What was the point of this character?

What was the point of this character?

religion bad

Plot device

Hint: David and Dan are atheist Jews who have been beating us over the head all series with the notion that death is final and there's no afterlife.

Don't try to help the people

Helping the people gets you sploded

He said bad thing about women he evil

Old Cis Straight White Males are useless, time for the strong womxn!

>Atheist Jews
What else? Are they also white niggers and gay heterosexuals?

He was my favourite character.

It's not even an oxymoron. Most Jews are secular anyway, and a lot of them are Atheist too.

To have hamfisted themes

Basically he used religion as a way of gaining dominance over Kings Landing, Once he was in power, only strick fanatic religious rules were enforced to stop the the backlashes of the commonfolk that royal houses had led them to. Starvation, Thirst, etc

he's the pope, he runs the church, he thinks it's funny to make people go streaking, he wants every character to.

He got Tommen, Margaery, and a bunch of other fuckers killed, what more do you want? A musical number maybe?

to waste screentime with boring scenes and awful dialogue

Did you watch the show??? How do you not know?

wtf i hate old white men with traditional values now now

>he got them killed
>not the person who actually killed them

He was Bernie Sanders

Cersei is Hillary and Dany is Trump

Illogical plot device. Meant to advance cersei and jaime storyline

Incredibly lazy writing, hes the twenty good men of kings landing and dies in te same nonsensical way

But was he really just a zealot, or was he simply making his power play? I guess I'll never know for sure, but I'm leaning toward pure religious fanatic who really did believe the shit he preached.

barnie sandles
but i thought you could come back as a snow zombie

this desu they use judism as sort of a country club thing and for nepotism most dont actually practice

>willfully ignoring the fact that Judaism is a cultural/ethnic lineage just as much as it is a religion

nice meme dipshit

show is written by internationalist jews. high sparrow was intended to make normalfags associate religion with bad shit

His whole point was to delay Cersei climb to the throne, to align it with Daenerys arrival. How fucking dumb do you have to be to not notice this?

in real life people are quite able to be both at once.

Whites are the true niggers of the world though.

please go back to fucking Sup Forums with this shit jesus christ you people are cancer

i bet your get ass blasted at /lit/ for reading deep into media too

I'm gay though???

oh yeah and all the Women being at power now is just a pure coincidence too

vote hillary goyim she will is totes like circi

not an argument. get off my board, JIDF

you are on the most jewish board on Sup Forums besides /biz/ fuck off antisemite