I feel so sexually frustrated all I can do is knee-jerk

I feel so sexually frustrated all I can do is knee-jerk.

Knee what?

Wtf is a knee-jerk

I feel so sexually frustrated that I don't feel anything any more. Just some strange hidden tension that impede my human contact because I have to control my every single reaction to what people do or say. I don't want my real, suppressed, feelings to come out because they are... scary, even for me lol. I'm afraid I might have a desire to killlllllllllll. Felt it once guys, I wish I was kidding. I just hope it is reversible.

it's not. the more horrid shit you find the worse it will get.

I don't get it what you said.

Download tinder, pick pics that show youre a fun normal guy, lie about having your life together if you have to, start getting matches, tell them only positive things that make you sound awesome, ask them to a bar near your place, get them drunk, invite them over, get laid.
Its so simple you doofus

I downloaded tinder. Used 2 photos I look "quite normal" on, I'm a 7/10 guy. Wrote something about my interests. Still just a few matches and zero replies lol. Now I added to my info a long cry for attention, saying I'm mad. It will not get any worse anyway... but at least if I get a match in upcoming year, it will be a proper person.

anyway, have you done it, that way before?


tinder is all about appealing to the low class. so, for getting women, that means look like you have money and are stupid enough to give it to them or if you're a woman it means show your body off.

Tinder is the lowest class casual sex shit in existence right now. The only reason any respectable or "normal" person would download it is just to see who around is cheating on their spouse.

It' seems to be for emotionally crippled people, tbh fam

Well, everything you said is normal and natural. Humans have done a great job at wiping out most of their natural prey from the planet, so what's left is people preying on each other. It's evolution and what you are feeling is your body and mind subconsciously understanding that role.

Humans are the top predator on the planet. Don't doubt it for a moment. Some will see you as their prey, also.

Yes i broke the app, I was sleeping with new girls every week, I had one week were I slept with a different girl 4 days in a row.
Im not even rich, I'm just cute and I know how to manipulate girls. Smart girls too, slept with biochemist, physicist, lawyer

This is false. Im the other guy in this threads whos fucked lts of tinder girls, and on lots of dates the girl offres to split the Bill at the bar and I stilll take her home and fuck her. That might be a sociétal thing though, I live in Canada so girls here try to act progressive. Cheaper Bill for me so i approve

They don't sound very smart to me. At least not socially intelligent enough to spot you and weed you out.

You probably just played the numbers game and swiped every single girl and then skipped the ones that looked like they could see through you.

It sounds like you're just manipulating lonely girls, dick-wad. I'm talking about being real, not some fucking sexual predator.

Nah im just a good actor and bullshiter. All girls on dating apps are lonely obviously, and the girls I fuck leave my place being happy, so Im not doing anything wrong by any standard.

Are you that faggot that pretends he's a fucking air ambulance EMT? Dude, you should be ashamed of yourself, not proud of being a scumbag.

How has being real worked out for you? Thats what i thought. In reality girls have idéals about the type of guy theyd sleep with and if you dont encompass any of those "perfect guy" troupes then you're stuck in OPs situation

No that's not me, no idea who that is. I only lie and say I'm from out of town and how many years I have left in my degree.

>How has being real worked out for you?
Relationships that last for years with someone I can love and trust and whom I be a real human being around, that's how it's worked out for me.

OP was talking about getting laid doofus

Well, I get laid when I want, so, excuse me for doing it without being a scumbag scam-artist.

A few experiences with guys like you and those girls probably turn into hard feminist bulldykes.

Getting laid from the same girl every time closing our eyes and imagining someone else, you're living the life my friend. Maybe you're like 40 but settling too early is a rookie mistake.