Lead actor dies at 27

>lead actor dies at 27
>box office flop
>critical aclaim
>audience loves it
>second (technically 3rd) feature film from director hailed as one of the most exciting new American director
>film is really fucking good

Cult classic in the making?

> two /tv threads on same unknown fucking movie
> lame marketer trying to push it
> fuck off

Stay new

Is this your first greentext?

did you just learn about the shill meme and this your first time trying it out, kid?

same fag.

I dunno. I thought Blue Ruin was better, but maybe this will be more famous because of Yelchin (+Patrick Stewart)

is there a torrent yet? i'll answer your question once there's a torrent.


go back to watching marvel films

patric stewart is lie 45 man.... AT leASY ike minimum. hes full bald irl dude

I... was not expecting this...

>box office flop
not my fault. I wanted to watch it but nearest place was 30 miles away. not going that far

>nearest place was 4352 miles

> fuck off

where do you live?

> fuck off

>he didn't watch Greenroom at the cinema before Anton died
How does it feel to kill a man, Sup Forums?

Lurk first then post

Hungary. I tried contacting the art cinemas, but nope...

> fuck off

>fuck off