Why was anybody but Crazy Eyes blamed for [spoilers]Poussey's death[/spoilers]

Why was anybody but Crazy Eyes blamed for [spoilers]Poussey's death[/spoilers]

If she didn't sperg out none of this would have happened.

best girls

She certainly is

I voted for Maritza because of Pizza


I hate that fucking autistic sheboon so goddamn much, she is literally not even fucking human

Same here. She's fucking annoying and should have been sent to psych a long time ago

Well the guard did call her an "Animal" to make the SJW's watching hate him even more.

because muh black lives matter reference

Probably wouldn't have spazzed out if the psychopath guard didn't force her to fight the night before.

Can someone explain to me how they hide Flaca's and Maritza's cans? I just dont understand.


After watching the fourth season and rewatching the first season I've realized that the show's not really that great. I mean, I enjoy watching it and I find most of the characters interesting, but some scenes are written so fucking badly that it's baffling. The Poussey death scene was really messy for the wrong reasons. I get that it was supposed to be chaotic but it was so stupid how it escalated into that situation, the inmates were literally standing on tables and the guards made them get off the tables one by one yet suddenly a few seconds later there's a fucking riot going on. The oh so subtle black lives matter shit in season four was really bad too, it was so in-your-face.

I just finished watching and I didn't even tell it was about black lives matter until they started mentioning it explicitly in the final episode.

It seemed executed horribly, I thought they were making a statement about meaningless deaths caused by the disconnection between the prison and MCC.

That's how every season has been. Rather good but ends in the worst and most cliche way possible

season 2 ending GOAT

>season starts showing how hard it is to kill someone with strangulation
>ends with someone putting a knee on a persons back for all of 2 minutes and totally killing her

that was exactly my initial reaction to that scene

also how does a bunch of guards in which many are former veterans not have any CPR training?

>tfw I want to soil my white lineage by shacking up with a cutie Latina and have kids with her

The veterans being pieces of shit and not doing cpr didn't surprise me too much. But the decent guards were there. I don't know the contrast between the opening and that scene are really jarring.

Damn I didn't know she was thick

Crazy Eyes is known for that sort of behaviour, if the guards had more training or knew the prison/prisoners better like the old guards, they could have known how to handle the situation.

Also she only sperged out because Pisztecka over-reacted to a peaceful protest.

Don't get pissed off when one of us impregnates your women then.

What pissed me off the most was everyone was there. Everyone saw Crazy Eyes was sperging out and keeping Bayley from doing his job. I was more mad at her than Bayley

How the fuck do you die from someone kneeling on your back like that? Then no one thinks to do CPR? Shit-tier writing

Do you really think they even cared enough to do CPR?

how the fuck is it possible to kill someone that quickly just by resting your knee on their back?


Crazy Eyes needed to have been in psyche. Someone who can be set off so easily does not need to be with the general population

he was pushing his entire body weight onto her lungs with his knee, plus crazy eyes was hulking out on top of him which added even more weight and pressure. considering poussey weighs like 90 lbs. it's not that surprising she wouldn't be able to breathe but it IS a little surprising that nobody stepped in to help or even attempted to revive her after the fact

Its called positional asphyxia.

why didnt anyone try to revive pousay?
You'd think tastee would have but all she did was fuckin cry

why would you try to revive her? she's a fucking dyke

Crazy Eyes overstayed her welcome.