What will she do when GOT is finished?

What will she do when GOT is finished?

Is her career over after that?

all of us will be finished eventually
all our careers will end

She's already slated to play Quasi-Modo in the live action remake of the Hunchback of Notre Dame in 2018

In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

she has the strangest forehead
almost christina ricci but more pushed in up top


DAMN, buttslut looks like THAT?

>DAMN, buttslut looks like THAT?
shes still got it!

hopefully foot porn

oh dear

I've got a position on my staff for her

wrong couch, m8

haha it's even a UK porno couch

I don't get it

she should do a nude scene making a huge controversy and then let everyone know shes really 19 and Sophie is 20.

are those cumstains on the pink pillow

she's barely 19
she has three movies upcoming

She has a good body, it's a shame about her face.

Pretty qt with longer hair desu

why dont they write the bible in english? it's not like the original was written in King James anyways, might as well update it to modern English

inb4 it exists

I mean as a standard version that everyone uses

When did she lose weight?

im not sure if she lost weight or she's just maturing and the weight is moving around into the right places

she would be cute if she fixed her face and got fake tits

Maybe getting a foot taller makes you look thinner?

she was definitely thicker during the ice bucket water challenge

that's a very nice gap.

she needs to tame her eyebrows
everything else looks natural and normal in that abnormal way

>into the right places
it left her tits though
they use to be full

>what will she do?

Hopefully FootFetishDaily porn. I would sacrifice a family of four to have her milk my dick with her feet.

Absolutely pathetic. Kill yourself familia

Suck my dick from the back faggot.

a cutest

She'll star in a few low budget drama movies then retire.

She will fade into obscurity by age 30 after GoT because she can't act.


Let me try to parse this comment

>why dont they write the bible in english?
That is English
>it's not like the original was written in King James anyways
Uhh... what? Written by King James? Written in the language of his era?
>might as well update it to modern English
That is modern English, albeit Early Modern English
>inb4 it exists
Yes, hundreds of contemporary English versions do exist
>I mean as a standard version that everyone uses
There are dozens of standard versions, just as in the time of King James there were dozens of standard versions. His was just standard for the Anglican church

If I am getting all of this correct, you are asking why the Anglican Church doesn't release a new 'Authorized Queen Elizabeth Bible' type thing?

let me parse this comment

you were baited you reddit

She's got a nice, tight, little body. Yall niggas crazy if you wouldn't smash. Aint nothing wrong with smashing a butterface.

She's not even that ugly

youre too vanilla for this site

What a memetastic dress.

wow didn't realize she has such a banging body

>Is her career over after that?
no she will keep acting

>that underboob

You need boobs to have underboobs.

mine hasn't even begun yet and it doesn't look like it ever will at this point

What a rude thread.


she was such a qt

Nice waifu actress thread you've got here tumblrites this totally isn't against the rules


She already ruined a season of doctor who