conossieur in american cuisine exlpain me what the hell are those supposed to be?

Which do you prefer...
Boiled Hamburgers
Boiled Pizza

(Goza the destroyah aint an option so don't even)

is she the new queen of Sup Forums?

can't believe someone actually did this
thank you

It's just some meme youtube guy from /ck/

Not a fan. Always thought he was a cunt but... I wonder. How good is his food? How much does one of his specialties that he himself made, cost?

dollar store valentines's cheesecake
shit covered strawberry shortbread

I wonder how she's doing now

I know, but I mean what food is that? I think one of that is a "cheesecake", But what are the others 2?

Tried making his chocolate sponge and it was pretty good desu

Sup Forums food thread huh?

how much would ja/ck/ learn under ramsey?

Isn't he legitimately retarded?

He beat his son to death for smoking weed.

a list of the episodes and a greentext summary to go with each episode.

>Indian restaurant, filthy kitchen, one of the owners being used, general manager a donkey. Rotten tomatoes being served.

>One of the more un-professional chefs in the series. Gordon almost chokes to the owner's mom's cookie.

>Crazy owner with big dreams, the most complex menu "concept" in the series. "This guy is seriously off his fucking trolley"- Gordon

>swagpriest thuglord "executive" chef, with a line cook that steals leftover food from the kitchen.

The Secret Garden
>Pompous french head chef. "YOU FRENCH PIG!"

>really sub-par food made by a chef who doesn't even want to work as a chef, owner is at the end of the rope.

Black Pearl
>One of the owners is a real sleazeball, kinda like a politician. Horrible lobster rolls all over.

J Willy's
>Totally clueless general manager, the two owners miserable, heartfelt episode imo.

Fiesta Sunrise
>Mashed beans in a 20 gallon barrel. Everything on the menu is made "yesterday". The owner / general manager a stupid mexican.

Casa Roma
>Totally clueless headchef, who takes two hours to complete one table. Powdered sugar sprinkled on top of a sandwich with fries.

Spanish Pavillion
>Head chef / owner totally depressed and lost his love for food. A dead lobster in the lobstertank.

Kingston Cafe
>Jamaican restaurant that does jerkchicken and then bags it up in these little medical style baggies. The owner works also as a doctor, so of course everyone in the restaurant has to call her "Dr."

>One of my favourites. Gordon totally owns the head chefs ass. The duck that was served to Gordon was 2 months old.

>Chaotic system in the kitchen, dead mouse by the front door, good shit. One of the rare moments when Gordon actually likes something in the menu.

>He beat his son to death for smoking weed.
Finally a good responsible father in America

typical liberal propaganda

his son was already dead from 2 marijuanas

>Theres like 300 items on the menu, every single one of them is garbage. The owner / manager spends 3 hours in the restaurant per day mainly doing nothing.

Burger Kitchen part 1 & 2
>Guess all of you know about this by now. Nonstop drama the both episodes.

El greco
>The owner / manager plays video games all day, comes really late to the restaurant. Everything is made with the microwave in the restaurant. The most depressing looking lamb dish you will ever see.

>Trophy wife who acts really bizarre, I can't really put my finger on it. Calls his husband "dude" unironically. The restaurant looks pretty decent, horrible food though.

Ms Jean's Southern Cuisine.
>The staff takes their job for granted. Horrible food, and a really odd looking restaurant overall. Ms Jean however is likable.

Olde Hitching Post
>The most hideous looking smile I ever saw on a waitress. Lunatic owner who thinks that the clams smell and taste fresher after being frozen. "Ocean fresh". Meatlof being frozen and then grilled again.

Mill Street Bistro part 1 & 2
>Gordon and the baboon owner go head to head almost the whole runtime.
>Elk quesadillas.
>Owner claims to have been trained by oldschool classic restauranters in Europe, who had a liking to him. All this of course being denied later by the owner when Gordon refers to it.

Prohibition Grille
>50 year old owner who acts, talks and dresses like a teenager. Leaves Gordon scratching his head on how dumb some people can be.

Amy's Baking Company

Mangia Mangia part 1 & 2
>Drug addict head chef fights all the time with the owner. Horrible, horrible italian food. The owner's daughter who works as a waiter is also a total bitch.

>Short-tempered italian owner, the whole business acts like a mafia or something.

The mixing bowl
>The oddest looking salad you will ever see. Skippable episode.

>Italian restaurant, the usual family drama but apparently the head chef/owner committed suicide a few years after the airing.

>Your average italian restaurant episode. One of the those you can skip.

>Owner who has lost his spark, delusional at first but then comes around.

Hannah & Mason's
>Two young owner / chefs, who have let their standards drop. The freezer section is disgusting as fuck.

Jack's Waterfront
>Three bodybuilders own a seafood restaurant, with one of the owners father doing devil's work unknowingly in the background.

Sante La Brea
>Vegetarian restaurant with a bizarre decour. One of the ones you can skip, one of the owners is quite eccentric though.

Cafe 36
>Horrible really oldskool restaurant, with a head chef that takes advantage of the two kind hearted owners.

Hot potato cafe
>Delusional owners with a young chef that doesnt have the skills but the heart. Rotten stuffed potato skins for appetizers, ooh yeah.

>Bizarre looking and served filet mignon. The whole decour is like salvador dali meets caribbean beach. Granny owner afraid of change.

>Owner's brother was addicted to drugs for a long time and it has left a scar in the family.

Lido Di manhattan
>Young owner who is way out of her league. Cries, cries, cries.

Le Bistro
>Pompous owner/head chef who thinks he is higher class than the community.

Mama Rita's
>Catering business turned restaurant. One of the best looking restaurants in the series, the food however is made in the same methods as in their catering business.

Anna Vincenzo's
>Ever seen a crazy overweight italian woman. Well the owner is just like that stereotype.

>"Danish" styled restaurant with a cuban or something head chef. One you can skip

>Sushi Pizza
>Owner / head chef has lost his spark, heartfelt episode. Solid finisher for the season.
>muh Samurai heritage, daughter was Molly O'Brien on Deep Space 9 and is now A CUTE

Classic American
>American homecooking styled restaurant. Horrible food, a bit family drama, skippable

PJ's Steakhouse
>Owner watches TV the whole day long drinking wine, and they wonder why the business isn't going great. The place looks great, food sucks.

>Fuck, I confused this one with the 'Bazzini'. This is the one with the drugaddict family member.

Down City
>Crazy, shemonster of an owner. Delusional, afraid of change, the usual stuff. The staff are friendly af, food sucks.

>Italian restaurant episode. A bit family drama, food sucks, one of the waiters is a bro who knows what needs to happen.

La Frite
>Brother & Sister owners practically hate eachother by now. More on the family drama side of the series.

>Forgot all about this episode. One of my favourites. Twinbrother owners who like to sit more in the sun than work in the restaurant, and boy it shows. They are like the tweedledee and tumblefuck from the Alice in wonderland.

>Horrible food, aside from delicious dessert. Cajun styled restaurant, a bit delusional owners but your average KN episode alltogether.

Mike & Nellie's
>Seafood styled restaurant with a decour that stinks to high heavens. The owner / headchef does all the work himself and doesn't trust anyone to do anything in the kitchen. Totally beaten down, drinks during work.

Luigi's D'Italia
>Fried Skimmed cheese
>Insane family relations, the owners pretty much scream at eachother the whole episode. You guessed it, Italian.

The Greek At the Harbor
>Delusional af owner who IIRC is disappointed at his son. Hideous decour, horrible greek food.

The restaurant was given to the daughter as a gift type of thing, runs it horribly. Beautiful 50k$ smokers in the backyard and they serve day old chicken for customers.

Park's Edge
>Grilled ceasar salad
>Overcomplicated food, with a chef that has never worked in a restaurant earlier.

>Italian restaurant with a stubborn retard chef who doesn't know how to cook a meatball, even though he is italian.

>Italian restaurant. Crazy owner who works out in the basement of the restaurant and hits the walls frequently. "The food is not so baaaaad" sure man sure.

Mama Maria's
>Owner at the end of his rope. The kitchen freezes everything because the owner says so, endless bags of meatballs and spaghetti.

Levanti's Italian Restaurant
>Totally clueless Brother & Sister owners, with a hideous sauce that came to the brother in his dream. The owners' father is disappointed by their efforts.

Sam's Mediterranean Kabob Room
>Endless shouting the episode.

Nino's Italian Restaurant
>The owner / manager looks like a mafia hitman. Claims he cleans the restaurant all day every day, even though there are cobwebs all over the place.

Greek styled restaurant with an elevator that goes to the basement to the old lady who washes the dishes. Odd.

>Santa claus looking head chef who cooks like a retard. Gordon tears him a new one.

Old neighbourhood
>One of my favourite episodes. The husband owner hoards stuff like crazy, horrible food, hideaous decour with old boots under the bankets.
>"Yucatan Sea Scallops"

Kati Allo
>Greek restaurant with a lost spark. Marriage in trouble, skippable again imo.

Zayna Flaming Grill part 1 & 2
>Don't know why they made this a two parter. Weird methods being practiced all over the restaurant but other than that your usual horrible food, a bit family drama episode.

Bella Luna
>Totally delusional owner mother, with a son who blames her for everything but turns out to be just as much to blame iirc. Freezer section overload again.

the best ones are

>Fiesta Sunrise
>Kingston Cafe
>El Greco
>Ms Jean's Southern Cuisine
>Olde Hitching Post
>Mill Street Bistro pt 1 & 2
>Mangia Mangia
>Lido Di Manhattan
>Mama Rita's
>Down City
>Levanti's Italian Restaurant
>Old Neighbourhood
>Bella Luna

Do one for Hotel Hell

>it's a /ck/ brings her Sup Forums content over to Sup Forums episode

she's probably homeless, since every restaurant ramses helos ends up in bankrupcy

holy fuck

we watched that episode back in the old #Sup Forumsshows irc stream

that loli fucking dominated

>Powdered sugar sprinkled on top of a sandwich with fries.
goddamn am I a fatass, that actually got me salivating
