37 years old today!
What's your favorite show/movie by her
37 years old today!
Ah, a Joe Camel thread!
I bet she has a big party today. I bet she invited everyone except Will Wheaton.
>she's only 37
I don't believe it
She's 37 in the same way my mom's been 40 for 24 years.
I keep seeing this goofy looking cunt, or is it some sort of mentally ill tranny?
She's an actress who cries because Hollywood won't cast her in anything because they say she's too old looking
>37 years old today!
uh, it shows... and not in a good way
She's a woman who conrtibutes to video game culture.
I don't understand.
I've smoked her fags for way longer than 37 years
>video game
pick one.
Hey she shares birthday with me. Ain't that cool
Not Sup Forums. Sage and report.
its unfortunate that she didn't go for any of the serious/dramatic roles
just the awkward cheesecake roles
The one where she gets sexually broken by five bulls
She conrtibutes to video games and gaming culture.
Rockstar, Valve, Ubisoft, Capcom, Sierra, Konami,
Square Enix, EA. All these companies and many more would not gotten where they are today without Felicias contributions to video game industry.
Eek! A mouse.
what is that in reference to?
There's no way this thing was born a female
My favorite movie is when she's living with a 70 year old dude. Oh wait, that's not a movie, that's real life.
She was in Lawrence of Arabia.
This woman is also 37.
Which looks better, Sup Forums?
>one is a human
>the other is a camel
You can compare them
Would smash Mercy without mercy
I think the hottest female in the game is Symmetra but best girl is D. Va.
Dance your cares away,
Worry's for another day.
Let the music play,
Down at Fraggle Rock!
Mak plezier en lol,
stikt e freggle in je nol!
Nah, Symmetra's a poo in the loo. Too brown
white women age like shit
>t. shitskin
Her body does crazy thinks to my penis.
Wow, she doesn't look a day over 60.
He's right though, white people are better at almost everything but you guys have horrible skin not equipped for the sun and age terribly.
nah she started The Guild when she was 27 and she still looks like shit back then.
She's just an ugly women
OK I pride myself knowing every Chan from Hollywood, Indie, International film, B to Z movie scream queens, reality tv, porn, pro wrestling, YouTube celebs, etc etc. But seeing this thread I go, "who the fuck is this camel faced woman and why is she relevant?".
remember how everyone thought she was so hot in the Do You Want To Date My Avatar music video.
Heres how she actually looks without good lighting and photoshop
That is not an attractive woman. She must have a great personality. No? Good sense of humor?
>All these companies and many more would not gotten where they are today without Felicias contributions to video game industry.
Yeah they would. Kill yourself, cunt.
>its unfortunate that she didn't go for any of the serious/dramatic roles
she couldn't act if her life depended on it.
Seriously was she a presenter for a video game show in the 90's? A writer for Gawker? An ex-gf of one of those RLM slobs? Why the fuck is everyone on Sup Forums obsessed with this ugly bitch?
It's because she's done nothing of value but holds herself in such high regard. That kind of thing just gets under your skin easily. That and she's just offensively unattractive
Had to drop Dollhouse after the second episode this chick showed up in.
This is the first FD thread i've seen on Sup Forums in months. Maybe you're just browsing during the US hours.
She made a show back into 2007 about a group of awkward friends who play an MMO.
It was big among fans of WoW. Felicia became pretty big in the video game industry, getting voice acting roles in video games etc.
She started becoming big headed and compared herself to Audrey Hepburn. Now it's 2016, she's aged like milk and doesn't get attention anymore and she blames it on men and gamers
She's one of tumblrs patron saints as well.
You're just too young. she was a thing like ten years ago, and even then just a small niche of WoW fans.
She also tried to act in some series. At least one. Small roles of course.
Holy fuck I had to Wiki her like a millennial or an old man because i was pop cultured stumped for once. Well I was never retarded enough to watch the guild or faggot enough to watch Dr. horrible so that's why I didn't know her. Also totally blocked her from memory on Buffy and Supernatural so yeah. Really impressive resume she has there. And people complain about Olivia Munn but obsess over this hag?
Oh a tumblrina? Nvm then, faggotry abounds again.
Hey dude, munn at least has talent. It takes a lot of talent to be Aaron Rodgers beard and act attracted to him.
>It takes a lot of talent to fake it
You've obviously never met a woman or had a relationship with one. That shit is second nature to them.
Munn was in the new Xmen.
The biggest thing Felicia was in was Supernatural.
Let's be objective here. Who's the biggest cuck and who's the bigger catch? Will Wheaton or Aaron Rodgers? At least Munn married a pro and didn't friend zone a has been never was loser.
Don't mean to come across as a misogynist, but I hope she dies like all other feminist whores.
apparently doctors have told her that she's going to die of a rare form of throat cancer mostly seen in men
Well, Will Wheaton is literally raising 2 children from his wife's previous marriage, and even adopted one of them which makes him a cuck.
On the other hand, Munn is married to a queer that cucks her all the time.
They're both living lies and both shit actresses but Day has some modicum of "talent", something she had to foster due to her looks, whereas Munn is only successful because of her looks.
Happy birthday, user. Watching any good movies today?
which is surprising since Munn is like a 5/10 at best.
You people are pathetic. Just take a fucking look at her accomplishments. TAKE A FUCKING LOOK. You can't even contribute 10% of what she's done to gaming and entertainment in your disgusting sad life.
What have you people done so far other than post in a Cambodian organ donation forum at your mom's basement calling Felicia Day ugly and untalented?
>12 million wow players
Wow, this list is old as fuck.
>suddenly the whole of WoW players are fans
>award winning web tv implies quality
>mentioned somewhere means popularity
I know this is bait, but when are they going to think of another insult besides "nerd living in mothers basement." Sup Forums is practically a normie website at this point anyway
Hey kid, you're a faggot
>12 million wow players
>she is also known for her work in Buffy the vampire slayer
she was in like 4 episodes and got a total of 5 second screen time
you can't even refute one iota, one fucking iota in that list there. she's affected more lives more than your sad pathetic existence.
she even has her own book and album what's your contribution other than shitposting in aTahitian pottery forum?
>that pic
you're blowing your own cover. Welp, it was fun while it lasted.