Post albums that have made you cry
Post albums that have made you cry
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i was on drugs at the time
this song made me tear up
Is this actually good? It seems pretty divisive from what I've seen
these and this are the only ones that have done so
its good ive never seen someone dislike it
Didn't make me cry, though I can understand why it made you. But,
How? Time Out is lighthearted and cheerful for the most part.
Without a doubt. I love my parents.
This song pulls at my heart strings.
Definitely. Ninet is great too. Thanks to Steven Wilson, I started following her more. Just listen to this:
This is truly refreshing and original. I haven't heard anyone since Diamanda Galas using vocals as an instrument until Ninet. All you hear now is in some realm of Aretha Franklin, pseudo black soul diva vocals.
Also In the Flowers by Animal Collective makes me cry like a baby
Pretty fucking good, I think the reverb is a little overdone but still listenable.
Lou Reed - Berlin
They're playing in a wine cellar though.
Good point, wasn't really thinking about that, acoustics in there must be nuts.
i don't know why desu but songs like inside out just get to me