/who/ - Doctor Who General

Can't outrun the Orford edition

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I did NOT get him in the middle of his sandwich!!! (whatever that means?)

Even without full context it's pretty easy to infer what that means.

Im off /who/ for two weeks and all of a sudden Capaldi trades the red lining for blue? When did all these photos start popping up?

Filming for series 10 started a few days ago.

Not if you're Adam and you think it is somehow acceptable to shove little kids out of the way just to speak someone you've already met 40 times when they have never met him

Black velvet, blue lining, dark grey whoodie
What's under that has changed a bit depending on the scene. It's likely the episode takes place over the span of a year or so

What? I was under the assumption the first post was quoting Adam.

oh don't worry it still was

Wednesday night user

I just realized the shot in The Shakespeare Code of an arrow embedding itself in the TARDIS door just before it dematerializes is a reference to Silver Nemesis.

well damn, that's gorgeous; I'm sure Capaldi is really ecstatic about having a mostly black-white-gray outfit like he wanted. the blue isn't as loud as the red so I can't wait to see that on camera.

I loved the red coat but it looked black under the lighting they used for like .. half its screentime anyways so I feel like they just decided to go all the way. I don't wanna be dweeb but that's probably gonna be a lot easier to replicate for cosplay

Then your post is saying that Adam can't easily infer the meaning of his own statement? I understand you wanted to share some info/criticism of him but at least make your segue's coherent m8

That rant of his was in response to this

He's trying to defend himself and looking incredibly autistic in the process
The sandwich bit is him quoting this person who saw him acting like a dick

when will DWM 501 leak?



Fuck off jeff the wiggles have been shit since greg left. Im going back to bed.

I support of an emma! companion

She's pretty cute.

>available in all territories
>except for north america


As a canadian, I hate being lumped in with the states.

Obviously Peter was standing in the middle of a giant sandwich when Adam harassed him.

They let girls in The Wiggles now?! Fucking dropped.

It will never happen after that rumored sex tape with Wags the dog

dorothy the dinosaur was always a girl
most of the people in henry the octopus's costume have been girls, I'd hazard a guess it's the same for wags

Then fucking double dropped.

Anthony is best wiggle desu senpaitachi

anthony asked my mum out once when they were in their 20s

Nice. He seems to be the most charismatic out of the bunch. The other 3 are kinda creepy desu

nah they're all lads

WTF? /who/ is now discussing an Aussie kids show?

Hot Potato is my fave Wiggles song.

Shit. I thought this was the Dr Who general but I seem to have stumbled into The Wiggles general instead. Oh well. Discussing one crappy kids show is much the same as any other. Who is you guys' favourite Dr/Wiggle?

I have Chris Tarrant to thank for bringing The Wiggles and that song to my attention.

>25th anniversary concert
I've seen the show on disney channel.Had no idea they'd been around that long. I figured 15 ur so from a dvd they did with steve irwin that a nephew had. Some songs will drive you mad, they're so catchy.
Fruit Salad Yummy Yummy


It could have easily been 10 years before they broke into the international market, but they've been a staple in australia for longer than that

They're nearly an industry now I guess, being able to perpetuate a cast. I'm pretty sure they came close to filling the local 'arena' the last time they where here.
I'm nodding like jeff, goodnight/morning/afternoon /who/



i phucking hate forced memes


Would you say they are classed as a rule violation? Quality of posts and all that.

I met Murray at a Jeff Beck concert AMA

Who the fuck are Murray and Jeff Beck?

One is a Wiggle and the other is the greatest living white guitarist

I actually like the "pictures/quotes of a shitty scene" meme
it would be better if it was used in response to something and in some context rather than mindlessly posted though

plus they keep breaking my computer


>not watching Cara Fi
what the FUCK is wrong with you, /who/??

What the hell has it got to do with Dr Who?

What has Sarah Dollard's 2014 Welsh romantic comedy-drama got to do with Doctor Who? Do you even need to ask?


>this shill again

How much they paying you, eh? Fark off and I'll double it

What are the odds that it's somehow because of Adam?


Thanks to meme magic I can almost 100% confirm that this was definitely because of Adam Orforb

I don't think it's available anywhere, even for purchase. The only episodes I can find are two random ones on youtube. There doesn't even seem to be a DVD.

But I'll take $500 per thread that I don't post in.

Just explain how it is relevant to a Dr Who thread and I might give it a look.

shit this is getting depressing
one autist is ruining the mood of capaldi himself as well as fucking over all of the kids who come to see their hero

Sarah Dollard.

Hey gay user. I've never thought it was possible for a single person to contribute to Capaldi deciding to quit, but thinking about it it really is. If you had people hanging around sets all day and being weird and annoying you might just get fed up with it all.

So aside from being written by someone who has also written for Dr Who, it has no relevance whatsoever?


Surely meeting stars of a TV show just once is enough?

Does Orford sell the signatures on ebay for a bit of extra cash? It's the only logical explanation I can think of.

Someone should tweet at adam asking him if he's aware that his presence is affecting the mood of the actors

Right. So you keeping on spamming it is basically shitposting.

if I had to hazard a guess
adam is clearly autistic (not just the meme kind, the actual medically diagnosed kind)
he's unemployed - we know this
he likes doctor who
he goes to filmings to meet the doctor and his companion
by showing up every single time, he thinks he's developing a relationship with the cast (allegedly he considers himself on a first name basis with capaldi)
orford's basically thinks he's become their friends by showing up every time and making himself known to them. As part of the autism, he is unaware of how they actually feel about his presence

Is there any actual evidence that it is?

I think it's worth watching.


So that's a no then.

use your head, user

This is actually tear inducing. I'd feel sorry for him if it wasn't so funny.

Use yours. He could have any number of things on his mind. No one has posted any evidence at all to suggest it is anything to do with Orford. You're just making wild assumptions based on your dislike of him.

Adam is just a rather annoying albeit insignificance to him.

I imagine that he probably is annoying but Capaldi is a pro I'm sure he can handle it. The suggestion that Orford may have something to do with Capaldi quitting is frankly ridiculous.

It's not that ridiculous. Treating it as if it's an obvious fact is though.

Sounds a lot like how Adam's writing.

Now we're just getting into outright delusions.

That's so sad, but the crew are no doubt aware if he's been doing it for a number of years.

Perhaps it does. I could not say. Clearly I haven't spent as much time studying his writings as you.

>Capaldi quitting
Please tell me he's not really quitting

Hey everyone, how have you all been?

No, it's just an user with a hate boner for Orford making wild assumptions and accusations.

So why are you defending Orford and not Claudia or Girly Letters who've both been harassed the same way?

Claudia who? I don't really follow all the nonsense that goes on on twitter.

dead meme

Yeah right.


Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

What did you think he did?

shut up pls

I skipped 11th doctor. I tried but really couldnt stomach it. How is the new doctor? My favorite episode was Midnight if that means anything

Okay, attention whore. Filtered.

I stopped watching during s8. Capaldi was okay but super edgy. Apparently he's lightened up for s9.

If you liked midnight you'll really like Listen and you'll probably like Heaven Sent
Capaldi's a much better doctor than 11. Nothing like 10 but in a good way

Okay? Like I care if you filtered me lol.

>the 'listen is good' meme

>the 'opinions I don't agree with are memes' meme

>the "contrarian faggot" meme

Fark off.

nice meme

Neat. I'll get a few episodes when im free to try out. I really couldnt stand rocky dennis doctor. im not sure if it was the new doctor, the supporting cast, the subplots, the writing, or all of it together.