Are you for or against abortion Sup Forums?

are you for or against abortion Sup Forums?

everyone should have access to aborton
people who're against abortion don't understand what it is or why it's necessary

>Systematic genocide of millions of future lives
Ever heard of this thing called putting a child up for adoption? Last time I checked life was a right.

>But, but user a fetus doesn't have a brain and isn't "alive"
Well youre still taking that away from them, and the ability to live. Why should the life of an innocent future life be put in someone else's hands?

Most abortions are done by black women so I'm for it at the moment, but against contraception (the white way to avoid the consequences of promiscuity).
In a white ethnostate I would have the opposite opinion.

Future black lives.

Who gives a fuck, people die getting out of bed

user is confirmed faggot

>Why should the life of an innocent future life be put in someone else's hands?
It's the woman's choice, goy!

You better watch your edge there kiddo.
Not realizing the is a difference between naturally dying and taking the ability of life away from someone.

As the universal declaration of human rights states, the right is enshrined in Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights:
"Every human being has the inherent right to life. This right shall be protected by law. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his life."

For it less idiots to worry about.

100% for it
There are way too many fucking people on this stupid planet already.
In fact, we should be able to abort anyone under the age of 21.

life doesnt matter as much as ppl think it does, millions of ppl die each day why would i care for something that isnt even conscious

Why go through the trouble and moral dilemmas of an abortion when you can just practice birth control and safe sex?
Why is this even an issue these days?

I genocide millions of lives a day just by fapping. Who gives a fuck.

I'm undecided about abortion.
On one hand it support killing children, on the other it gives woman rights

We need to start culling the population
I say we start by getting rid of our rampant mental illness problem. Just because you gave birth to a fucking potato doesn't mean you should have to raise it; make a better one next time, ffs.

I say all men over 16 should be required to get a Vas-occlusive contraception.

>Then only when people want to have kids will have them.

innocent future life implies the fucking fetus will not grow into a piece of shit because the crack whore of a mother didnt care for him if you think about it the amount of ppl that shouldnt be parents are the ones that most consider abortion

mandatory abortion unless you hold a breeding license

Swallow the debate

>the amount of ppl that shouldnt be parents are the ones that most consider abortion
Which is my position as well, especially considering most abortions are done by niggers. However the fact that abortion is legally enshrined as a right, and the justification for its being so, is so Jewy that it has to be said.


Someone doesn't get laid often.

>If you don't got a condom and she still wants it you go for it.

fucking this, what happens when the parents die the fucking potato will still suffer even if you cared for it your whole life it will still be alone because nobody but its parents would be willing to care for it

Questions skews the context. I am for choice for everyone . Personally , I would never prefer nor force an abortion. If my woman and I chose to get pregnant,She would have consequencesIf she chose abortion after making the commitment to give birth.

What does any of that have to do with my post?
There's nothing difficult about buying condoms and carrying one or two in your wallet for when things get hot.
Don't like the condom?
Get your bitch on the pill.
It's not fucking rocket science.

>Get your bitch on the pill.
confirmed for never having a gf

Keep telling yourself that.
I'm sure it will validate your argument.

and what happens when your gf lies about being on the pill?
then what

Why would she lie?
What kind of scum would do that, man?


Okay, so you're just trolling then.
Go bait someone else, I'm done here.

some bitches are crazy user, ppl dont think the bitch be like she is but she do

He's not even trolling, you just don't understand.

I got it just now, fuck I'm such a sperg
It sucks that people always have to be on guard for crazy people, like guys who poke holes in their own condoms, and women who lie about being on the pill.
I'm still just flabbergasted because most girls are straightforward about that sort of thing in my experience.

No, we need more people like this around.

>Ever heard of this thing called putting a child up for adoption? Last time I checked life was a right.

Rights are things we give to people. Abortion doesn't happen to people.

>Why should the life of an innocent future life be put in someone else's hands?
people's lives are in other people's hands all the time
there's any number of laws around this kind of thing
this should not be a surprise to you