

It's VOD Tuesday and blah blah blah this bullshit is out. Bluray is coming soon after.

Nobody with a brain gives a fuck but you capeshitters do so discuss this IQ-killing garbage if you want.

Other urls found in this thread:

You're clearly a cunt.

It's literally the best superhero blockbuster.

Smart people are downloading Green Room instead.

>Implying you're smart.

When clearly, you're a faggot.

Smart people saw Green Room in theaters. I saw it in Cannes a year ago at the first screening.

Newfag here, what does this mean?

You watch capeshit. You're retarded. Nice try, though.

Yep, you're definitely still a faggot.

Is this kino?

Is there a good 720p version?


Well I know where to put that then.

like all capeshit



just finished it, it's probably the best capefilm ever made honestly.



usually I only get movies up to 2-3GB and yify shit but this one, I just gotta get. at least, there are uptobox links for this motherfucker

You are a retarded pleb. Real men get the 35 GB remux.

literally better than quip war

not even disney paid reviews can stop this bluray from being top selling bluray of all time

Give us some juicy screens and webms boys

One of Darkseid's minions, very mean guy.

Anyone else expected a bit more from the ultimate edition?

i thought there was gonna be a justice league clip at the end

this is your right now

How come both the DC big bad guy and the Marvel big bad guy look kinda the same?
>armored buff guy
>wrinkled face
>sitting on a throne out in space

Cuz Jim Starlin is a coward bully cad and thief.

I like Thanos in the comics more though.

im downloading both, just waiting Green Room gets more seeders.

Marvel wanted their own version of the DC big bad guy during the 80s. Their personality and stories will be somewhat different tho

Because Marvel copied Jack Kirby's design of Darksied for Thanos.

both companies have stolen designs from each over the years though.

people are still going call Darksied a Thanos rip off

kill me

Thanos bangs qt Death gf though

Thanos = Chad
Darkseid = /r9k/

Darkseid had a badass son while Thanos had a wimpy daughter that snapped Spider-Man's neck like a chicken bone

And on same note, Apocalypse from x-men looks the same.
So, they just avoid copyrights by doing some minor alteration to the design or story? I'm a DC / Marvel comic noob, I've only read watchmen, the swamp thing, hellboy.

Apocalypse is just "that kid"



Time for another Superdickery reveal!








>this fucking kid


Almost looked like they cut this last stupid moment of Lex shoving a candy in that official's mouth.

pure capekínémàtography

Basically, Kirby designed Darkseid while working for DC (1970).

Later on, Jim Starlin was working for Marvel (1973), and when Marvel wanted their own Darkseid sort of thing, Starlin created Thanos, basically a rip off of Darkseid.

Funnily enough, later on (1980) Starlin would go to DC and do some work there, at which point he designed another character, Mongul. Who was a rip off of Thanos.

But the short answer to your question is that Marvel stole the design.

You may as well call Apocalypse Pooky for all the shit he manages to accomplish.

i.e. nothing.






The end

how can people not tell clark kent is superman

Delete this

DC/WB need all the money they can get right now, please go and buy the Blu Ray so true cinema like this can keep getting made

Any rips that are not shit quality?

he gets cucked by her all the time, you moron.

Different body language, different tone of voice, why would Superman pretend to be human when he's practically a god, Super robot impersonators, 6 billion people on the planet why would this one guy be Superman out of all of them?

>rips that are not shit quality

Not done yet, here's another weirdo classic


Same reason when Hollywood stars go out and about they can hide their identity. Tom Cruise pretended to be a UPS guy for a week or something during Collateral filming, and didn't get recognised.

It also helps that everybody "knows" in comics what Superman's name is and where he lives. His name is Kal-El, and he has a private ice fortress home in the Arctic. People don't believe he HAS a secret identity.

Of course, it helps that he wears clothing two sizes too large (helps hide his build and the suit under it), slouches and carries himself very differently, and speaks softly. In comics a girl mentioned on meeting him that he was completely different to what she expected, because she'd read some of his Pulitzer winning articles and the language was so at odds with the visual element.



jesus christ, this is convoluted, I take it all back Snyder!

his job is reporting things that happens while he's crime fighting.

he also types at super speed.

hes getting paid to do what he does anyway.

one second batman is looking at a computer screen
now batman is in mad max world shooting guys

what the fuck

It was actually good

no autistic jokes like in the marvel movies in the middle of a battle

I don't know a damn thing about how accurate to the comics it is though.



According to this prety good AMV - I mean trailer - the Brip won't be hear for another fortnight at least.



i'm laughing

>people 3 months behind on le goofy scenes now catching up


they managed to improve perfection

This is hilarious.

He tries to bang her but she loves deadpool so thanos curses deadpool to never be able to die and meet mistress death.




Is the Ultimate Kut out? So, how much worse does it make the movie?

Makes it better actually, Superman comes off as less of a sperg.


All the web-dl look like shit. When does the blu ray come out?



Pic related.

why is half this thread comic images that no one is reading

Bored I guess, and one of you has to be reading right? Right?

This Lex is terrible


I'm surprised torrent threads aren't against the rules

6 fucking GB LOL, yeah I'll wait till a decent ripper does his job

nigga you must be surprised a lot

All I need is my grym copy

Why would they be?

cause it's illegal
