Why didn't they throw more money at Will Smith? They would have made it back easily

Why didn't they throw more money at Will Smith? They would have made it back easily.

Ikr. Can you imagine how much better it would have been if the cinema legend was in this?

>throw 60 million on 1 actor

The script would have still been fucking shit! People fucking care about reviews now!

how you figure? will smith was the worst part of the 1st one. at least this one doesn't have will smith in it.

fuck will smith. He's a subpar actor that always wants to put his faggot son in everything.

His son has only done like 3 movies

This movie is out?

>6 different people have told me it's the single worst film they've ever seen
I don't even care I'm watching it anyways

>visiting parents
>they wanted to go watch a movie
>watched it opening night

I already forgot I watched it

>fun bad action monster alien movie
>took out all of the fun and action and aliens
>replaced them with strong independent women, black guys, and gay whities

He had to pick between this and fucking Margot Robbie between takes on Suicide Squad

Saw it today, movie was shit. Not even Will Smith has enough charisma to make up for such a lackluster script.

Best part was Jeff Goldblum hamming it up because he knew the movie would be hot trash.

>pee jokes in the middle of serious apocalyptic event

That nigger was the worst thing about the first film.

I don't know man, my friends took me to see Hall Pass once. That was definitely worse.

But his son was already in the movie. Just not played by his son.

I'm not even kidding when I say this, but did anyone seriously feel like they were watching Starship Troopers 2 instead of Independence Day 2?


This movie was so fucking bad.

It had a cool idea even though it was shit

It's a bad movie outrght. But i won't give it the credit of calling ut the worst. I found it fun and enjoyed the lame quips and cool special effects. Everyone will forget about this film in a couple weeks (even now seems pretty overlooked by Sup Forums maybe it will be forgotten una single week).

Dont forget the chinese boot licking

>Why didn't they throw more money at Will Smith?
That wasn't the problem. The rumor was the original script was going to kill him off anyway. And there were too many characters, he would have gotten lost in the shuffle.

Warcraft was worse

I really enjoyed it, though I was mostly there for Jeff Goldstein


Ghostbusters on suicide watch.

the week after ghostbusters is Star Trek Beyond Anton's grave, and it's getting early screenings, enough positive buzz will send ghostbusters right next to him.

Just watched it.

It's literally the first Independence Day but bigger and with more explosions (and more Chinese). Not even exaggerating here. Almost every scene in the film is just taken from the first film but changed around a little. They even have the dog escapes from imminent death just like in the first film.

Enjoy your shitty globalist propaganda, womyn shilling, Kumbaya Power Rangers to the Rescue, utter shittery, crap fest. This is the worst picture I've seen in the last ten years. What utter fuckery.

>globalist propaganda

What's that

> globalist propaganda
You have 10 seconds to explain why globalism is bad.

Do it... its bad but its an enjoyable bad... you'll be laughing at how ridiculous some of the scenes are

Globalism concentrates all the power at the very top in the hands of a tiny group and spits on ordinary people. It would be like having the aliens actually win.

On paper its a good idea but in practice it makes it so you can send all of your manufacturing overseas and fuck over your own people. Also pollution

Free trade is anything but free is basically what Noam Chomsky of all people had to say about it.


I'm gonna have to watch this movie just for nostalgic reasons even though I know it's going to suck. Haven't really experienced this before or I can't remember the last time I did.

that was funnier than anything in id4, good work.

>just for nostalgic reasons even though I know it's going to suck.
Remember how 90% of Star Wars Ep 7 was just a rehash of A New Hope? Independence Day: Resurgence is basically the same thing with it's prequel. Even the cheesy speeches are added in.

they took everything you like out of the original and left all the bad stuff in.

the only reason worth seeing it is data and jeff goldblum. i dont really regret seeing it as it was hilariously and unintentionally bad rather than just insultingly boring.

>Remember how 90% of Star Wars Ep 7 was just a rehash of A New Hope?
I don't actually, never cared for star wars famtula. though somehow i kinda wanna watch them now.

>globalist propaganda
you mean zionist propaganda? jonestown pls

>This is the worst picture I've seen in the last ten years. What utter fuckery.
Is it worse than TMNT2? I saw that recently and it took the crown as the worst movie I've ever seen. Don't think I can handle two in a row.

proletariat of the world unite! :^)

Christ no, imagine the hol' up memes