The Force Awakens.........only more so.
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Was that the reaction at the time?
I think people were so hyped that there was a new Star Wars movie that they overlooked most of the problems except for Jar Jar.
Except people actually liked it when it came out.
Was it, really? One one hand, most people tend to agree that it's better than the prequels. On the other hand, I don't recall it getting nearly as much hype as TPM did.
It had corporate hype
I don't understand why all the fanboys say they've been waiting for the prequels after 16 years. Was there ever a news piece that Lucas mentioned he wanted to work on prequels, right after RotJ?
100% kino
No, when it was revealed it would be prequels that already seeded a bit of doubt in people. Sequels were what people expected and what most people wanted.
I mean, seriously, prequels? The fuck?
No, literally everyone except prequelbabbies and hardcore contrarians on the internet agrees that TFA is great.
Didn't Empire always have the Episode V subtitle?
I liked it when it came out, my friends liked it, the people in the theater seemed to like it. looking back it has issues sure but it isn't as bad as Sup Forums makes it out to be, definitely the best of the prequel movies by far.
>its a TPM is bad episode
literally no worse than any of the OT
not saying its a good movie, but its nowhere near as bad as people say it is
I was 13 years old and just wanted to see lightsaber fights. I found Anakin insufferable to watch and the podrace was good, but there was little else about the movie that made me ever want to see it a second time.
I'm not one of those fair-weather plebs who only started to hate the prequels when RLM made its videos.
>There are people on Sup Forums who are old enough to have seen TPM when it was released in theaters as teens
I feel old.
>internet agrees that TFA is great.
That'll turn around in a few years. With the shitty Episode 8 and the force tree, Episode 7 will be retroactively assessed as garbage.
I was 19 and stood in line for days taking shifts with friends and drinking in line together every night. Everyone loved it walking out and didn't question it for about 3 months.
Yes, because we were promised that Ep7 wouldn't be a repeat of the prequel disaster, that we would FINALLY have a good star wars film again. In the end we just got a half baked ep4 remake. At least the prequels, even as shit as they are, feel like a genuine star wars film where as TFA feels like generic scifi.
>TFA is great
This is what plebtards actually believe.
I saw Star Wars in the theater in 1976.
George had mentioned the idea of a prequel trilogy and a sequel trilogy at some point during the 80s, but after his divorce from Marcia Lucas he didn't touch Star Wars at all for nearly a decade. Any more Star Wars in the late 80's/early 90's was a pipe dream.
The universe was nearly dead and buried until the massive success of the EU started by Timothy Zahn alongside the first wave of Hasbro action figures. Seeing that there was still a massive audience for Star Wars, this got George motivated to start work on the prequels in earnest around 1994/1995.
It doesn't feel like star wars at all. Doesn't have the same feel at all.
teens? Grandpa I have bad news for you, I was in middle school and *I* feel old.
inb4 turn to dust.
>TFA is a clone of ANH!
>But it doesn't feel like Star Wars!
Jesus christ the doublethink
Episode 1 is the best prequel
It took a good 2-4 weeks for word to get out that the film wasn't the best.
I remember going myself and being so hyped that I couldn't process what I was watching. There was a kind of quiet awe as everyone was leaving the theater and something felt a bit off to my mind that I couldn't put my finger on but it wasn't until I saw it again a week or two later that I realized the film wasn't that great.
Who are you people responding to? nowhere did I mention my age in my post if it matters I was 14 when it first released.
The problem with TFA is it exists in the first place.
The story was over at RotJ
>People waited in line at midnight to buy TPM toys
Episode 1 is an OK movie that's brought down by a bunch of boneheaded decisions like JarJar, excessively cluttered finale, baby Anakin talk, Midichlorians, etc. It's amazing how much the anti-cheese edit improves it. It helps that it's structurally pretty similar to ANH too.
Episode 2 and 3 are much, much worse. The core story is a fucking mess, love story is laughable, and the movie is lazily shot on early digital tech which makes it ugly as sin. These are huge fucking problems built into their very foundation that no amount of selective editing can fix.
I finally got to feel the disappointment that people felt for Phantom Menace.
Walked in the theater with low expectations, left without any care for the future of the franchise.
>Has there ever been a more anticipated and more disappointing film than The Phantom Menace?
Nope. If you factor in both how much people were looking forward to it and how bad it actually was it's the BIGGEST disappointment in history.
> Maybe you need to see it again, you tell yourself. Yes, that must be it. The shock hasn't worn off yet, you just need to rewatch it without the hype and you'll feel better
Yeah this exact thing happened to me. Probably saw it four times in the theater like a fool while still in shock trying to figure out 'what happened'
so... 90's thread???