What I'm about to say is totally irrelevant and I'm pretty much bound to find replies that won't change anything in my...

What I'm about to say is totally irrelevant and I'm pretty much bound to find replies that won't change anything in my life but for the sake of wasting time I'm just gonna do it.

As you're all aware that Sup Forums is filled with all kinds of people, I want to introduce myself as one of those who you call "trash", not in the literal sense but that's how I feel.

You see, I'm just a young male unemployed, still living on mommy's blood like a parasite, everyday I wonder if I will ever change, and I doubt it all the time, as far as I know, I only eat, shit and go messing around the computer 24/7, there is not a single day that passes that makes me thing I'm worth something, useful or even if I'm good at something at all, which pretty much makes me feel really sad.
I'm fat, I'm pretty much disgusting and repulsive and I honestly can't imagine myself from my own heart.
Notice that I'm not saying "hey I have depression, please give me attention and I will post a pepe image and some dick picks" or "I'm gonna do it Sup Forumsros".
Honestly I don't value my life at all, perhaps it's because I'm still at a stage where I haven't found an identity for myself? But who knows, I've grown with my mother alone, just giving me all I want when I want and never learned to do things for myself, the only thought I ever have everyday is to leave my home and pretty much let myself die next to a trashcan, since that's what I deserve, because I can't provide any usefulness to humanity itself,
I don't know, I still want to write down more stuff but I think this sums it up prettymuch, hopefully thread doesn't die and maybe one person reads it.

Other urls found in this thread:



Just start by exercising and eating better. When your confidence is a bit better, try studying or finding a decent job where you can eventually upgrade. Costumer service in a bank is a good example and doesn't require much specifications.

Anyone can bring something to the world. Just imagine yourself as a plumber. Not the most noble job there is but hey you can easily make 80k a year to spend on whatever you fancy and everybody needs you at some point.

Your good at something. Your not alone, many people are in the sane boat you are. Shit sucks not being independent, trust me i know. You will find your way.

Theres a rising number of people in your situation including myself a yeare ago. Make a difference. Learn how to do it yourself, to do that you're going to have to leave your comfort zone. Don't deny its existance, its the thing holding you and probably most people who related to your post, back.

Hey Sup Forumsro. Sounds like you are unhappy with yourself. So hit the problem at it's source. Start with a job. You'll probably have to start something like grocery or burgers (and the bastards will take months to hire you) and it may be soul crushing but this comes with two positives. 1: you have money. 2: you can hate your job instead of yourself.

These guys op

>because I can't provide any usefulness to humanity itself
You simply don't have to.

I could write other (more useful) things, but I'm tired as fuck.

Go for a walk, rethink stuff.
Personally, I need real people telling me to do or change something, else I don't do shit.

Apparently spelling is not what you're good at.

I know that feeling... You can't even see past tomorrow. Most people have plans for their lives. Where they see themselves 5 years, 10 years, 20 years from now but you can't even care enough to imagine tomorrow. You dread the days where you have to go out and meet with family for a holiday then feel like shit when they ask you what you've been up to lately, how things are going and the like. And once the day goes by, the clock just turns over again and you wait for the next dreaded day to come again but until then you just slink back to your room and close your mind and lose yourself in some unimportant task. You're not depressed. You just don't give a shit any more so you keep on trucking. The future holds nothing for you. No comfort. No promise of a better tomorrow. No life worth living. But you keep on trucking anyways.

Thanks for not your mother will die in her sleep

I'm too tired all the time myself. Everything drains my energy. I'm too nervous around everyone to hold a job for long. Friends and family are always helping me by placing job opportunities in my lap and such. I couldn't fathom where I would be in 10 years if mom passed away or something. I'm not particularly depressed. I just don't want to do this. I don't like that I'm here. Since 3rd grade I became aware that I'd rather not do anything. I stopped doing all school work from that point. I failed out of highschool and haven't done much since. I think some people aren't meant for life.


This always makes me jiggle

Do something. Take a class, learn. Dont try something out once or twice and bitch and moan about it, its called learning for a reason. Stick to it, whether it be excercise or training or studying for a certain line of work. So instead of bitching about how you hate yourself, make something out of yourself. Prove yourself wrong and show yourself you can fucking do it. Don't stop. Do something worthwhile and make yourself happy.

Quit your bitching You say you're unhappy but you keep yourself in this cycle of anxiety and unhappieness. I struggle every day with manic depressive disorder and this isnt some "oh im sad" no i went to my and got diagnosed. You have to push yourself, youre scared of trying, telling yourself youre not good enough but not willing to even try or learn. Its not easy, in fact its pretty goddamn hard. You will probably lose sighg of yourself again but whats important is that you gey back up and make it fucking count. Prove to yourself you can fucking do it.

Nah. I know I can do stuff and most people don't even see me as anxious through my facade. I'm good at every job I do. I'm just too tired. There is no point in making money for things I enjoy if I'm too tired to enjoy them; or in making money to support myself or others in our brief time alive on this planet. I just wish I wasn't here, faced with the decision of appeasing others, in some way, for my entire existence, or shooting myself in the head.

For what it's worth though, I do appreciate you taking the time to reply. I hope you find happiness and all of that.

Well im glad you're not so helpless and whiny as i perceived you to be. But if you really do feel tired all the time i reccomend working out, youll obviously be tired after the workout but when you're body gets used to it you will definitely have more mental energy and feel more awake. Just a suggestion, take it easy user.

This is too true

You have the internet, clearly your life isn't that hard. Imagine how tough your life would be without the ability to complain about your feelings on an anonymous image board in the middle of the night so that you can be berated and taunted with "kys faggot".

Seriously enjoy your free ride while it lasts, and if all else fails join the military. That way you can die while aiming for the high score.

get you fat ass off the computer, what kind off shit is this? try different types of jobs or just settle on something easy.

>sitting home all day not doing shit
>im a useless piece of shit