How would the series progress if Bran had listened to her, stopped climbing walls, and never get pushed out of the window by Jaime?
How would the series progress if Bran had listened to her, stopped climbing walls...
I don't know but she looks cold and judgmental as fuck
you're forgetting that the lannisters still killed jon arryn
How would the series progress if Bran never time warged into the mad king and made him go insane like he did to hodor
Ned would still do his investigation but Cat wouldn't go to King's Landing and Ned wouldn't trust Littlefinger. Robert would still die but Ned wouldn't have any cards to play and have no choice but to delay his attempted coup.
She never goes to KL, never arrests Tyrion. Jaime doesn't attack Ned. The Mountain doesn't start raiding the Riverlands.
Probably Ned manages to tell Robert about the incest before he goes hunting. If not, it mostly plays put the same, although maybe a non-crippled Ned could have demanded trial by combat when Littlefinger double crossed him
Ned vs Mountain? Who would win?
But hot. And old.
>Lannisters killed Jon Arryn
They had nothing to do with that.
Lysa, her sister, did that.
Ned would have still gone with Robert to be his Hand and investigated the death of Jon Arryn and found out that Robert's kids weren't actually his. Of course Cersei would have still planned to kill Robert and Ned probably would have still stupidly told Cersei his plans about pushing for Stannis to be King rather than her children since they weren't Robert's. Then Cersei would have plotted to have him arrested and killed still. So nothing outside of them being less prepared to deal with the White Walkers would change probably.
They didn't though
Ned might have been able to take him if he were allowed to have his overly huge Valyrian steel sword.
How would the series progress if Ned just had Joffrey, Tommen and Mycella killed?
Before or after Roberts death?
Ned might have listened to Renly instead of little finger, taken the throne, and given it to Stannis. though there would still be the conflict between Renly and Stannis, so maybe Renly would have turned on Ned to take the throne
Reply came to Ned the night before and told him to capture Jeoffry and Cersie and the other kids. Renly might have killed them, or kept them as hostage to suppress the Lanisters from revolting
I mean the only reason Ned had a hard on for Lannisters is because they crippled Bran.
Would he really risk a civil war because of this shit?
Fuck you if they do this.
They had already distrusted the Lannisters. Remember her sister had already sent them the letter about the Lannisters plotting to kill Richard. The plot was real but her sister didn't know that, she just wanted to start a war between the lannisters and the starks, which happened because of the lies she told. That's what got Ned investigating, and that's what got him to find out Cersei's secret, which lead to his death and to the war.
If there is one thing that could have prevented these events, it would have been her telling Ned that her sister was insane, instead of telling him to investigate it.
Yes, because muh honor.
Bloodraven had his eyes on him from the beginning. He would find a way to fuck him over.
Hodor would lose his name
It would play out basically the same except he would have walked to the three eyed raven instead of being draged for 3 seasons.