/got/ eternal general

btfo edition

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what was his last thought?

Azor Arya.


>I should have fucked Margerey

Lancel threw himself to the ground, covered in dirt and mud, dragging himself along the stacked barrels adorning the dimly lit corridor engulfed in emerald radiance. The light of the candle a jousting-track ahead, he grabbed the ground as intensely as he could. He heard the legends of the green death before, there was no doubt that this would be the end of him, surely it must be. The pain in his leg didn't bother, it was a nuisance compared to the impending doom looming like a shadow over King's Landing and its inhabitants. From afar one might only hear the grunting and moaning emitted from Lancel's throat, the hearer not inaugurated in the danger that may lay ahead. This was no time to rest, Lancel knew, how he knew. He knew it with more intensity than anything he's ever known before. So he dragged and dragged, shuffled and crawled, the key was simple, the resolve was simple, he knew it would be. As he reached the puddle that carried the candle he came to a halt, fascinated by its incandescent glimmer, inappropriately so. Wax slid like ale into an ocean of brew, green was the world as the flame hit the surface, Lancel's eyes widened as they never did before and will never again and in his last moment of calm he finally realized: "There is no brestplate stretcher".

And then death came quick.


Who the fuck rigs a city to burn with completely independent wildfire caches?

You'd have to send multiple men to each one to suicide trigger them

I fear I've bingged my last bong.


>Rickon died
>no one fucking mentioned or even asked 'Where is Bran'

Daily reminder the North remembers everything except Bran

salted pork

>thinking about reading the books
>audiobook for GoT alone is 33 hours long

Fucking hell, is it worth it? Who has that kind of time?

He's assumed dead because cripples don't last long




Faggot OP forgot the thread theme music:


just listen to the audio while posting

>is it worth it?

>Who has that kind of time?
What you're gonna do instead? Tumblr? Reddit? Facebook?
Don't be a pleb


-Based Jon
-Based Cersei
-Based Jonsa
-Based Kelly C
-Based Bear Loli
-Based Olenna

-High Sparrowfags BTFO
-Macefags BTFO
-Stannisfags foveverBTFO
-Smirkfufags BTFO
-CIAxSansafags BTFO
-Cordyfags BTFO

The rest still remain the same.

... and the season ranking is finally over.

/got/ - 10 > 9 > 7 >2 > 5 > 4 > 3 > 6 > 1 > 8

Westeros.org - 10 > 9 > 5 > 2 > 4 > 7 > 6 > 3 > 8 > 1

Rotten Tomatoes - 5 > 10 > 9 > 4 > 3 > 6 > 7 = 2 > 1 > 8

IMDB - 10 > 9 > 5 > 2 > 4 > 3 > 5 = 1 > 6 > 8

RT is kinda all over the place, but /got/ and Westeros.org have similar rankings, along with IMDB.

stupid excuse

so can anyone just learn to make and use faces? Did they establish that Arya has mastered this skill? Why the fuck not show that training? They did a 3 minute karate kid montage for fighting with sticks, why not do one for the most interesting power on the fucking show?


is this another one of GRRMs leaked pages?

The more I think about it the more pissed I get. That castle is Salsa's right by all the laws of gods and men. And that motherless bastard took it from her. Ned never would have allowed it.

Does he have downs?

>slid like ale into an ocean of brew
>green was the world
I'm glad I didn't read the books

theres more training in the books

Someone should crop this to make it look like Arya's getting oral

>What should I do with this woman who burnt a child alive in cold blood?
>I know, I'll banish her to the south, not giving Davos the revenge he deserves, where she can do the same thing she would with us in the north, except with no monitoring to avoid her burning people alive
>That'll show her

I believe they're all connected in the books to completely destroy all of KL. I could be wrong, it's been a minute since I've read them.

>cripple went beyond the Wall years ago where the Night King has more recently killed every last wildling except the ones Jon saved
>expecting the cripple to still be alive


>Written by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss
>Did they establish
pick one

Whose Little Bird Network is stronger? Qyburn's or Varys'?

I'd rather fuck Walder than Arya tbqh

Am I the only one who is is still 100% convinced Euron = Daario?

When the big battle vs Night King come i just wanna see Lyanna charge into bunch of zombies with 60 good men behind her all riding bears

GRRM does it again

Don't listen to or read books that will never reach an ending or give you answers to your questions.

Stay a pleb, don't be a cuck

You're right. Catacombs filled with the stuff. The pyromancers just kept making it and making it after the mad king died cuz no one told them to stop

how does that excuse them literally never even mentioning one of their siblings even in passing

no u

vars is o.g.
they all probably still work for him while working for Q

The Daynes of Castameme
Written by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss (ft. Bryan "Dorne" Cogman)

And who are you, and who are you
And whoooo are yooou
And who are you, and who are you
And whooooo are you.

And who are you, and who are you
And whooooo are yooou
And who are you, and who are you
And who and who are you.

And who are you, and who are you
And who and who are you
And who and who and whooo are you
And who and whooo are you

And who are you, and who are you
And who and who are you

Varys. Qyburn's littlebirds are just the remnants of Varys'

D&D said she's jealous of Jon.


reading is way faster. if you have good long commute then go for the audiobook



why does it look like arya is having an orgasm over this

Talk about Bran in regards to what onscreen?

Good. Hopefully she'll team up with Littlefinger.

But Qyburn's Little birds will murder for candy

I thought the rumor in westeros was still that Theon burned Bran and Rickon?

CIA will help Sansa take back Winterfell from the usurper Jon Snow. Don't worry.


she's too awesome. death when? Judging by D&D's faggotry, first thing season 7.

>i just wanna see Lyanna charge into bunch of zombies with 60 good men behind her all riding bears
*Direbears. Are Direbears a thing in ASOIAF? Because Direbears would be fucking rad.

Shit, I'd settle for an Owlbear. HOOT HOOT motherfucker.

bear loli's house is worthless

who wouldn't

Would've been funnier if it was "there was no pre-tourney blowjobs"

I'm not gonna believe those hacks.

Jon gave the chick credit for stuff, said they wouldn't be here without her, not Jon's fault the North doesn't care. And not like they chose him for politics, they're doing it cause more wars and battles are coming and they need a warrior king for that

D&D, Sophie, Kit and Liam are just trying to drum up speculation and anticipation for next season

bran reunion when

leaked footage of the first Qyburn scene of season 7


Bear x Bran x Meera

Man, that'd be a comfy sandwich.

season 7 episode 3 "Wolf-Bear Love"

She will. What he said got to her.

I ship Bran x Coral




did you not read that paragraph? That's mediocre writing through and through. I bet you're massive harry potter fan, faggot

Was Kevin in the Trial?



trips of truth.

how does it feel to have downs, faggot?

Yes, he was near Mace

whatever you say. kek.

What do you want her to do next season? Forever getting cucked by jon?

It is, but Jon already knows Bran's alive cause Sam told him.

Sansa knows Rickon and Bran are alive cause Theon told her.

Sansa already told Jon about Rickon cause she said that Winterfell belongs to them, to Bran, Rickon, Arya wherever they are.

And now everyone knows Rickon was alive.

They probably now know Bran survived too, but wherever he is, they either don't know or think he died anyway

Did YOU read the fucking paragraph?

Are you fucking retarded?

Oh wait, I'm talking to a showfag Redditor. Can't expect you to read more than 2 sentences.

it rhymes


>Littlefinger publicly declared for House Stark before they decided if Sansa or Jon was going to rule

Why the fuck didn't he wait a day or two?

>House Baratheon extinct
>House Martell extinct
>House Stark legally extinct
>House Tyrell next to go
>House Arryn has one blathering retard child who will never reproduce
>House Tully's heir a prisoner of the Lannisters and can be executed at any time
>House Lannister has two incestuous twins and a dwarf, alongside a bunch of nameless sixth cousins in the Lannisport branch

will ANY great house survive the series?

He only gave her credit in private, he didn't say a word in front of the Northern Lords.

I hope one of her first orders of business after she retakes Winterfell is to kill BitchLoli

I don't think so, theres no paragraphs about food.

She has the same look as Cat hadwhen Robb was crowned m8. Even the same lookback from the king and a smile from the Tully

Was Cat angry? No

Only dropped the smile after seeing a pissed off Littlefinger

you should take some deep breaths and calm down, just relax

>60 good men all riding big bears
>Here comes little Lyanna on a cub.

A bunch of dipshits with memory loss listened to a 10-year old who picked her side because zombies and they all decided to declare a mouth-breathing idiot who almost got them all killed by marching straight-forward into a trap their king when the rightful successor was sitting right the fuck next to him.

he can re-declare if he wants

I forget the kids name but it's the nipple sucker that little finger is trying to make normal. I have a feeling he's going to come back and be important

I hope in the end everyone dead

Wut going on in this thread

I'm like, yeah, she's nine
Wonder when she'll be mine
She walk past, I press rewind
To see that ass one more time
And I got this sewed up
North Boyz, they know us
All Stark Baby, no Boltons
No southern king can control us
Ay, yeaaah baby


>thinking that's GRRM's writing
>never read a thing by him
>"lol that's so bad just like his writing"