What did Ramsay mean when he said this? It seemed so out of character. Pizza looks decent btw.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Sausage Pizza

/ck/ here. nice that Sup Forums is enjoying Ramsey, but any fa/tv/irgin that saw that clip of the pizza and thought it was acceptable for service....

it makes me wonder if you actually live off hot pockets.

What is the most essential ramsaycore?

Amy's Baking Company and Pantaleone's

what ep senpai looks lit


Burger kitchen

Reviewbrah > Gordon

Pizza in question is at 14:00. Shit looks top tier comfy if you like puffy crust pizza.
Not everything has to be bullshit authentic Italian napoletana that sucks ass 50% of the time, and whoever can't enjoy both is a pretentious fag.


what a god

/fmg/ - failed memes general

Probably the worst of 2016 so far.

Sage and report.

our savior

It isn't a meme you fucking child. There hasn't been a single attempt at variation on the original image or subject matter. It's an ongoing conversation. Learn to use the internet.


-La Galleria 33
-Prohibition Grille
-The Olde Hitching Post
-Amy's Baking Company
-Piccolo Teatro

La galleria 33 has that really smug bitch as a waitress that I absolutely love. Probably my favorite episode.

daily reminder that reviewbrah is a /fit/ meme

But the restaurant was failing and had no one in it so that means no one liked it

>Brendan Alimony
>posting threads linking to Sup Forums
>this is what Sup Forums is now

wat? no la lanterna, la gondola or the priory?

Which is the one with the guy who owns like a farm or some shit?

I think he's screaming at Gordon in the intro.

>reviewbrah will never team up with gordon where gordon rings a bell and reviewbrah appears to sample the pizza like a minion


Mill Street Bistro. It's a two parter. Great episode, the owner is a fucking twat.

La Parra Burriana with the fucking chocolate shrimp though

Thanks, ya donkay!

Who /HotelHell/ here?

literally the worst Ramsay show

Havent watched it yet, is it basically just Kitchen Nightmares for hotels?

It's Kitchen Nightmares for people that like boring shows.

It's the same exact thing as Kitchen Nightmares.

Yes. I mean, identical in almost every way. He even sits around complaining about the food to an absurd amount.

i really enjoyed his travel-videos.


Gordon would speak over the top of him

getting a little bored of kitchen nightmares, follows the same cycle every show.

>we have fresh food
>Gordon changes the menu to fresh food
>The end

its fresh if its frozen fresh and kep in freezer for 3 weeks then heated in micro.

Enabling comments just enabled Redditors.

fun to see who closed and who stayed open tho

>we have fresh food
>Chef / owner can't put aside their pride in bad food
>check walk-in freezer
>Gordon changes the menu to fresh food
>Gordon forces Americans to not live like pigs and clean layers of dust from the original opening of resteraunt
>The end


>No Mill Street Bistro

well done Ramsay

I never understand why they lie. Do they really think he won't notice the food has been frozen when he eats it? Why not just come clean from the start. I swear some of them are deluded as fuck and just think that he'll eat their food and be like, "my God, this is the tits. Why is no one here?" and they'll get free advertising but surely they can't be in this much denial.

I've only see one restaurant that I can recall from KN where the food was actually good when Gordon got there. There might be a couple more but the rest I've seen have been overpriced dogshit.

what can you do

that's not his fault it's the owners

There is literally nothing wrong with some food being frozen, even ravioli. 99% of people can't tell 99% of the time. His fresh food meme is retarded and embarrassing.

Used to watch him. Last I heard he filmed something at my town's Monticello Hotel. He must've not done bad or cancelled because the place is being turned into some other shit now kek

look at this culinary super star

what fucking dog shit do you eat on a daily basis ?

I think I would be able to notice instantly if the food was frozen or not

Restaurants are already a business with an extremely high failure rate. Gordon isn't a miracle worker. He can advise these people and give them tips but if they've already drowned themselves in debt or are just going to go back to the habits that got them in debt in the first place they're going to eventually fail. I think many think that changing the menu and decore, improving the food and then marketing to the locals once is all the need to do to turn around their business forever and don't realise that it's a process that needs to be ongoing.

desu 99% of the people on Kitchen Nightmares should have never opened a restaurant in the first place.

it seems that regardless if the place closes or not someone comes and swoops up the business afterwards for the huge free advertising from Gordo

>no mamas soul shack

>There is literally nothing wrong with some food being frozen

Agreed. There is a big problem though when everything is frozen and they are charging fresh food prices and calling it fresh.

Also, with the exception of certain vegetables everything is better fresh and some things absolutely should never be frozen.

>99% of people can't tell 99% of the time.

Even Joe Average can determine when food doesn't taste great and costs more than it should

>His fresh food meme is retarded and embarrassing.

His fresh food meme is the mantra of virtually every successful chef and restauranteur.

Good episode but it's engrossing because it has a charismatic owner who has good food and deserves to be successful. Was good seeing it get turned around. A lot of Sup Forums posters want memes and shouting matches from kitchen nightmares, which is entertaining in it's own right, even if a little boring once you've seen it a few times.


>tfw no one talks about Ramsay's Costa Del Nightmares

why are americans so dumb?

Who was in the wrong here?