There are people on this board at this very minute that believe this is KINO, KINO GUYS WTF. NO...

There are people on this board at this very minute that believe this is KINO, KINO GUYS WTF. NO. Not even your ultimate cut can save you.

Other urls found in this thread:

No they dont. That's the joke. The meme is that people are pretending it's kino so newfags amd board tourists accidentally think it's good, when we all know the truth

>he actually believes this


The people who think it's good are either plebs or contrarians.

You obviously didn't get it. Not enough quips?

The visuals were pretty good though.

Because that's literally the only thing Snyder knows how to do. He should honestly stick to being a cinematographer and leave directing to someone else.

His only good works have been adaptations or remakes of an already existing source material(300, Watchmen, Dawn of the Dead). Whenever he tries to create something new(Sucker Punch, Mos and BvS) it ends up being a jumbled mess that's just pretty too look at it. At the end its not even that enjoyable because of the overuse of CGI with those afwul dark washed off colors.

He just isn't a good Director, Writer. He is awful at taking advice from people, and the people that he does listen to end up making him mess up even more. He literally doesn't know what he is doing and he got control of this huge ass project with no credentials to back it up. Not to mention all the Exec meddling with trying to start their DCEU.

>he doesn't think it's kino
You're better off killing yourself, you oxygen thief, you have no brain for true cinema.

It's not a meme, retard.



I've always felt that Snyder shouldn't be at the helm of anything more than choices regarding the visuals of these films.

Everything else he tries (ie: grandiose themes) comes off kind of heavy handed. I like that he's trying but it ends up very messy.

Marvel on the other hand just keeps everything tight and on the same tried and tested formula which is just as boring.

this isn't kino, it's capekínémà

learn the fucking difference plebs

No they don't.
This movie is such a fucking disaster that liking it became a meme.

>visuals good
Let's put aside the CGI, which was horrible.
Snyder's cinematography is fucking film-school tier, and it's obvious his entire career has suffered from his experience with music videos.

Shut up Sup Forumseddit.

BvS is unironically the best capefilm ever made by the best cape director.

Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.

This, wouldn't be surprised if these two
Were actual people who unironically think like this.
It's very curious, because outside of Sup Forums, you won't find people like this anywhere, not even in Sup Forums

Glad it's at least being contained to this shithole.

Thanks for confirming that bvs is the utimate kino when redditors like yourself can't appreciate it


Funny because no one outside of Sup Forums and r/DCmovies unironically likes this, and considering Sup Forums is probably the worst board in this site, I guess it is pretty clear the kind of retards that like this.

Mad as fuck, I love it.
You seem to be spamming very hard, yet this is the first time I see that pic, which means all this retardation is being contained to Sup Forums
Good to see this won't get out of /trash/ 0.5

check the audience reviews on metacritic, amazon, itunes etc. it's got a pretty favorable reception on plenty of other sites.

I would post a pic of the average DC fan, but we all know the DCEU fanbase is dead and there's not such a thing anymore.

In none of those websites they are so obsessively defending this garbage.
So no, this autism only happens in DC's subreddit, and in the Reddit embassy on Sup Forums.

fuck off

Sup Forums was onboard with the movie well before reddit, it's always like that

>Sup Forums was onboard
DC drones were onboard and were going to like it even if it was 2 hours of Snyder taking a runny shit, which it kind of was.

Thing is, it was a dissaster, everyone laughed at it, and now you spent months and months with constant damage control.
I mean, you autists spend 3 years mad as shit at MoS and how everyone laughed at it, of course you were going to get mad as fuck at BvS' failure, and that damage control won't stop until Justice League comes out and they all hate it.

>DCuck thinks anyone in this site sides with them
Dude, outside of Sup Forums and these retarded threads nobody likes BvS, even Sup Forums hates it and has little faith for JUSTice League.

You are alone, you've always been.

What the fuck is kino?

prove its kino then you lazy baitor

>trying to meme this fucking hard

>that image
literally bait
>damage control
where? 3 years mad at mos? the discussion about it was this year, public perception was torn. i can't say about Sup Forums consensus
fuck off with your damage control
work on on how you lead into the alone comment, maybe get someone to make a shop of evans laugh coming out of the darkness or some shit, maybe even shop evans on the batman reveal scene in bvs

>What the fuck is kino?

>Board Tourists

watching a shitty rip right now

will report back



There is people on this board that believe Batman V Superman is a better movie compared with Amazing Spiderman 2.

WTF GUYS. NO! ASM2 is way better by miles.


poor soul, why all the mental gymnastics?

If you don't like it it's ok. You don't have to agree with everyone all the time.