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is too late to watch it tonight, anyway

better wait until it appears in my usual tracker

This copy just went up about 20 minutes ago on Kickass.

Not that 15fps shit either.

New, what does this mean?

It's a file.

found it, DLing now

I figured as much, but what do I do with this information?

>web dl

I wish I could trust you fuckers

Just google search it and a torrent should pop up.

>no seeders

Not him but I've looked on 3 sites and nothing pops up

>no seeders

ultimate or theatrical

should i wait?


buy it now on amazon

nice seeds

Link a better one if you can find it.

Almost done, lads.

You speak Spanish?

bought it on amazon. when will it unlock?

Anybody got a DDL MP4 openload link?

Fucking cunts won't seed.

>Wonder Woman front and Centre
>DC changed their logo yet again


>Name of movie is Batman V Superman
>Affleck is best bat, second only to Conroy
>Fucking Wonder Jew front and center
>Fucking Wonder Jew on the cover *at all*
This "muh strong female protagonist" meme needs to end.

is the ultimate edition supposed to be the extended version?


Well, the film got slagged so fucking hard, they probably have her there to entice people who have never seen her in movies.

what's the audio bitrate?

>almost 7 gigs
jesus fucking christ

>tfw no yiffy


>Width : 1 916 pixels
>Height : 796 pixels

>Bit rate : 384 Kbps


It's got an English audio track. Was just the first torrent I saw.


That's Portuguese.

fucking fresh torrents are the worst, gotta wait some time before anyone actually seeds the thing... it's even worse for vidya

Ah, Nice.

0 seeders...

Things i noticed that were changed:

The Africa scene is a bit better. Has some soldiers on horseback from the trailer that i dont know what they were doing. KGBeast i guess and his goons kill niggers. Supermanshows up and stops a drone shooting a missle i think. scenes of superman talking to more niggers and actually getting some info on batman that kinda help his motivation i guess. jenna malone was worthless and basically just said that the wheelchair that blewup the capitol was lead lined so superman couldnt see it. the dude batman branded goes to jail and gets shanked by a nigger. two faggots are making out in the background of a shot with superman doing batresearch. some gotham and metroplois football game with the two cops batman scares in the beginning. superman screams when batman throws him down the stairwell durring their fight. batman says lex is going to arkham when he is in jail. there were a couple extra doomsday shots. steppenwolf . thats about it. overall i think it kinda makes the movie a little more better, i guess. not really worth a director's cut in my opinion. i still like the movie okay. its not great but it's above average capeshit still .

i miss yify ;_;

is YIFY dead or something?


Stop trying to make your late thread happen.

>6384 peers
>0 seeds


no, a new team's been doing it

also doesnt really warrant the R rating. xmen apocalypse had more blood than this movie. also no nude amy adams

>public trackers

>0 seeds
Fuck this shit

>no nude Amy Adams

Apocalypse is more violent than BvS uncut? Fuck

>no nude amy adams

>not being on a private tracker

i downloaded this shit within 10 minutes on my seedbox rofl

fuck off if you can't even find the right one

>torrent stopped downloading at 96%

Why the fuck are torrents still a thing? They're so garbage.

i'll just wait for the remux upload


why are you using public trackers would be the better question

Nigger none of them have seeds

so you're telling me i've been waiting to see waif's tits and they don't show

hold me lads

What the fuck else am I supposed to use when you kikes never invite anyone to private ones.


The fuck? Mine says 0

It's a rhetorical question, he's just gloating

ayo, the opening titles/death of the Waynes was pretty amazing

also they say that dude in the beginning who was with lois that got shot, was in fact jimmy olsen. oh and there was like a native dude with some other foreign guy when superman goes hikng and finds ghost pa kent. they say like "he's going that way because he knows it's impassible, so he must be going to kill himself". but then he doesnt kill himself. the rest of the movie just kinda plays out as it is. i think teh flash also said that bruce was right about superman when he appears after his dream. and he says "find us" as in assemble the Justice league. so i think they are setting up superman to be a villain

Why would you down load a 1080 WEBDL and a RARBG at that?
Are bvs drones really this clueless??

>There are people here who will actually buy this and pay to be ripped off twice for the same product

>Man, that Wayne murder opening was pretty amazing

>fade to white

>The World is Introduced to the Superman

>the moment you realized BvS was kino

someone please dump on mega

are you people really going to watch a 3h+ movie at this time? on a weekday?

Mankind is introduced to Superman.

And, i saw the film 2 times in the kínémà. I'm glad that all of you people will enjoy kino this time too.

the boss let's me watch movies at work

time for kino

>implying im a slave to the MAN
>implying if I was a SLAVE I woldn't have bought a blueray copy for a measly 20 bux

>3 hour long movie

For real though. I think most of the hate this movie got from critics was that it was capeshit trying to be an actual interestingly made movie and they wanted none of that. They just want esplosions and a straightforward plot.

Most of them are on summer break my friend

I sleep late anyways and I work 5 minutes away from where I live.

Anyone got a MEGA link?

jej, I'm going to sleep now. Have fun waiting 30 hours for your shitty

just use a private tracker lmao

Its summer reddit fags

>5 gigs for a webdl capeshit flick that has no artistic merit
j_sus christ

Never fucking respond to me again.


Reminder that capekino is a shitty twitter reddit meme

Hello you disgusting wageslaves LMAO

Why does anyone watch xvid? It always looks blurrier than the x264, even at larger file sizes.

How's your summer kid?

The worst parts were the studio mandated setups for Justice League. Had it just been about Batman, Superman, and Lex Luthor the whole way, it would have been the best comic book movie.

On a side note, I didn't particularly care for Eisenberg's portrayal in the theatrical cut. I was willing to give him a shot, but him flubbing during his party was when I dropped any hope of redemption.

rofl is this your first year of pirating or why don't you have a private tracker account? do you need an invite? post your email

wut? nobody have used that shit in more than a decade, man

literally just downloaded this in 4mins on a free ddl hoster. Fucking step it up you shitter

>tfw internets is going slow as shit tonight

Is this kino?