Alright Sup Forums hit me with your most offensive jokes

Alright Sup Forums hit me with your most offensive jokes

Other urls found in this thread:

They say there's safety in numbers. Tell that to 6 million jews.

Your mom

How do you get a jewish girl's number?
Roll up her sleeve.

How do you pick up hot girls at auschwitz?
With a dustpan.

How do you turn a fruit into a vegetable?
With a baseball bat.

Wanna hear a joke?


What's got more brains than a Connecticut first grader?

The wall behind him.

What is white on top and black on the bottom?


What is black on top and white on the bottom?


You know what the first symptom of AIDS is?

A pounding sensation in the ass.

What's black and white and red all over?

An interracial couple in a car crash.

No it's a newspaper.


What do you call a fish with no eyes?


A priest and rabbi see a boy walk by.
The priest says "i wanna fuck him"
The rabbi replies, "out of what?"

A zoophile, necrophilia, pedophile, and massochist are all in a prison cell together.
Zoophile: I wish I had a kitty in here to fuck.
Necrophile: I wish I had a dead kitty in here to fuck.
Pedophile: I wish I had a young dead kitty in here to fuck.
Masochist: Meow?

>Why don't black people go on cruises?

>They ain't falling for that again

What's the hardest thing about walking in a fed of dead babies?
My penis

>implying sandy hook actually happened

Funniest post in this thread

What's the worst part about being a pedo?

Having to burp your girlfriend after each blowjob.

you can laugh all you want, but i'm the real almighty god.